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Author Topic: Near Death Experiences  (Read 25697 times)

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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2010, 04:58:49 AM »

I have experience,and I have seen some dark stuff,ghost like a shadow and burning but no light,the ghost don't receive light,unlike the light,the ghost didn't sunshine,some kind of "dark-shine" ,maybe the ghost come from hell,maybe I will go to hell.
if you don't believe in me,just ignore.



Dear Soberxp, I don't suppose whatever ghost you've seen wouldn't happen to be the negative of your profile picture, would it?  ( ;) ;) nudge-nudge) haha    And I want to personally thank you for allowing us to ignore what you've said.  Can we also recommend that you be banned? 

Just kidding!


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #41 on: June 21, 2010, 07:56:59 AM »

Dear Gina

I think the post of our friend was full of irony. He showed how low he valued NDEs. I hope he meant that exactly ;)

Anyway, I must stand in defence of those who had NDEs. You will always find people who like using something for his own agenda, like Bill Wiese has done. But we shouldn't treat others as liars. NDE is a fact, the cause is not known (yet), it can be stricly physiological like our dreams are. It's obvious that we are talking here about being "clinically dead", not dead at all. But the most important thing is that many NDEs had a very positive impact on survivor's life. Mostly they stopped being selfish and materialistic and became more emotional, sensitive and caring for others. Therefore I conclude that NDEs might be one of God's way to change people's lives. I don't have to remind anybody that  Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.. God is in control of everything and because NDE exist He undoubtedly created it for purpose. I'm not calling into question the truthfulness of the Scriptures. I'm not saying NDEs are access to afterlife when immortal souls face God directly, because thanks to Mr. Smith's teachings (and God's Spirit) I know what soul is and know there is no afterlife after our physical death.

NDE will always have a place in my heart. By reading many testimonies I got interested in religion (again) or better word for that would be "spiritual realm". NDE led me to Christianity which led me to Christian Universalism which led me to Mr. Smith's teaching which led me finally to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master. In that case could anybody suggest my interest in NDE was a sinister plot by Satan ;) :)? If you had thought about NDE, maybe you would have found the purpose for it in my "spiritual path" :D

« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 08:02:37 AM by Dawidos »


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2010, 08:14:39 AM »

NDE led me to Christianity which led me to Christian Universalism which led me to Mr. Smith's teaching which led me finally to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master. In that case could anybody suggest my interest in NDE was a sinister plot by Satan ;) :)? If you had thought about NDE, maybe you would have found the purpose for it in my "spiritual path" :D

Actually Yes.

I started to go to church because I didn't want to go to hell. Which led me to apologetics. Which led me to BT and Ray's teachings. Which led me to an understanding of His Word and Christ coming into my life. Satan is said to 'deceive the whole world' [Rev 12:9], that doesn't exclude anyone save Jesus. Before one becomes the Elect, they too are deceived.

Every day we live our lives is a 'near death' experience because our lives are put a vapor, here today gone tomorrow. But as far as someone seeing or having consciousness in a state of death, I would believe the Lord before the testimony of men.

But let this not be a point of contention. There is no point to a continued debate on this issue, let's move on.



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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2010, 08:36:30 AM »

Just having a little fun.  I'll try to keep a lid on it.  

I understand the value people place on NDE's.  I don't mean to sound insensitive.   I would, too, except I watched a documentary years ago where an NDE was replicated in a lab study.  Doctors exposed part of a young man's brain and stimulated different parts of his brain tissue with electrodes.  The study patient, fully awake, was saying that he saw "bright lights" and "a tunnel," etc.  If memory serves me correctly, the doctors involved in the study speculated that the "bright lights" and "tunnel" could be that neurons are misfiring as the brain is shutting down.  

I've personally seen bright lights.  Once after getting knocked upside the head, I saw twinkling lights -- you know, they're the ones that cartoonists draw around the head of a character.  Hanna-Barbera of Looney Tunes fame used those twinkling stars a lot in their cartoons.   haha.  I did a little research and learned that happens as a result of the brain bouncing off the skull.

And per Marques, I'll just end it there. :)


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #44 on: June 21, 2010, 08:38:35 AM »

You are right. The final outcome is that what matters the most.


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2010, 09:30:39 AM »

Hey Gina

I am almost certain I saw the same excellent documentary. Scientists said they could simulate the widely experienced tunnel of light and feelings of euphoria that accompany many NDE’s

Last night I watched a documentary on the latest on LSD and the history of this hallucinogenic drug. There is a section of the brain responsible for separating our imagined perceptions from reality. Researchers said that the drug is able to blur this capacity of the brain making imagination appear real.  I don’t think that one need to depend on LSD for such experiences. I think of the many things that LSD shows, it also manifests what can happen to a dysfunctional brain that can occur independently of LSD! Mental dysfunction and loss in sound mindedness, need not be only associated to drug induced hallucinogens.  :D
The clinical research for applications of LSD’s pain killing properties and medicinal advantages, were suspended due to the outbreak of abuse of the drug and its lethal overdose consequences. For forty years the study and research into other possibly medically beneficial applications,   are now being relaxed.
The vivid analogy of  LSD that is as an inner manifestation of an external reality of a Nuclear explosion, was well made. 

Hey Dawidos
True. The outcome is written and decreed yet few believe it.  :)

judith collier

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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #46 on: June 22, 2010, 04:07:23 AM »

Boy, let me tell you how real a hallucination is. You can see the texture of a hair, the gleam in an eye, the color is vivid, it is alive as never before.
How do I know, well, just drink alchohol with a new medication you shouldn't be drinking with because you are stupid and didn't read the directions.
Try a 6 ft. neon green cobra sitting up, chasing you or maybe a 3 ft. kangaroo sitting on your chest looking down on you in bed!!!
It took my sister to figure out what the heck was going on with me, putting 1 and 1 together. The funny thing was the whole time I was seeing the kangaroo I knew it wasn't real somehow, the cobra, I thought was real, nevertheless, I thought my heart would collapse!!
NDE's must seem real to people too. Judy


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2010, 12:54:06 PM »

Boy, let me tell you how real a hallucination is. You can see the texture of a hair, the gleam in an eye, the color is vivid, it is alive as never before.
How do I know, well, just drink alchohol with a new medication you shouldn't be drinking with because you are stupid and didn't read the directions.
Try a 6 ft. neon green cobra sitting up, chasing you or maybe a 3 ft. kangaroo sitting on your chest looking down on you in bed!!!
It took my sister to figure out what the heck was going on with me, putting 1 and 1 together. The funny thing was the whole time I was seeing the kangaroo I knew it wasn't real somehow, the cobra, I thought was real, nevertheless, I thought my heart would collapse!!
NDE's must seem real to people too. Judy

Whoa, Judy, thanks for sharing that.  What medication was that?!  

When I think about all the legal and illegal drugs that people take (not judging) and knowing that the body has to excrete them, and that those same drugs wind up in our water supply  because there's no way to filter all of it out, and we end up taking drugs whether we need them or want to or not....

The body is amazing thing.  About 5-6 years ago, my body was acting like it was pregnant, but I was definitely not pregnant -- haha.  I remember saying to one of the girls in the office, "Somebody's pregnant, I can just feel it."  She said, Gina, you better go get your hormone levels checked.  About two months later, I learned there were three women in my office who were all pregnant at the same time.  And as soon as the last one went into her second trimester, my body went right back to normal.  I kid you not.  So I was exposed to three pregnancies just in my office alone, but there were also those women who were taking those depro provera (sp?) shots and some were taking the pill and then there were those women on HRT (PreMarin, which is derived from Pregnant Mare's urine, it screwed my system up something fierce.  (Yes, I know that sounds unbelievable to some of you, but if women who work and live in close proximity start to sync up menstrually, it's no surprise to me that that would have happened to me.  I'm just ultra sensitive, apparently.)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 01:46:05 PM by GinaMilan »


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #48 on: June 22, 2010, 08:31:07 PM »

Interesting what you say judy. Allot of drugs can do so many things to the body. I have heard people say they have left the body and could see them self on the couch. But that's because of the drug and the the hallucination i think. If its true or not i don't know, but kind a interesting compared to the discussion.

judith collier

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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2010, 08:52:10 PM »

Gina, I don't remember the name unless I heard it again but I do know there was trouble with it later in the medical profession. I was in Cal. visiting my sister and was afraid to come off of it so I just didn't drink any more cocktails. When I came home I told my Dct. and he put me on something else. I have been hospitilized for anxiety and depression, border line manic-depressive. Personally I thank God for medicine. Never, thank God, have I had any other trouble with meds and have been on them for almost 40 yrs.
Except for leukemia which they are thinking now, radiation, which, in my generation we were ex-rayed every time we turned around. That and some spinal problems I'm fine. Also smoked for 53 yrs. Yes, it's horrible, I know. Figure I am going to live as long as God allows.
I believe you about the symptoms of pregnancy. That sensitivity can be a blessing or a curse. I feel other's pain so bad that I am almost always in prayer. The bad is, the slightest inflection in voice or body language tells me way more than I want to know at times. I can get along with most all people though because of this but they all open up to me which is draining at times. Also have seen events coming even when I don't want to. I am an observer and I pick up vibes from most everything.  Sometimes, YUK! Judy


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #50 on: June 26, 2010, 01:56:30 AM »

my big important question with this thread is this"
"would you still love me ( if i had a near death experience?)


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2010, 02:26:22 AM »

God only knows.


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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2010, 10:03:25 AM »

Just having a little fun.  I'll try to keep a lid on it.  

I understand the value people place on NDE's.  I don't mean to sound insensitive.   I would, too, except I watched a documentary years ago where an NDE was replicated in a lab study.  Doctors exposed part of a young man's brain and stimulated different parts of his brain tissue with electrodes.  The study patient, fully awake, was saying that he saw "bright lights" and "a tunnel," etc.  If memory serves me correctly, the doctors involved in the study speculated that the "bright lights" and "tunnel" could be that neurons are misfiring as the brain is shutting down.  

I've personally seen bright lights.  Once after getting knocked upside the head, I saw twinkling lights -- you know, they're the ones that cartoonists draw around the head of a character.  Hanna-Barbera of Looney Tunes fame used those twinkling stars a lot in their cartoons.   haha.  I did a little research and learned that happens as a result of the brain bouncing off the skull.

And per Marques, I'll just end it there. :)

Hi Gina

I was wondering what your take is on how the resurrections or raising of the dead in the  Bible took place...... or maybe better worded as what do you think happened that allowed someone to die and then live again?

I was pronounced dead from a car accident and remained so for quite some time ....... for sure long enough to turn a hospital, an EMT crew and highway patrol investigator from being confident in their knowledge to being unable to explain or some cases becoming unable to cope with what they had witnessed happen to me.

Ironically what I witnessed while on the other side was not as I was taught as a youth in Sunday school but was exactly as I found it to be recorded in the Bible some five years later when after I finally heeded God's call to me. However I did not see any tunnels or lights or for that matter anything else that I have ever read of anyone else experiencing

I will post it in the testimony section........ maybe you be willing to read it and tell me what you think happened.




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Re: Near Death Experiences
« Reply #53 on: July 14, 2010, 06:26:34 PM »

I have experience,and I have seen some dark stuff,ghost like a shadow and burning but no light,the ghost don't receive light,unlike the light,the ghost didn't sunshine,some kind of "dark-shine" ,maybe the ghost come from hell,maybe I will go to hell.
if you don't believe in me,just ignore.



Dear Soberxp, I don't suppose whatever ghost you've seen wouldn't happen to be the negative of your profile picture, would it?  ( ;) ;) nudge-nudge) haha    And I want to personally thank you for allowing us to ignore what you've said.  Can we also recommend that you be banned? 

Just kidding!

I'm sure that ghost is kind,at that time,the ghost wanted to trying help me,and he or she or it didn't show himself as a light, that's good,so I'm sure that's not satan.but I really don't know what's I call it "ghost",in fact,the profile of the ghost looks like a T-shirt ,funny??!
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