Hi Donald,
if God truly is (and He IS, I know that now) the source of my every thought, does that mean anything I ever do, good or evil, is what God wants me to do?
This is not something that is easy to wrap your mind around, so if you are just having your eyes opened to this understanding then you have to give it time to sink in, so to speak. If God is truely sovereign then He must be in control of everything or He won't be sovereign, and I know that is a hard concept. But yes God directs our steps.
Pro 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
My post above was to try and express why I believe we are going through so much suffering in this present world... "it is an experience of evil Elohim has given to the sons of humanity to humble them by it."
But here are a couple of emails that might be of some help.
http://www.forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/topic,2695.0.html ---
I am now going to teach you something very very profound, so listen carefully:
EVERYTHING that happened in your life, in the past, WAS God's purpose for your life at that time.
EVERYTHING that will happen in your life, in the future, WILL BE God's purpose for you at that time.
Then why do anything? Why try? Why care? Why be good? Why study? Why pray? For WHAT?
Here is where viritually all Christians and all theologians and all ministers turn their minds off.
What you did in the past was influenced and caused by your environment of the past.
What you do in the future will be influenced and caused by your environment of the future.
What you are hearing and learning from bibletruths.com is one of those environmental
happenings that will have an effect on your future. You may not see how, but God does.
If God is choosing you as one of the called/chosen/elect/few, then you WILL respond
to the information and circumstances that God Himself will be directing in your life.
If you desire to stop sinning and start obeying God, then that being CAUSED in your
heart and mind, and you have no idea were and when it really began. God knows.
This is a subject for a 300 page book, not a short email. Hope you understand. Keep reading.
God be with you,
http://bible-truths.com/email11.htm#character -------
[Ray Replies]
God is SPIRIT. God is interested ONLY in spiritual things. All this physical creation is not something that God takes great pleasure in--it is but a means to an end. Well, what does He want then? He wants CHILDREN! SPIRITUAL Sons and Daughters in HIS VERY IMAGE!
But, how does He get them? Create them? Yes, CREATE them. But how does He create them. Instantly? No. To be in the IMAGE of God means that we will have the very same CHARACTER AND LOVE of God. Character and Love cannot be created instantly; it can only be developed over a period of time under severe pressure and duress. And so God creates severe pressure and duress, which produces GODLY CHARACTER. Imagine creating "patience," INSTANTLY? Why the very thought is self-contradicting. Patience by its very nature means that something must be WAITED FOR even though it is desired NOW.
God knows what He is doing. Now then, there is a second part to all this. We ourselves would never ever really appreciate the qualities of character, virtue, and love, that we will possess if we did not have to "sweat blood" to get them. There is no virtue that you can name that is not the result of overcoming some form of evil. And so this physical, human, temporal existence is as beneficial for US, and it is to GOD.
Hope this helps your understanding a little better.
God be with you,