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Author Topic: Chastisment  (Read 10606 times)

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« on: June 10, 2008, 09:44:35 PM »

Chastisment: Yes I was spanked by the Lord. I;ve been really busy with the move. Packing and unpacking getting bills transford over to the new address. Paying deposits and all that other stuff that goes with moving. Yet for the last two weeks has been hard. Even though we finnished the move and all that goes with that it;s still rough. My friend ask me if I stop studying and reading God's word. I ask why. She said God told her that I stop studying. That I needed to get back to His word. Well I started right away and things are getting better. Anyway I just wanted to share this with all of you. Sometimes we get so caught up in our life that we let what's important slip. God has to spank us once in awhile so we don't slack.




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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2008, 12:36:32 PM »

I hear that!  I was doing so well and my attitude had been upbeat and I was kinder.  Then I stopped reading and I was getting edgy and my husband told me to go back to my bible studying and I have my patience back again.



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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2008, 04:09:45 PM »

Yes I agree. I would like to hear from others who has been chastised by the Lord.



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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2008, 04:44:03 PM »

Its funny, but when I get into spiritual apathy, I get lazy--about anything.  I also get disinterested in things and usually my husband can spot it quicker than I can. If he gets out of fellowship then I spot it bcz he displays temper and no patience :D

Whether it is a spanking or not, we are "wired" to fellowship w/ God and w/ each other, and something has to get out of whack if we don't.


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2008, 08:32:03 AM »

I get spanked all the time. There're these sins I constantly battle with. Sometimes I get it right, other times I dont. But when I go for a while without them eating me up inside, I get spanked.

As for the sins and the spanking, we all know  :P

Roy Monis

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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2008, 10:36:06 AM »

Hi! Darren

Talk about chastisement, well you've come to the right one. Oh! Yes, I was chastised very severely because I blamed Him for taking my dear wife off me after 57 years of blissful happiness. Oh! Yes, I blamed Him and gave up the will to live. For 12 whole months I waited for Him to take me out of my misery but that's one prayer He refused to answer.

Then some friends called, Babylonian friends but friends nevertheless, and they noticed my skeletal condition and told me to get a hold of myself that neither God nor my dear departed wife would want me to do that to myself. I was in a sort of self destruct situation. My answer to their concern was, "I don't know what He is playing at, why is He persisting in keeping me going like a walking, talking, sleeping, eating lifeless robot?"

Then Dorothea said "Have you ever considered the fact that He hasn't finished with you yet and that He may have something in mind for you to do? This was the catalyst that got me thinking and I started praying asking God what it was He wanted of me, as if it were possible for me to give Him anything, seeing as all came from Him.

This is why I'm on this forum, trying to help and encourage through my years of experience and also to learn truths I'd never dreamed of to prepare me for a place in His kingdom. My wife in my eyes was as perfect as any human can be and she has set an example for me to attain at least that standard if my dream was to become true.

You see brother God does spank you pretty hard, and like all humans the first thing that comes into your head is to rebel and blame Him, as though He is in the least bothered, because in your rebellion you continue to suffer a suffering brought on by your own stupidity.   "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, He is the one who catches the wise in their craftiness” (1Cor.3:19). 

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2008, 05:21:41 PM »

Thanks Roy from the UK for sharing that with us. First of all let me just say I so sorry for you lost. Your wife sounded like a very lovely women. Second of all You were so blessed by the Lord for having your wife so long with you, so that you two may have enjoyed all those yrs. together. Not many married couples have that long together. Yes, God still has work for you to do here on earth. I thank God for giving you the wisdom so that you may share it with us. A man of you knowledge is very profitable for men like me. Once again I'm sorry for your lost. Thank God for giving us you, so that we may share in your blessings. With age come wisdom and young men need to know these things in  witch only men like yourselves can offer.

                                                Thanks  Darren


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2008, 09:06:00 PM »

It's usually my mouth and pride that gets me into trouble. Every single time that gets out of control, I get whacked.

Here is a fer-instance: I drive a truck for a living, a 18 wheeler. I was sitting in a dock waiting to get unloaded. Another truck from the same company I work with came into the lot. He took off a good size chunk of my front end because he was being careless and going too fast making a u-turn in a tight lot.

I rode him up one side and down the other.

The next load, I made the mistake. I didnt hit anything, I just made a rather embarassing mistake I never made before or since. Jesus was saying "So, you think you're hot, huh?"

This happens without fail. I know that every time I get tempted to get a little mouthy, that it is best to just shut up.
It's always in the back of my mind.
I"ve learned.



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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2008, 11:30:27 PM »

It just blows me away to see how our Lord corrects us when we go too far. Like I said everything was just so difficult the last two weeks. Now since I have been reading and studying the Lords word and reading or should I say rereading Ray's papers things have gotten alot better.  The Lord is truly Good.



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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2008, 12:32:34 AM »

It's usually my mouth and pride that gets me into trouble. Every single time that gets out of control, I get whacked.

Here is a fer-instance: I drive a truck for a living, a 18 wheeler. I was sitting in a dock waiting to get unloaded. Another truck from the same company I work with came into the lot. He took off a good size chunk of my front end because he was being careless and going too fast making a u-turn in a tight lot.

I rode him up one side and down the other.

The next load, I made the mistake. I didnt hit anything, I just made a rather embarassing mistake I never made before or since. Jesus was saying "So, you think you're hot, huh?"

This happens without fail. I know that every time I get tempted to get a little mouthy, that it is best to just shut up.
It's always in the back of my mind.
I"ve learned.


So what did you do that was embarrassing?!!!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 12:33:35 AM by musicman »


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2008, 01:50:52 PM »

I drove about 300 miles out of route after "forgetting" and "misreading" a dispatch


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2008, 08:00:21 PM »

A couple of weeks ago I was in the diner eating with my husband and son.  There was a young woman with a toddler and either her mother or grandmother.  She was yakking away on her cell phone.  I was whispering to my son and husband things like 'what could be more important than being with your child and mother/grandmother'?  She has some nerve, do we all need to hear her on the phone...blah blah blah...being little miss righteous Eileen.  Then she gets off the phone hugs her mother/grandmother and says "That was the doctor, you don't need surgery".  The mother/grandmother was so relieved.  And I got slapped in the face!



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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2008, 08:44:13 PM »

It's usually my mouth and pride that gets me into trouble. Every single time that gets out of control, I get whacked.

I know the feeling!  I am painfully aware of the many times I have gotten too "high and mighty" with my "righteous" opinion about something, and soon after, I find myself with egg on my face.

Kent and Eileen, those were good examples of instant humility.  When we are chastened by the Lord, we will become humble.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 08:42:59 PM by Rene »


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2008, 11:31:48 AM »

Yes I agree. I would like to hear from others who has been chastised by the Lord.


Hello Darren,

                  I guess if were not getting Chastised or disiplined now, we will receive it during Judgement or the in the Lake of Fire. Hebrews chapter 12 really says alot about chastising. The greek word Kolasin is rendered punishment, chatisement, disipline and literally means in it's rudimentary form, " the pruning of a Luzurian Tree". If we are receiving lots of chastising now in this life, that's a good thing, it means God is training and molding us. In my case, most of my fiery trials and disipline is usually related to relationships; Marriage, Family and close friends, this is Historically true in my case. I'm convinced that God is training me to become more Humble, because Brother, let me tell you, I've been humbled in prior Marriages and I really want to learn this lesson, otherwise it will be the emotional death of me yet, but whatever is God's Will for me in the days to come, so be it. That's why, When I pray to God, I don't just ask  him to make me more humble or stop a specific sin, I asked him if it's his will, please remove the desire to commit that act or the desire to be arrogant, because if you still have the desire to do something wrong, that desire is just waiting for the opportunity to become an act, under the right circumstances. So regularly pray to remove the desire to sin.

                                    Just some thoughts, Samson


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2008, 03:34:22 PM »

Hi Darren,
It is very painful for me to know how blind I am to my own self.  Being judgemental and thinking I know all the answers when I have this secret sin/problem that no one knows but me.  I pray to God to allow me to fix it before anyone finds out.  The thing I hate and react to most in others, I don't always recognize in myself.

So what I see in my mirror,... I hardly even know.
I can't even bear it...
:'( :'( :'(
Of myself alone I can do no good thing....


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2008, 12:34:19 AM »

Yes OBrenda, judgemental, I have a hard time not judgging others. Man it is hard for me not to. I mean everything from lifestyle to weight to looks too fat too skinny, gay, straight, I always catch myself judging others. I don't like it. If I catch myself saying something like he's fat or shes this way or that way I will stop and say I'm sorry Lord, thanks for letting me catch that. It is something I work on everyday of my life. Of course this starts in my heart where it proceeds out of my mouth. This is why I ask the Lord when I pray to change my hard heart.To grant me the wisdom to understand Your word. This is just one of the many sins I have to deal with on a daily basics. With the Lords help my heart will change and my thoughts will change and I won't be judgemental.

                                         Thanks  Darren


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2008, 12:43:27 AM »

Yes Samson, desire, this is where all my sins begins. Desires of the heart. Lust anger, judging,pride. Just like Eve who desired the apple first with her heart then her eyes. I beleive Ray spoke of this in one of his audios. It's so true. This is why I always ask the Lord to change my heart. I beg Him every day and night. But I still catch myself commiting these sins. I guess I won't stop until the Lord is ready for me to stop. Yet, I wish it would happen soon.

                             Thanks  Darren

Roy Monis

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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2008, 08:24:47 AM »

Hi! Darren

Show me the person who is not guilty of the sin of being judgmental, I for one fall into the latter group as some of my postings here on this forum will testify to. It is truly a grievous sin and you have taught me a lesson which I will now adopt in the days ahead which the grace of the Lord grants me. A sorry Lord! From the heart will follow every judgmental thought that enters my mind. What a good lesson, it's a place to start anyway and the rest left to the Lord.

Thank you brother, we keep learning even in old age.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2008, 01:57:42 PM »

Yes,speaking of being chastised, Last Friday I had to go to go out of town about 60 miles from my home. I knew it was going to be a long drive. Anyway I had to cross a 26 mi. long bridge over water. This bridge is only a 2 lane bridge. I just baught 2 used tires 2 days before I had to leave. Well Yess you probaly guessed it. With 2 miles left the threads on my front tire peeled apart. This is a very scary feeling. With 2 miles to go before I reach the end of the bridge I put the flashers on and went real slow, all the while praying to God that know one would ram me from behind. Then I get off the bridge and pull over guess what I have no jack or spear tirer. This is where my Lord came to help me. He sent my mom whom lent me her truck to take care of this important trip. After a long day I still had to go and buy a jack and tire find a place to bring it to to change the tire then go back and put the tire on my truck. I left my house at 6 am and got home around 8 pm. The whole time I trying to figur out why this happen if the Lord was telling me something or was it something I had done or thought. The only thing I came up with was maby the Lord was teaching me about patients. Witch I lack very much. Oh guess what day this happen on Friday the 13th.  :D ;D :) ::) What a trip!



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Re: Chastisment
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2008, 11:12:16 PM »

Where did you drive on a 26mile bridge over water?  I didn't know there was a bridge that long.

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