Hi jakfrOs,
Thanks for sharing what you are going through in finding the truth. It is so hard when we come to realize that we really are the 'beast.' But it is necessary that we come to see that we really are nothing and only God is good, that's why He puts us through this "experience of evil," (CLV Ecc 1:13). We have to go through the darkness, so that we can have it as a comparison for the light. This may be the beginning of your walking in the light, but it is wonderful thing to be growing in this truths. Now every step you take forward in the truth, you are moving away from the darkness, that is a good thing. I think I remember an email where Ray speaks of this.
http://www.forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/topic,1681.0.html ------
Yes, "been there; done that." You can't of yourself get yourself out of your sin and misery. You desire it, but you will not find the strenght in yourself to do it. God brings all of His chosen elect to the place in their life where they hate life; they hate themselves; and often hate God. When you get that low and are so very thoroughly convinced that you can and will never overcome you most horrible sins, that is when God will come to your rescue. You must be convinced that if you are saved from yourself and your sins, that it was God that did it and not you. I am convinced of that in my life. If God is choosing you, then it will also happen in your life. Just keep praying and obeying until God gives you the victory over yourself and your sin. I will pray for you.
God be with you,
http://www.forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/topic,2888.0.html -------
You are right, I cannot help you overcome your carnal sins. That is something that
we all have to do between ourselves and God. God is dealing with you and will
continue to deal with you. I cannot change God's timing for what He has in store
for your life. Those of us who are maybe a little more mature, have all gone
through what you are going through. That's why the Bible calls us BEASTS. We
often think and act and desire as do BEASTS. You will not quit sinning until
God deems it time for you to quit, but in the mean time, you will come to hate
your sins, and still will not be able to overcome them. You will cry out to the only
One Who can help you. We all must make our "walk through the valley of the
shadow of death." It is not a pleasant journey, but to come through it and have
a clean and clear conscious for the first time in your life, is itself quite rewarding.
God be with you,
http://www.forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/topic,1026.0.html --------
There is no magic bullet that will save you today from all your sins and problems. As you have stated YOU have tried and tried and failed time and again. ONLY GOD can save you from all of your sins. I can teach you the truths of the Scriptures, but overcoming the sins of the flesh is something that only God can do for you. I know the feeling. I have been there; done that. But God is faithful, and if you continue to hate your flesh and your sins and cry out to God, He will hear you. So be encouraged. Many have gone before you and have obtained the victory over sin. We are never totally free from all sin, but we do reach the place where sin no longer has dominion over us, and that is a great feeling. Don't do ANYTHING that gives you a guilty conscience. Don't GO anywhere, don't DO anything, don't SAY anything for which you feel guilty or wouldn't want your wife, children and par ents to see you doing. People condemn me and say all kinds of hateful lies about me on a daily basis. But my conscience is CLEAR before God, and so I don't have to answer to all my hate-filled detractors. Take God with you wherever you go and your whole life will change.
God be with you,
I hope this is helpful and will be encouraging for you in your new found way of life
mercy, peace and love