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Author Topic: Prayer  (Read 5262 times)

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« on: July 04, 2008, 06:33:53 AM »

Hi Everyone, I wonder if someone would pray for my family.I just feel really over whealmed lately.My 80 yr. old mother is doing her best to cope with my Dad who has Alzheimer's and falls over all the time,and she is really stressed out with it all.I do my best to listen and so on.My youngest son is having a struggle financially but he is doing everything he can on that score to help himself.The ongoing dramas of my other son is quite a worry.I have fibromyalgia which is so much worse of late. I have had this for a number of years and the pain is no fun.To top it off my rental situation is very awkward,not at all comfortable.My neighbour is constantly reporting everything I do to the landlord and if I have service people in to fix anything, somehow the landlord knows all about it and how much it cost(he is ringing up to find out) Then whenever I have visitors he also knows .Last night a relation stayed the night.This morning the landlord rang the bell on some pretext and says to me"Whats going on, I heard noises last night,is someone moving"?.I feel watched and frankly stalked.Moving is probably what I need to do. Well I got that off my chest finally. I do pray for everyone here that requests prayer. I know God has it all in his hands,is in control. It is just how it is at this time,but everything feels too much. Thanks in advance for your prays. Peace....Ellie

Roy Monis

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Re: Prayer
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2008, 12:42:08 PM »

Dear Ellie

What an awful situation to be in. I can relate with your mother's situation because it is a dreadful disease and a very painful, harrowing and difficult job to contend with. My poor wife fell prey to it and I felt that it was my duty and the least I could for the lovely woman I'd shared 57 years of a blissfully happy marriage with. I ignored all suggestions to put her in a home, no, that was my job for as long as I had breath in my body and strength in my limbs which the good Lord graciously provided me with though I was down to the last ounce of energy toward the end. My heart goes out to her and my prayers for all of you that the good Lord be merciful.

My wife was 92 and at the time I was a young chicken of 85 but we saw it through together with God's gracious help and I'm certain He will do the same for all of you, just trust in Him pray and keep fast hold of your faith never doubting His mercy and love for those who love Him as you obviously do. "In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;  and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"   (Rom.8:26-31).

You and your family are in my prayers.

God bless you sister in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2008, 09:25:38 PM »

Dear Roy,
             Thank you for your encouraging words.I have been amazed at your time spent caring for your wife and the love and endurance that you exhibited throughout that trialing but blessed time that you shared with each other.
             I do pray that those attitudes pervade my parents situation as well.
             The scriptures you quoted were a timely reminder. I have felt sort of powerless to pray effectively,at least for my own situation,easier to pray for others somehow.I was reduced to "Help. So I guess my spirit has been doing some groaning(thank the Lord) and It is so true that we do not know what to pray for.
            As some one else,requesting prayer, mentioned,"it just doesn't seem enough sometimes praying on our own". So the support of B.T. people praying is such a blessing.
            This morning on this grey,still cold day,with the flurry of worldly things running through my life I feel,in all my weakness,a restoration and peace.Whatever is going on I reach for the spiritual message,learning, and to draw closer to loving God and to be doing his will.
            While I am here I just want to say that every day there is much learning,love,laughter and many blessings that we all are so fortunate to share on this site and is continually appreciated.
            Thank you so much Roy for sharing so much of yourself to us all. May the journey continue for each and everyone of us according to his will.
                 Peace.......Ellie. :)


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2008, 11:47:21 PM »

You know ellie, sometimes you just have to drop it all in God's lap.  By that I mean, stop thinking about it all.  Take a mental break from the fretting.  I know it's easier said than done.  I just recently went through some tumultuous times with my oldest son.  I realized it was completely out of my hands and trusted God would take care of it the way he purposed it.  Sometimes that's to our relief and sometimes not.  It's not easy when things are going awry.  The only thing I can say is keep the faith, and take that mental break.



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Re: Prayer
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 11:07:27 AM »

Hi Ellie,
I'm at a loss to what I can add to Roy's Wisdom and personal experience, that is humbling to me. 
And as Eileen shared, when we can quiet all the mind chatter, we are focused on GOD and not trying to find or own solution.

I can only add my heartfelt prayers,


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 05:14:13 PM »

Hello Ellie,

              My wife(the Freckle Girl) and I extend our prayers for you, The Apostle Paul suggests that we pray incessantly. Jesus said we have tribulation in the World, but not to worry, because he has conquered the World. I am familiar with Alzheimers Disease, my Mother was reduced to nothing, as a result of it. Also, an Ex-wife, who is now deceased, suffered from Fibromyalgia(Pain in the fibers of the muscle), so I can empathize and relate to what your going. Read Hebrews Chapter 11 through chapter 12:3, it might encourage you as it did me, last night at work. I'm not computer literate enough yet to drag Scriptures from on computer locations. May the peace of God that excels all thought, guard your Heart and mind in Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

                                        Your brother, Samson.


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2008, 03:27:50 AM »

Thanks to you all for for advice...
Eileen...A mental break is just what is needed.I do know God is in charge and I will do my best to let go of everything and let God get on with his business.

Brenda..Thanks for your touching words. So many of us are having challenging times and sometimes we try to force solutions ourselves.

Sampson.Thanks.Praying for your situation as well.I too cannot get all the verses up like others but what you say is always valuable to those you post to.
Peace to all.....Ellie


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2008, 07:55:58 AM »

Lots of prayers Ellie.

I try to remember that every circumstance has it's purpose. That helps me get through it.

I remember when I was younger and just learning truth. I didn't care at all about the pain. I just wanted to learn and asked God to keep it coming. Now I kind of want breaks. I keep thinking I'm too old for this now. God keeps on grinding though.

Try to take it one day at a time.

Matthew 6:
33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 07:08:52 AM »

Thanks M.G. and all
 My older son was in court the other day on an assult charge. He got off completely,his ex had all her lies exposed and was sent for a mental assessment. I pray she finds healing. My son feels as though he has been let out of prison and is now free to look for work.
 My younger son has to move,but I am sure he will find something soon.
Much to my distress my landlord has been playing games with me,complaining about this and that,stirring up confrontation,and then admitting to me that is what he was doing,playing games. So childish.However.I will move as he tells me the house is going up for sale next year....and its just too uncomfortable here.
Where I go,when,how, to what, is just in God's hands...It is a bit daunting for me now...I'll have a break for awhile....
 So many have quite some challenges...but God will see it through
Prayers and peace to all...Ellie..... :)


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 09:50:34 AM »

Ellie my heart goes out to you too. Life often seems to get the better of us, but I can see that you are managing to find some peace despite your present trials. Children weigh heavy on us parents but we have to accept that their trials are also from God and trust God so that we are able to let them go to endure what life has in store for them.

Thank you for sharing your predicament. I felt a little like that a few weeks ago but did not post my cry for prayer (stupid me!!) what's changed in my life? not a lot, but it all seems easier to bear right now. Reading your post helped me so much to be grateful for my lovely home, although I live in an area where I would rather not be. So I am going to pray that God will give you a home where you can be yourself without people playing games with you. I know Jesus said that 'the son of man has no where to lie His head' but I always prayer with thanks that I do have somewhere to lie my head and that if there is again a time in my life (as when I was younger I remember having severe housing needs) where I can not lie down that He will give me the Grace to deal with it.

God Bless you Ellie

Love Karen and Dave


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2008, 11:32:23 PM »

Hi Karen and Dave,
                            I waited for ages before(yet again) requesting prayer while I dragged myself out of a horrible depression.I think sometimes we think we should handle it ourselves.We also know that God is in control and we are in a process.I was plagued with various little guilts as well in posting.Gee some people have it really tough.The things that are happening in this worsening world are really horrifying and I guess we can drag up some  statistics to show that,or watch the news!!
                            My heart goes out to those in California and so many other people in all sorts of terrible conditions.I mean who am I to have a whinge, complain or cry out for some help. Yet we are all situated exactly where we are in our trials and refining process.And that in itself is valid. Someting that I might find easy to handle or go through may be really difficult for someone else.
                 What I have written (in short) is just "how it is".Then one of the gifts or rather instructions God has given us is to pray.So I want you to know that you shall be held in my prayers,very often.
               Yes childen do weigh heavily on us at times,but in reading what you said on that,there is a much deeper acceptance in me that whatever trials they are going through it is of God and there is a futher letting go in me. So I am very grateful to you for that.
                 Futher....well.Oh....The son of man has no where to lay his head...
That revealed to me a huge patten in my life.I am now facing my, about 35th move. I'd love nothing better than to go to my own sweet home and never move again. However..God's will be done.....
                  If only I'd spent more time in the garden growing my own little organic spaceship,then I could planet hop for fun.!! :D
                 I am so often falling short in how I handle things and am being challenged on any number of things as we all are.
                  In turn you have helped me a lot as well. I pray that we will all endure and overcome....peace....Ellie..Now I am going to cuddle up my cats and I pray these darlings will not be left homeless and can be with me. They know something....smells....Oh..I mean....going on.....

Roy Monis

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Re: Prayer
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2008, 12:06:58 PM »

Dear Ellie

My heart goes out to you and your parents because I understand what you're going through only too well, having had first hand experience of it, please allow me to share just another piece of treasured memory which my dear wife and I share exclusively until now when I feel I should share it with other hurting children of God. It is a little poem that we found some years ago and treasured, because it literally spoke to us.

I suffered weakness and O such awful pain,
Also with them came sorrow and trial too.
And truly they were so very hard to bear;
But they didn’t last….they passed away.
‘Cause He measured ….and brought me through.

Yes, indeed it was very hard to bear, ‘tis true.
But not a moment too long did they remain,
Then toward the end at near to breaking point
He gave of His mighty Spiritual strength.
Then He measured….and brought me through.

Though blind I was with an urgent need to see,
Then in a wonderful way He revealed Himself
In a way, to me, so completely and entirely new,
That as Almighty God I began to know Him then.
He begins to measure…...and bring me through.

Always like this is our precious loving Lord
Regardless of whether our trials be many or few.
He sees through our weakness, pain and anxiety.
By timing them all….by His appointed time,
Then He measures…..and brings you through.

So child of God, please listen, there will be an end,
Stop unnecessarily worrying over what might be.
Just trust in Him for His promised Word is true,
Be patient and wait, for in His own good time
He’ll begin to measure….and bring you through.

                  Author unknown

God bless you sister and your family in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2008, 08:04:11 PM »

Dear Roy,
            Thank you so much for sharing this precious poem with us all. It cannot fail to touch many I'm sure.So much of it is applicable to life's circumstances. One line that jumped out at me was"Though I am blind with urgent need to see."
           Not knowing,so much of what my immediate future holds ,keeps bringing me back to Gods will for me,handing it all over to him.Little at a time ,step by step.
           I am so amazed at the negative reactions around me. I am getting" I told you so,I didn't like,I knew,things about the land lord,blaming things,and you should have..phew...
          I feel so acutely aware of  of my own carnality in all this and it is being displayed around me left,right and centre.In the end, truth has been revealed.If I grasp this truth,then I can move forward into the continuing adventure of life.
          After less than desirable thoughts,and handling of the LL's games.I have forgiven him,asked for forgiveness for myself,and intend to move from here in giving thanks and being full of gratitude.All of these neg. reactions have fueled my determination to lift above the pettiness displayed.
          I am in the process of dismantling,a large home that was set up for three and a huge garden.God,in all my weakness has given me the grace of both time and some help.And I'm enjoying it.I choose to enjoy it and I know that God is directing my steps in all things.
         I pray for all those that are homeless or living in less than ideal circumstances and may God guide us all.....peace ....Ellie....
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