Hello everyone....
my name is Dana,
I am a 39 year old male.
I have been reading the emails and responses, both good and bad. The scriptures are clear. "If they hated me, then they will hate you as well", the words of Jesus! I don't always agree with "Church" people, or the place I fellowship-ed (Cincinnati Church of Christ) for 18 years off and on over the course of my walk with our Lord. But the the Holy Spirit is clearly moving and stirring my heart. The things which I have read and heard from L. Ray, as well as others on this forum, as well as vid clips I found on youtube.com have opened up my spiritual eyes and ears for sure. I have a few friends that I stay in contact with, although most of them are not active in the fellowship of an organized church any longer. To be honest many of them are no longer trying to follow the rules of A,B,C to get to X,Y,Z results. I am spiritually hungry but find that even though I love the people where I used to attend, that power, and real Christianity seems to be missing. (wondering if this is) "having a form of Godliness, yet denying its power". If nothing else I am anything but consistent. My prayer life is weak, my bible study is as well (the things I have read have awakened something within me, as if not even my own choice). As stated before I am currently not attending Sunday worship as the Church of Christ would call it. Nor am I giving tithes, taking communion, etc. I have been more spiritually fed watching a man named Joseph Prince talk about Grace.....then I found this web site, while wrestling with how to be saved, and to please God. Not because I don't think those thing were not right(at least until my eyes were opened), but because I did not feel my life changing. I would keep committing the same sins. Mostly my lust and masturbation, with my thoughts fantasises, yet I am a virgin. I have had one girl friend. We would kiss and touch, with some heavy petting. For the most part we both knew we wanted to save most physical aspects of pleasure for marriage. As it turns out she left me and moved in with another guy, within about a year of leaving me. While I was with her my purity of heart and masturbation were almost non existant, or even lustful thoughts when I saw other beautiful women. I knew that God had blessed me and I loved her very much. She was all I needed in a woman. Nothing I have found in this life seems pure. Unless its of God, then its mostly appealing to carnality. God has always met my needs. whether poor, rich, sick. healthy always I could see God was in control. My basic needs are met. Food, clothing, shelter, and people that love me. God has used people, his word, sickness: Depression for 4 years, a shattered tibia bone, which led to me having to go Through physical therapy to use my leg again. I walk with a limp and scars from the surgery, and have coral and metal in my leg now as a result. Those things pale in comparison to knowing Christ, yet they have taught me good and evil, and I know that being tested in fire and pressure of life, is the goal of God. Making me into the image of his son Jesus is the goal. Just as a silver or goldsmith will burn off the dross......and until he sees his own image in the process of heating the work is not finished. This I know. God chastises those he loves. His ways are not my ways. He wants all of humankind to be saved and changed and with him. Satan attacks us only for this life, and his time is short, so he is filled with great anger! God created good and evil. His plan was to save us, with his son so our flesh would die. We are to live by faith. Anything not done by faith is sin.
Well there is much more that could be said. But I too know that were many words are present; sin is not absent!
I have much to learn.
Looking forward to growing, changing, and discovering our Lord more and more with all of you in Christ
Thank you.
D. Patric Hayes