I guess Im waiting on God. I honestly believe I cant do a thing without Him willing it, or putting the desire in me to do whatever.
Hi jak,
That simple quote above actually puts you miles ahead of many Christians who have attended church for their entire life believing since they chose Christ by saying a 30 second prayer they are "saved." I am not presumptuous enough to explain or act as if I know what God's plan for you is in the here and now, only that whatever circumstances you are presently in or find yourself in at some future point are to be used by Him to create a one of a kind Son, He sets us all in unique situations so He can create unique Sons and Daughters, no two exactly the same.
Here is an email to Ray from someone who felt very similar to what you are presently feeling.Why Are We Here?Dear Ray:
I truly wish that I understood why we are here on this planet. I feel like I'm in the middle of two very upset and powerful beings of some kind. I feel like God and Satan have a terrible disagreement between them, and, somehow we as humans are in the middle of their battle. I feel awful being here on this earth and in the middle of these two and their anger/battle.
I know that God wants us to love him and denounce Satan. I am told that we are to worship God. I am told that God is a loving God. I see a lot that is good on this earth just as much as I see a lot of bad on this earth. I feel it is unfair for us to pay for Adam and Eve's sin.
I am angry at God and at Satan. I do not feel driven to worship God and to give him praise at this moment of my life. The only way that I can become close to this creator is if someone could please explain and help me to seriously understand why we are here?
It amazes me how many people think that they are answering my question, and in reality I don't receive an answer for my question.
I wish so much that I was not created, only because I hate not understanding and never to find the answer to my question that makes sense.
I rely on my common sense and I need a common sense answer in order to enjoy my life on this earth. Of course, there are those that say that I have to accept Christ etc to receive this holy spirit (ya-da-ya-da-ya-da) in order to receive the light of understanding etc... I hate it too that some people say that we will know the answer when we die as to why we are here.
Thank you for your time.
[Ray replies]
I am sorry that I don't know your name, but thank you for you interest and your email.
Christianity does not give you a straight answer because the doctrines of Christianity contradict most of the truths of God's Word.
There are answers, however.
I will give you some of the reason "why we are here."
A great and wise creator GOD PUT US HERE. He started the human family.
God is not stupid, He had a grand and eternal purpose in mind for making mankind.
God has many attributes, powers, knowledge, etc., that obviously mankind DOES NOT. But, God DOES WANT us to have those same attributes, especially LOVE!
Qualities of character such as Love are not instantaneously created, they must be developed. That development takes a creation, circumstances, and time. And so, God creates all these things necessary for their development.
Although God is GOOD, He nonetheless has a knowledge and understanding of both good AND EVIL. And so we TOO much come to an understanding of both good and evil. Why? Because ALL KNOWLEDGE hinges on their proper understanding.
People say things without ever realizing how stupid or impossible their thoughts or statements are. Most Christians suppose that if Adam and Eve had not sinned, then we all would STILL, right now, be enjoying the beautiful life of happiness and bliss in a fabulous garden of Eden. NOT SO!!! Adam and Eve did NOT appreciate what they had with God in the garden before they sinned. They had NO CONTRAST to compare it with.
Now here is a key piece of understanding and wisdom. God wants CHILDREN. God is building a FAMILY. Children are to grow up and have the attributes of their parents. But these things must be LEARNED BY EXPERIENCE! Not only didn't Adam and Eve appreciate what they had, they ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT have appreciated what they had, because they experienced ONLY GOOD.
Try to come up with even ONE VIRTUE, such as love, patience, honesty, goodness, faithfulness, loyalty, obedience, bravery, etc., etc., etc., ANYTHING of a virtuous nature, that does not involve the overcoming of SOME FORM OF EVIL! There is you answer! There IS NO VIRTUE, NO CHARACTER, NO STABILITY of any kind in any one, except he overcomes some form of EVIL.
Now can you see why we are here? Now can you see why there is not only good, but so much evil in the world? It is necessary! God did not put it here simply to make us miserable! God is NOT in a battle for supremacy with Satan. God CREATED Satan. God USES Satan. And Satan too, will be saved after he has done all of his dirty work. God will make him repent.
God is enlarging His family into BILLIONS of sons and daughters. This life is part of the training ground to be the very SONS OF GOD.
All evil including DEATH itself will be abolished when God has used them to bring His family to a level of love and righteousness that He desires. We will then inherit all that God has and all that God is. God is truly OUR FATHER.
I hope that helps your understanding a little better. Life will not always be miserable and painful as it may seem to you now. This too shall pass.