> General Discussions

Was "the rich man in hell"

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--- Quote from: Falconn003 ---well broken brando i would ...that is if you showed some intelect.

and not just your oat meal box exam score.   :wink:

--- End quote ---

First, I have no idea what I did to you to make you so belligerent toward me.

Secondly, I have not said anything to show that I lack in intellect.

Thirdly, with such personal, cold remarks without any constructive conversation, you're not making a very good case for yourself.

I'm just trying to have conversation here.

If you wish to discuss anything I'm open to conversation, but only in a civil, honest, humble manner.


then why not open your mind instead and if you do not agree with other let the chips fall were they may.

no offense on my part, your not being fair with others here, you demand this or that. yet all that is asked of you is a bit of consideration.
is this a alot to ask from someone such as your self . or are you that above humility.



--- Quote from: Falconn003 ---then why not open your mind in stead and if you do not agree with other let the chips fall were they may.

no offense on my part, your not being fair with others here, you demand this or that. yet all that is asked of you is a bit of consideration.
is this a alot to ask from someone such as your self . or are you that above humility.

--- End quote ---

I'm trying to be coniderate, but being "open minded" around here usually means accepting as absolute truth the doctrines that others believe here.  I cannot do that.  Open mindedness is simply about being open to the possibility that one's ideas are wrong, and I see none of that here.  Should it be expected in return?

And what demands have I made?  I simply ask for and expect defenses based on both Scripture and reason.  That is not too much to expect in conversation.  At least, I don't think it is.  Am I wrong?


broken brandon

open minded is not closing your self to another person perspective.

you want people to listen to your message why not do the same and hush and listen some times. if nothing gets through, simple thank the person and carry one with your ministry.  

why be obtuse towards the person you are conversing with.

If your ministry carries sound doctrine then nothing can twart it right.

But if you, yourself go off on a tangent away from your ministry, becasue of some heated exchange, then your intentions, message and ministry are questionable are they not.



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