Hi Patrick. This is off-topic off topic, but just thinking about your profession has given me a much needed handle on how to live with the knowledge of the Sovereignty of God.
Does your work teach you anything about life in Christ in ways that more 'normal' occupations might not?
Anyways...thanks for mentioning it. You may not have known it was going to be a help, but it has been.
Tennessee Dave, are you saying my work is not 'normal'?
Before God drug me to B-T's, I struggled on a daily basis trying to put science and God together. I never knew what Sovereignty of God really meant. Even some of my college professors struggled with science and God. My Geology and Chemistry professor's would not teach or give tests on some sections of the textbook, we were just instructed to read it.
I will say everything I've ever done, God has been a really big part of it (even before I knew just how much) because of the dangers involved. So, I'll say, yes, I believe my work has taught me a few things about life in Christ that others might not. When the rig floor is shaking so hard that bolts are breaking and the derrick (rig tower) is moving 15-20' from side to side because you've hit a 3,000 psi gas pocket, or your working offshore and a fire starts under the rig floor, even the nonbelievers are looking for some Help from Above.
If it's not oil field, electrical and steam generation, or motorsports related [my last job was tuning/maintaining a 1,500 horsepower, 250MPH, motorcycle], I'm dumber than a stump.
Dennis, I've heard numbers regarding percentage to be from 6% to 25%. Weather plays a big part in the operation of the pipeline.
I believe there will come a day that a new crude oil pipeline will need to be built before the current one is shut down due to lack of production.
The line is 30yrs old now; it's starting to leak more and more, drunk hunters shoot holes in it (true story).