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Author Topic: August 12, 2008 - A Message From Ray About His Health  (Read 116893 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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August 12, 2008 - A Message From Ray About His Health
« on: August 12, 2008, 03:48:16 PM »


To our Bible-Truths Forum and Believers in Christ:

I don’t suppose anyone wants me to sugar-coat the facts regarding my present situation, so I will level with you.

But first thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers and concerns for my present state of affairs!

Although I have made numerous adjustments in my diet and eating habits over the past few years, nonetheless, I still suffered with almost run-away diabetes and other ailments.  As I had prostate cancer 5 years ago and received radiation treatment for it, which brought my PSA down from 14 to 0.05, I assumed that my present doctor (who even sent me to a urologist four years ago to check my progress) was checking my PSA regularly with my regular blood work done to monitor my numerous other conditions over the past four years. Apparently not!  About 10 days ago my clinic called and informed me that my PSA was checked this time, and showed a PSA of 107.8.  Unbelievable!  I was sent to Providence Hospital for another blood and urine test, and it confirmed that number.

I was then scheduled last Wednesday for a bone scan.  Here is the abbreviated result:

Providence Hospital Diagnostics Whole Body Bone Scan.  Ray Smith:

IMPRESSION: Markedly abnormal study with widespread bony metastatic neoplasia throughout the skull, spine, thoracic cage as well as the pelvis and proximal long bones.

My wife and I had a consultation with the cancer Doctor, and were informed that it was terminal and there were no treatment options for improvement. I have what is typically called “Stage IV” cancer.  He highly urged me to go on Casadex for two weeks before starting Lupron shots ($2000 a shot), which he said could buy me as much as one or two years by inhibiting testosterone from entering the cancer cells which thrive on it.  Without this attempt to prolong my life a little longer, his prognostication was down to months.

I was fully aware of the fact that if I agree to this band-aid procedure, which is detrimental to the body in many other ways, that I would be signing my own death certificate. My poor wife urged me to proceed, only wishing to prolong my life even if only a short time.

I really agonized for those three days.  I would say to my wife several times a day, “Honey, I am really having a hard time dealing with this.” She would say, “I know, I wish I could do something for you, what can I do?”

The stark realization that my remaining life would be so short, and the agony of rotting away from this miserable disease was more than I could contemplate.  And the last thing my cancer doctor warned me of was the real possibility that I could now break bones easily in their advanced deterioration, and that any crushing of my spinal bones would bring almost instant paralysis.  He wanted to start his procedure quickly.

I was truly  “three days and three nights in the heart of the earth!”  I cried out to God for peace of mind.  I knew you were all praying for me too, and so God answered our prayers, and I have had no real mental agony or emotional trauma for the last five days!

I went back and forth over whether to listen to my Doctor or try something alternative. Every day we searched the Internet for alternative treatments. This was pretty disappointing, especially for treating stage IV cancer.  There are a lot of cancer hucksters on the Internet, but not many with any real track record.  The only good site I found was on Friday. It is “The Cancer Tutor” site.  So I knew there are alternative treatments, even for advanced cancer, although I could find no testimonial of anyone surviving a cancer PSA of 107.

Friday I determined that I would not follow doctor’s orders and sign my own death certificate.  We considered several clinics (one in Mexico, a couple in the USA, and my wife suggested we could go back to Germany where they have some success in alternative cancer treatments), but most cost around $35,000, except in Germany my wife and I would be covered under her German citizenship. I kept thinking that I needed to be under the care of a real doctor, as even these alternative and natural treatments can get quite technical and involved.

I then remember a man I can to know over a three-month period about five years ago just after moving to Mobile. His name is Dr. Jimmy Steger. But he is not a medical doctor.  He is a World’s Champion of Martial Arts.  He does, however, have two doctorates: One a PhD, and the other, Doctor of Nutrition.  So I called him and he quickly agreed to work with me—he is just ONE MILE from my house.  We met just briefly with him after hours on Friday. He gave me my first treatment to take home—a gallon of water.  Living water, they call it—Ph 9.5.  All cancer patients have acidic bodies. Dr. Steger’s first goal along with powerful nutrition to the remaining good cells in my body, is to get my body from acid to alkaline, and then design a protocol that will send maximum oxygen to the cancer cells—cancer can not live in a pure oxygen environment.  This is not, however, a quick or easy feat to accomplish, especially in advanced stages such as mine.  But I believe that God is directing this matter.

My wife and I met with Dr. Steger yesterday and discussed our situation.  Dr. Steger is a man of faith, and is adamant about keeping God’s laws of health and nutrition.  He kindly stated:  “You break God’s laws and sooner or later He will smack you down.”  He knows a little of my faith, and flatly told me and my wife, that he could not cure me, but that if I was to be cured, it would have to come from God.  We were agreed on this.  He gave me several more powerful foods and nutrients to start immediately.  He is rushing some lab work on me today, and we will meet again tomorrow if results are back. He is working up a specialized protocol for my condition, which I will begin in earnest Thursday.

Dr. Steger is a one-of-a-kind person. I doubt that there is another like him on earth.  Because of his unusual background and talents, I decided to include for your consideration a few pages on Dr. Steger from the Internet. I don’t want anyone to think I am taking treatment from a snake oil salesman.  I hope you will all continue in prayer with me (I know you will).  These are the times that try men’s souls.  I am still planning to hold the Nashville Conference next month.  God be with you all!  Ray

 Dr. Jimmy Steger, N.D., Ph.D.   
Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Iridologist   
Dr. Jimmy Steger is the President and CEO of J.S. Training Systems Inc., a total healthcare business which provides the very best in holistic health care, a full service health club and martial arts training facility. Dr. Steger uses a combination of nutrition, herbal and homeopathic medicines when treating and educating his patients. Dr. Steger's clinic also utilizes iridology, Japanese shiatsu, reiki and reflexology to bring a total holistic approach to treating his patients and clients.

Dr. Steger started his first diet program when he was just 13 years of age by eliminating all refined sugar and white flour from his diet. By the time he was 17 he had already established a personal training business (HARDBODIES by Jimmy Steger) and was training people full time. At 25, his business had expanded nationwide and was voted the number one personal trainer in America.

Dr. Steger trains amateur and professional athletes all over the world for sport specific training and puts them on diet programs so they can be the best in their field. Regardless of what the sport may be, he has a complete nutritional program that he designs for the individual based on their chemical type. After all who better than to put together a program for you than a World Champion himself who has over 23 years of experience.

Dr. Steger has won numerous natural bodybuilding championships and is the current 2x World Karate Champion, European Karate Champion and 7x National Kung-Fu Champion. He writes nutrition columns for natural healthcare and martial arts magazines nationwide. Dr. Steger also gives nutritional and personal training seminars. He is currently working on a full nutritional CD library and his first nutrition book.

Dr. Jimmy Steger, N.D., Ph.D., D.MA.  Grandmaster / Dai-Soke 10th Dan        Professor of Martial ArtsMaster Steger's ULT1MATE Martial Arts4125 A Government Blvd.Mobile, AL.    
         (Click on picture to view full size image)                        Dr. Jimmy Steger, Dai-Soke, is the President and Founder of the International Fujikan Federation, the American Kung-Fu Association, and the Fellowship of Christian Martial Artists. He is the President of Women Against Rape and Violence for the state of Alabama, and the Chairman for the IFOJJ under the Instruction of Soke Michael DePasquale Jr. Dr. Steger, holds the title of Grand Master/Dai-Soke 10th degree Black Belt in Fujikan and also 10th level Black sash in Shaolin Chuan Kung Fu. He has been involved in Martial Arts since the age of 13, where he started taking Kodakan Judo and went on to receive his Black belt. He also holds Black Belts in Shotokan Karate, IsshinRyu Karate, and is currently a Godan in Yoshitsune Ju-Jitsu under the Instruction of Soke Michael DePasquale Jr. and holds the title of 6th Level Black Sash under the direction of the late  Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong of Malaysia. Dr. Steger, is a Naturopath, *Nutritionist and Iridologist and operates his Wholistic Health Care clinic full time and is open 5 days a week. He also owns a  full service Martial Arts school, Master Steger's ULT1MATE Martial Arts. Offering classes in  Fujikan 5° Inner Turbulence, Yoshitsune Ju-Jitsu, and Shaolin Wu Chu Chuan and the kids system of Shaolin Chuan. Dr. Steger owns "The Body Shoppe Gym," a full service health club and also "HARDBODIES by Jimmy Steger" a full service personal training company which operates nationwide.   Dr. Steger, is the 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 World Karate Champion in Forms and Weapons, 2x European Karate Champion and is 7x  AAU National Kung-Fu Champion in Forms and Weapons. He is currently the 9x State Champion in Louisiana.Dr. Steger, is a member of SAG (Screen Actors Guild) and has appeared in several motion pictures. His latest movie "Hometown Legend," was released at the box office in early 2002.  In September of 2006, Dr. Steger recieved his Professorship in Martial Arts and his Doctoral in Martial Arts, D.MA. He was also inducted into the World Sports Medicine Hall of Fame for his aspiring work in the field of Natural Medicine.  Dr. Steger's new book, "Nutrition Factor" is set for release some time late 2007.   
Fujikan 5° of Inner Turbulence   10th Degree Black Belt
Siao Laohu Shaolin Chuan   10th Level Black Sash
TY-GA Karate International   10th Degree Black Belt
Nan Shaolin Wu Chu Chuan   6th Level Black Sash
Yoshitsune Waza Ju-Jitsu   5th Degree Black Belt
Shotokan Karate   1st Degree Black Belt
Kodakan Judo   1st Degree Black Belt
IsshinRyu Karate   1st Degree Black Belt
President / CEO J.S. Training Systems Inc.   1983
Founder / President of American Kung-Fu Association   1996
Founder / President of Fellowship of Christian Martial Artist   1996
Founder / President of International Fujikan Federation   2001
Ph.D.- MA   2002               Ph.D.- MA  Japan   2005    D.MA. - 2006                                                                     
Who's Who in the Martial Arts Edition   1998
Who's Who in the Business Edition   2000
Action Martial Arts Magazine Collectors Card Series   1998
Action Martial Arts Magazine Collectors Card Series   2000
Action Martial Arts Magazine Collectors Card Series   2001
Inducted World Christian Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Silver Life Achievement Awards    1998
Inducted World Karate Union Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Most Outstanding Achievement in Chinese Martial Arts   1999
Inducted International Kung-Fu Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Master of the Year in Kung-Fu   2000
Inducted World Sokeship International Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Master Instructor of the Year   2000
Inducted World Wide Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Master of the Year in Kung-Fu   2001
Inducted Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Outstanding Contributions to Martial Arts   2001
Inducted International Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Master of the Year in Kung-Fu   2001
Inducted Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Continuance in Martial Arts Contributions   2002
Inducted World Wide Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Head Founder of the Year    2002
Inducted United Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Head Founder of the Year    2002
Inducted World Sokeship International Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted Head Founder of the Year    2002
Inducted World Wide Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Grandmaster of the Year    2003
Inducted Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Sports Medicine Doctor of the Year   2003
Inducted Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Sports Medicine Doctor of the Year   2003
Inducted Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Fame   
     · Voted - Outstanding Contributions to Martial Arts   2004
Inducted World Wide Martial Arts Hall of Fame
       Voted - Founder of the Year                                         2004
Inducted USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame
       Voted - Outstanding Soke of the Year                           2004
Inducted Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame
       Voted - Distinguished Soke of the Year                         2004
Inducted Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame
       Voted - Sports Medicine Doctor of the Year                 2005
Inducted Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame
       Voted - Sports Medicine Doctor of the Year                 2006
Inducted World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
       Voted -  Outstanding "Soke" of the Year                       2006
President of the American Kung-Fu Association
President of the Fellowship of Christian Martial Artists
President of the International Fujikan Federation
President / Alabama Chapter of Women Against Rape and Violence
Chief Master Instructor for Master Steger's Ultimate Martial Arts
Chairman, Board Member for the International Federation of Ju-Jutsuans
Alabama Chairman for The Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame
Board Member of the World Wide Martial Arts Hall of Fame
Southern Chairman All Natural Physique & Power Conference
International Police Tactics Instructor
USA Representative TY-GA Karate International
Board Member of the Florida Hall of Fame

« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 08:22:03 AM by Dennis Vogel »


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 05:19:14 PM »

This leaves me a bit overwhelmed, but with hope.

I can only say the faith and courage Ray is exhibiting is truly inspiring.

Thank you Ray and Dennis for the update.

My prayers continue to be with Ray, Manuela and all who are a part of his extended family (that's us too).




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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 05:44:05 PM »

Loss for words here...

Will pray for entire family, Joe said...all of us here also!

Much Love,


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2008, 06:19:35 PM »

Sorry Everyone,

                      Couldn't stop crying while reading Ray's message,  :'( :'( :'( , I don't know what to say, Wow, this is a test of our faith, now I wish that I would be attending the conference, I really wanted to meet him, at least someday. All we can do, is pray for Ray and God's Will be done.

                                   Your Brother in Christ, Samson.

Gary McCoy

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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 07:20:55 PM »

I will be praying that God will answer our prayers for Ray's healing. I know He is able. My sister had advanced cancer of her lymph system. She was hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic when the doctors said there was no hope. The family was called to her bed side to say our goodbyes. Being a praying family we made our partition know to God. My father would say that she was minutes from death when God healed her; although she did have a long recovery. Today my sister is 74 years old and she has been cancer free for over 40 years. Praise be to God. I know that God heals because I have seen in with my eyes. I know he answers prayer because he answers mine. More than all this, I know God is working His perfect will, and for that I am so thankful.

I am praying for Ray, I am blessed by his ministry.



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 08:20:31 PM »

Ray and Manuela--
Making my request for your healing made known to the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Joyce :)


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2008, 08:41:27 PM »

Lets also add Dr. Steger in our prayers.
I'm also a bit overwhelmed, but with hope.
Just the size of this experience as it pertains to each and every one of us in Gods/our own way, is mind blowing to me. 


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2008, 09:35:23 PM »

This is utterly heart breaking, yet with some hope. We're all praying Ray, very hard. 

Chris R

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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2008, 09:40:26 PM »

Praying for you Ray, totally at a loss for words

May God work his perfect will in your life Brother.

Chris R


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2008, 09:57:31 PM »

I am praying for you and I am grateful for all your hard work and the blessing it has been to me.


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2008, 10:02:34 PM »

God IS faithful, HIS will be done.  I bless you Ray, in the name of Jesus Christ, and ask in His name for you to be healed.  Gold and silwer I do not have, but in the name of the Lord, be healed.

Thank you for being such a blessing to me.

Love in Christ


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2008, 10:07:02 PM »

Thanks Ray and Dennis for the update!

Ray and Manuela, you are in my prayers.



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2008, 11:32:32 PM »


To our Bible-Truths Forum and Believers in Christ:

I don’t suppose anyone wants me to sugar-coat the facts regarding my present situation, so I will level with you.

But first thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers and concerns for my present state of affairs!

Thank you Bro.Ray for letting us know and leveling with us your brethren about your present condition. This is valuable information for us. You know that we all love you dear brother for we consider you as our leader and teacher in leading us to the truth of God.

I will always thank God for giving us a Mr. L.Ray Smith whom God is using as an instrument in spreading His truth we are in awe and in owe of you.

I know that what you are experiencing right now is in God’s will and like Paul, you will run the race and finish your course despite with all this pains and sufferings you are encountering and I know that you will emerge victorious and as like in the Olympics, you will bring your torch to the finish line and will endure till the end.

Jesus Christ is greater who is in you than all the sickness in this world combined. He is our Great Healer, so I speak healing upon you brother in Jesus name!

I myself is a recipient of God’s healing power.

God bless,


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2008, 11:33:20 PM »

Ray, I can hear the Rocky theme playing right now.  May God perform a miracle in you for all to see.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 12:32:55 AM by musicman »

Dave in Tenn

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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2008, 12:15:14 AM »

I thank you for the update and the truth contained in it.  My prayers will continue for your healing and now extend to Dr. Steger as he aides you.  God bless Ray HUGE.  God strengthen all who love him.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2008, 12:39:55 AM »

Ray, thank you for sharing this hard news with us so we can all approach our Father in prayer for you.  May He continue to give you, and Manuela, peace of mind, and strong faith to believe He is leading you down this path for good.  I pray for your healing.

Just wanted to say, though I've never met you, you've touched my life in a very special way, and have become very dear to me.

       Your sister in Christ,   


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2008, 01:21:04 AM »

Well I have went through all kinds of emotions this last week.  But at this point I have come to a very confident feeling of hope that this cancer will not be unto death for Ray.  I do know that God will be glorified whatever happens.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2008, 03:56:56 AM »

dear ray,
it is absolutely amazing to see God work. His Will led you to dr. steger and i have NO doubt you are indeed where He wants you to be. i cannot even begin to say i know what you and manuela are going thru. i am a breast cancer survivor for 8 yrs now, but mine was in stage -0-, in situ. when i read through your pathology report i cried for you and your earthly family, as well as for us you spiritual family. then as i continued to read your email, i could see God doing what He does best, offering hope in the midst of the "fire". maybe you (or anyone of us for that matter) have one hour, one day, one month, one year, or many years left but the bottom line is, it's not over on this earth for any of us til God says it is. it is hard to imagine you growing any stronger in your faith and understanding of God, but here you are STILL inspiring us in the middle of your "hell".  i praise God for giving you His perfect peace. i praise God for the internet as His tool for bringing us all together to see and (hopefully) truly learn His marvelous hidden Truths. i praise God that you are a "master" at digging deep, deep, deep into His Scriptures to bring to surface those wonderful "gems". i praise God that i have the opportunity to meet you in nashville in september, according to His Will. i praise God for dr. steger and his unique specialities. i praise God that you were able thru God to tell your regular md, "wrong paleface" with regards to the injections. again, can there be ANY doubt that God led you to dr. steger? no, no, a thousand gazillion times NO. i pray that His Will continue to uplift you and manuela. i pray that God will also uplift us at BT as we all suffer with you and need your prayers too. i so look forward to meeting you and manuela. see you in september. (there is a song in there somewhere!)

your sister in Him,


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2008, 09:35:01 AM »

AMEN, Claudia, and beautifully stated! 

Thank you, Ray, for sharing this personal trial.  We love you!




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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2008, 09:54:41 AM »

Our prays are always with you brother.

Seems to me God put that Dr there for you.
To see your faith only builds ours, in the face of death you are a blessing to all of us.
This will be rememberd after time hass no meaning.

Blessing Peace and Gods love to you and yours our dear brother.
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