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Author Topic: August 12, 2008 - A Message From Ray About His Health  (Read 113005 times)

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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #60 on: October 28, 2008, 08:02:43 AM »

I have not read this post for a while and I have been truly blessed tonight reading all the well wishes from the latest post.....what an awesome bunch of people you all are.  I am sure that Ray feels very blessed to be loved like this.

May God be glorified through what is happening in Ray and his families life at the moment.

Love you Ray.



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #61 on: October 28, 2008, 06:40:57 PM »

Ray, I have to tell you I now know how to Love like God . It pains me to hear you are ill.  I certainly Love you and all the beautiful people on the forum. I have never had friends who love me like they do. I know Gods will is best. I will keep you in my prayers.

I have to tell you I was in the Hell of my mind. I had fallen into a sin that I felt God would never forgive me of. It was the same sin someone I loved was in and hurt me. Then, I ended up needing it. I felt like I desearved Hell. Then, I began to hate Hell. I put in the words of Hell amost a year ago and your Website came up.I read for two days.

I had just recently, been hurt by  the Pastor in my last church. He took and told my husbands and my tithe. He said, he didnt know, but another couple had left because he told someone what they tithed. Then, he continued to say that God might kill anyone not paying there tithe. I had just had a blood stream infection temp 109 and 107 for almost a week. He did not kill me. I had a large stroke on right side of my brain, but no paralysis. I had to leave because god protected me during that illness. I had always give with my heart and as able. I could no longer stay in a place where  a Pastor would lie and then. Put himself in the seat of God to say he might kill me. But, I have forgiven him, because finding your website set me free.

It would take all day to tell you what your website did for me. But, I will finish with this. It gave me freedom from Hell. It gave me his true character and love for me. I have learned to Father Forgive Them They Know Not What They Do.
I know who is in control. Best, of all I am not trying to do it myself anymore. His will to save me is truely his work. He freed me of sins I had been trying for years on my own to stop. I am still learning, but I am so blessed he sent me to your Website. I love you and feel the pain of your family.Now, he has put the desire to run in this race, and I know its all up to him if I am chosen either way I do not worry now.

In His Love



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #62 on: October 29, 2008, 08:49:19 AM »

  Hi Ray, blessings in the name of our lord JESUS, it was not without sorrow i read of your poor physical healtlh, having lost my dad to cancer, my mom and a few cousins to diebetes,just over a month ago i lost my elder sister in her fifties to diebetes, and again last week my youngest sister had an heart attact in the states and is still in the hospital, again because of diebetes, my prayers went out immediately to you and your family for the pain and sorrow you all must be going through, almost two years ago i got really ill, diagnos with diebetes and hasnt been coping with it (physically) well since then, but thanks be to the LORD, HE sent a comforter, i stumble on your site while i was searching through some commentarys on andrew wommacks site, when i read your paper on Isaiahs prophesies on CHRIST, cant recall the title, (how he was without form or comeliness,and again, physician heal yourself)and your burning away off the illusion of "free will", through the power of JESUS CHRIST from my life i have been able to better cope with this and all other problems in my life knowing that what ever happens in life is just the fathers way of teaching obedience through the things we bear, he plans your life brother RAY, i have the utmost respect for you and the ministry the LORD put on you and the spirit wills me to pray for you to have good courage, peace, in the name of JESUS CHRIST our lord and saviour.


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #63 on: October 29, 2008, 11:13:08 PM »

Mr. Ray
You have all my prayers for you and your family. I recently got out of the hospital but am still under treatment for my condition. I know how hard illness and pain can be for you and your family. I just wanted to let you know toughts are with you and yours, Jennie


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #64 on: October 30, 2008, 08:16:17 AM »

I have been gone for a while. Wow! My prayers are with you Ray in this tuff times. We'll pray for God to lift a bit of this load. The WORD says " ..By His strifes we're healed. I pray God extends His healing hands upon you and give your strength to sustain. Any weapon fashioned against you to frustrate you shall be destroyed  in the name of Jesus Christ.
God will do it according to His counsel of will


Remain Blessed



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #65 on: October 31, 2008, 03:45:55 AM »

Amen abed. :D


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #66 on: January 01, 2009, 07:42:04 PM »

 Ray......I don't know if this will reach you or not, but i want to encourage you to not give up hope, I am 67 years old and many years ago i was in the wwcg . I became very sick one day with intense fever in fact so bad you almost couldn't leave you hand on me, couldn't eat or drink, and after two days i called the Pastor and ask him to anoint my, the church did not believe in doctors, as you well know, after i was anointed i still became increasing worse and on the seventh day, i became so weak because of not eating and drinking that i couldn't hardly hold my head up, i wiped my lips with my arm and the skin came off, i was literally cooking with the fever, so I looked up and said to GOD, well i guess you are not going to heal me and i am going to die this is my time and full well expected to die right then. And suddenly through the door that entered my room where my bed was this thing came, it looked exactly like a rope made of water about a foot in diameter  and was at the hight of a normal human being, it moved straight through the door in line with my feet and then advanced toward me to my head stayed for a few seconds and went back exactly as it came. And all the sudden i had no fever and was not even weak no pain not nothing as fast as you could snap you finger. The reason i am telling you this is so you wont lose heart brother. God has used you for a good work and you have given new hope to many who felt hopeless and discouraged about their circumstances. Most all your articles are sound and help many.  Causes us to think more about what we are hearing. My hope is that God will heal you and keep you active in His work.

Love and peace to you and yours....................gene


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #67 on: January 03, 2009, 07:48:12 PM »

I too was saddened by this news, I don't even know you, Ray.  It seems like a lot of people here talk to you often.  I have read a lot of your site, but never really talked to you.  But I will pray for you also, as I feel it is right.  You have made me not afraid to read the Bible.  I hope that it is God's will for you to get better.  I think you know you're not alone in this ordeal. 


judith collier

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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #68 on: January 04, 2009, 03:25:34 AM »

Gene, that was the most beautiful testimony I have ever heard and I believe every word of it. How wonderful it is to be with other believers and how we have the same heart even when we do not know a person but one feels a connection stronger than family sometimes. I, too, pray for this man, Ray, that I do not know personally.


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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #69 on: January 22, 2009, 12:57:39 AM »


I pray for you and your family. This is such an awesome website and your super cool for sharing this wealth of knowledge with all of us. I wish there were something more I could do. You are not alone. God's will be done.



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #70 on: January 22, 2009, 02:50:04 PM »


Any updates on Ray?


Dennis Vogel

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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #71 on: January 22, 2009, 03:04:17 PM »

He's up and down. Last week was really bad but this week a lot better. He's still in pain though.



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #72 on: January 22, 2009, 03:15:56 PM »

He's up and down. Last week was really bad but this week a lot better. He's still in pain though.


Thanks Dennis,

Let him know he's on our mind & in our Hearts!



Roy Coates

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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #73 on: January 22, 2009, 10:39:13 PM »

I e-mailed Ray a day(24 hour period) or two ago and below was his response, thought it would be nice to share with the forum.

Dear Roy:  Thank you for your concern, Roy.  I am doing okay, although I have gone through a couple of months of severe pain in virtually all of the areas where the cancer metasticized in my spine and bones.  Sometimes 2 or 3 places and other times a dozen places at the same time. Presently most of these very severe pains have dissipated, with only tolerable pains left in my left shoulder arm and leg.  My doctors said that sometimes we get worst before we get better.  I don't think the pains would subside if they were really growing and worsening.  Thank you for your prayers and support, Roy, as it is much appreciated.
God be with you,



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #74 on: January 22, 2009, 11:46:31 PM »

And we Know God works all things together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I know God has called and chosen Ray to share this truth with all of us. So, I know Ray is in good hands.
Thanks to Ray and all of his staff for laboring in this part of the vineyard. God through you has given me hope on top of hope.



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Re: A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #75 on: February 09, 2009, 02:26:29 AM »


You will be in my prayers. You have blessed so many people. What a legacy! ;)


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Re: August 12, 2008 - A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #76 on: February 16, 2009, 03:15:44 PM »

I know Mr. Ray will "keep the faith" and that God is at work. Sometimes it seems that God uses the sufferings of a brother to teach us something. Mr.Ray still teaches although he is in pain right now. Love and prayers to him and his family, Jennie


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Re: August 12, 2008 - A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #77 on: March 07, 2009, 11:29:41 PM »

 Ray, you are a blessing to us who seek the truth. May God be with you and grant you healing in the name of Jesus Christ. God bless . Marshall


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Re: August 12, 2008 - A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #78 on: March 10, 2009, 02:11:13 AM »

I cannot even put into words how I felt when I read the news about Ray.  I cried for a time then I prayed.  It truly is, like everything else in life, in God's hands.  That does not mean that we have to like it.  I don't.

The impact that Ray has had on my life cannot be overstated.  I was wailing and praying to God one night: "God, please, I am SOOO sick of all of this Hell stuff and I am so afraid for my sons and my loved ones and if I am really honest in  that quiet part of my heart that no one hears but God, I am scared for me, too.  I have to know if all this Hell stuff is real!"  Well, I then went to the internet, typed in "Hell" and viola! there was Ray.  I read deep into the night and downloaded like crazy for the next year!! 

I would read at work, I would read in the bathtub, I would read while traveling......I read Ray's articles over and over and over again.  And this joy, this, indescrible joy spread over me and a peace that truly passes all understanding sat quietly in my heart. 

I finally had the truth!!!! I wanted to shout to everyone I met  ( and for a time my witnessing to my fellow Christians about Universal Reconciliation bcame quite obnoxious.  More than one became concerned about my descent into "heresy ".  My brother, a fine Lutheran minister, has called me a "mystic heretic"). But I did not care!   I FINALLY HAD GOOD NEWS.  REALLY good news!!

Anyway, each day I take a one-two hour walk and I listen to sermons on UR by various folks including Ray.  I also pray.  I will add Ray to my prayer list.  I commit to praying for him everyday that he battles this cancer on earth.



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Re: August 12, 2008 - A Message From Ray About His Health
« Reply #79 on: March 10, 2009, 12:28:06 PM »

I thank God for showing me your website.

You have taught me so much and made the bible come alive to me. It is all beginning to make sense now.

Thank you and I pray you remain faithful til the end

God bless

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