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Author Topic: Here then gone  (Read 6056 times)

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Here then gone
« on: August 23, 2008, 04:36:02 AM »

It seems like I can't get any response to my post in the general discussion so I'll tell y'all a story. A Friend and I were siting on the porch and talking about how great it would be if God would speak with us verbally. to hear His voice or a messengers. How awesome that would be. Maby give us a sign to let us know we are on the right track. Well as we said this night time came it is pretty dark outside. We have very little street lights so you can barely see. Anyways as we were talking a man came walking around the corner and my dog started barking at him. I held my dog until the man passed the house. Well I have 2 cars parked in the drive way and it blocks part of my view of the street. I was waiting for the man to come clear of the cars so as I could see him then I could let loose of my dog. Well the man never went pass my cars. He vanished.We seen him round the corner the it would have took him 10 steps to come out the other side of my cars but he did not appear. We watch for him to reapear but nothing. There's a big wide ditch across the street. there's no houses, only woods. The ditch is so wide and fill with water that no one could possible jump it and got into the woods. Anyways it was pitch dark they would have been hurt trying to get to the other side. I tell you we got off the porch we we notice he did not reapear and went to look for him. I thought maby he tried to jump the ditch and missed and got hurt. Nothing. I took my car and drove around the block 2 times to see if we just missed him or something. maby he turn around and went back the way he came. No, that wasn't the case. I tell y'all after about 30mins of looking for the phantom guy me and my Friend stared at each other and started to remembered what we were just talking about. Could this have been a sign or a way of communicating? After releasing my dog she did not leave the porch any other time my dog would have gotten off the porch just to see where that person went. Weird.



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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 09:40:25 AM »


I've had some similar experiences, they are hard to explain to others.  I still scratch my head over them.  I know the scripture about entertaining angels unawares.  But it's not like there is something really important that was revealed like Mary giving birth to Jesus?  You know something happened, but what was the purpose?

I like to think God gives us little glimpses to know things are going on around us in the spiritual realm.  It also makes me nervous to encourage people to seek after angels, as we know Satan can appear as an angel of light.

I'm sittin on the bench next to you brother, I don't know what to make of it?


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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 10:06:23 AM »

Me too. I've had a few instances where people just seem to make a point of picking me out of a crowd, just to come up and say "hi". Older people, with a light in their eyes (for lack of a better term). Nothing more is said. It's like they are just making basic contact.

It may be nothing, really, but it is odd when it happens. It just doesnt happen often, to me anyway. It hasn't happened lately.



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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2008, 01:15:34 PM »

Darren what you put reminds me of things like deja vu.  You swear you've been or done this before or why does this seem so familiar.  I dont know its just strange at times


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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2008, 11:15:42 PM »

It was just weird. I mean one min. me and my friend was talking about a sign or something then here comes this person walks about 10ft. then disappears. I still can't get over it.



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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2008, 04:53:17 AM »

Darren the funniest thing just happened to me.

I had just read your last post and then started looking for my lighter.  I couldnt find it.  I started thinking...
 "well all i have to do is ask God and he will make it appear"

then  i thought "no i wont ask God for that because i need to stop smoking anyways and that is nothing really to be asking for, (and to myself i thought)--besides, Anthony(i dont actually say my name), do you think He would make it pop up out of thin air?"

I answer myself--"no, but He could do it if he wanted to"

"yeah but he dont work that way"

Lo and behold i walk over to my bed, sitting there in plain site, i mean PLAIN SITE, there's my lighter. 

Im like Wow, is this a coincidence after reading Darrens post? And now i writing you this.


carol v

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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2008, 02:54:47 PM »

When I was 18 or 19, this old boyfriend from junior high came back to town and called me. Being a typical teenage drama queen, I thought he just wanted to relive the glory of me  :D

But no such luck -- he had been "born again" during the intervening years and wanted to witness heavily. He was very into the rapture/end times/there's going to be barcodes in our right hands testimony. You have to realize that this was 1974 and I'd never even seen a barcode yet.

Anyway, he had me going for sure. One night during that time I truly felt the presence of evil in the apartment I was living in -- especially in the bedroom closet. It was very real at the time and very oppressive. I left the house and went driving around and then sat on the couch the rest of the night. It may surely have been imagination but I still remember how oppressive and evil that room felt that night.

Quickly, one night during the first years of my miserable marraige I was wandering on foot around the neighborhood after fighting with the bipolar crazy I was married to. About 2 in the morning on some block, this neighbor just "happened" to be out in her yard in her robe and talked to me about the power of God. I have no clue who this neighbor was or exactly which house I was in front of or why she was in her front yard in her robe at 2 am. The marriage ended after 13 years and then it was another 5 before I starting discovering the truths about the power of God. But God was definitely talking to me for years before.

Yes, I think these experiences happen.


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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2008, 06:42:56 PM »

To all;

 When I was a child around 9 or 10 somewhere in there My mother and (biological) father were separated and going the divorce route. My mom was doing everything possible to make sure my siblings and I didn't go hungry. It was spring time and she was having a yard sale selling what she thought was unimportant when a man carrying a very old toolbox asked her if she could spare some food for just a little work, my mom being a christian (still in Babylon) said I don't have much but she did need lots of things fixed around the house and she would feed him if he would do the work and don't come in the house without her. This man had a blue and yellow glow around him and I told my mom she said you are just seeing the sunlight glaring off of that mirror. This man worked with very old tools and would hum music to this day I have never heard off  to this day. My mom looked at him once and looked at me and said "Pammie, I believe that glow you saw was the glow of an angel and he was sent to show us we will be alright."
  I know in my (carnal) heart it was someone sent to help my family through a difficult day and to show we would make it. God has messengers he sends to say "hey, what do you think you are doing?" or "listen, you need to listen with heart and not with your carnal mind". I still to this day believe that man was a messenger to help us and to show us God is always with us. Maybe that is what that man walking by was doing, just letting you know to listen because he hears us and sees everything we are doing.

                                                          With God's Love & Understanding,


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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 11:36:16 AM »

I truly felt the presence of evil in the apartment I was living in -- especially in the bedroom closet. It was very real at the time and very oppressive. I left the house and went driving around and then sat on the couch the rest of the night. It may surely have been imagination

I bet it wasn't your imagination. Something like that happened to me when I was about that age or a little younger. I was reading books on the occult and doing stupid things. Amazing how clueless I was back then... My curiousity was cured, thank you Lord. I mean, I have done some really stupid things. ::)

To me the feeling was like an extremely oppressive agitation. It was a fight, and the feeling is really hard to put into words.

But something tried to take me over then, 3 nights in a row. Looking back on it, it was a good thing. But it wasn't fun. Without Christ, I'd have lost.



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Re: Here then gone
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2008, 05:32:02 PM »

I tell you the other day at school.

I was back on my college campus waiting for my morning class to began. I had missed a friend, i hadn't seen this person for many months, heard from them, nothing and we were very close friends. I felt sick to my stomach. I prayed in silence asking God to tell me this was His will, that i should so heavily think of this person now and miss them after so many months and not be able to speak or see them one bit. Well i prayed and asked God, if this is your will that i suffer like this than so be it but if this be your will that i would one day see this person and be close to them again as i was, give me some sort of sign, something i could deny.

So as i sat their waiting for the class to start, the doors were locked and i was outside. The teacher had no yet arrived, i saw a person walking in the distance that looked very much like this old friend of mine.

As they walked passed, i asked the Lord, is this your sign? Is this that person i asked you to give me a sign of? I resounding yes in my mind echoed. Yet i was unconvinced, i told the Lord, how do i know this is just not my own wishful thinking? No, i won't believe this is a sign from you unless i see this this day and cannot deny it is them.

Well, as i was walking out of my math class 2 hours later, i made a trip around campus because i had a 2 hour break between my math and chemistry class.

Towards the end of my walk, i ran into this old friend. Utterly shocked and completely overjoyed in my heart i made my way to speak with them and we did speak, though it was brief due to their tardiness for a doctors appointment, i could not help but be so happy. I knew in my heart that the Lord had indeed answered my prayer and that at that moment, i was exactly where i was suppose to be. Everything was going to be alright!

God bless,

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