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Author Topic: Fall Backward  (Read 20154 times)

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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2008, 12:37:46 AM »

I am sure many just fall due to peer pressure. But many have purposely tried to resist it or did not even believe it was true and then were laid out. They do not all touch people on the head either. Many of them tap people very lightly near the stomach. And like some have stated some don't even touch at all. You can use anything at all and then try to attach Christ to it. Many do it with known intent and others proably really do believe it is from God. If I can do a coin trick and it is just slight of hand then that itself is not wrong. But if I then start saying it is something other than it is that is where it goes sour. Laying on of hands and falling down is no different to me than the people in power in religious circles who control information and design recruiting styles to manipulate the thinking mind. If it is false, it is false. We have layers upon layers of this to work past. The popular fall down fad is just one of the many distractions that are out there.



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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #41 on: September 09, 2008, 10:48:21 PM »

Man, sorry I have been gone for awhile it seems. this thread was started days ago. I'm just catching up. I also went on a stage yrs ago and this guy prayed over me and then was pushing my forehead so that I would go or fall backwards. I did resist and did not go backwards at all. I don;t think he was happy with me because he pushed harder and harder on my forehead. I kept pushing and pushing forward until he moved on to the next person. That guy just fell over like a ton of bricks. I think some people want to believe so bad that they are being touch by the Holy Spirit they will do just about anything. I seen on the Benny Hinn show that he drops them without even a touch, just a wave of the hand or he blows on them and bam they fall over. It is rather funny to me. I think it was Daniel who was visited by Gabriel and Daniel fell face down and all his might left him. Face first in the dirt. can anyone back this up with scripture?

See Daniel 10 especially verses 11 & 12

"Then he said to me, fear not Daniel for from the first day that you did set your heart to understand and to chasten yourself  before your God your words were heard and I am come for your words."

15 And when he had spoken such words unto me I set my face toward the round and I became dumb.

Note that Daniel lost all strength and the angel had to strengthen Daniel.

I don't think that this is something we can expect on a regular basis.  This type of intervention is reserved for special occasions, therefore ? I seriously doubt that most healings and falling backwards etc etc are genuine.

Just my view, Bob

Jackie Lee

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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2008, 11:49:49 PM »

As I look back I now know in many cases it is just hype.
The pastors love it when people get hyped up, the louder and more unruly the service becomes the more generous people become.
The pastor sometime would say God told me there are 10 people here tonight that needs to give 500 dollars.
If 10 people don't go forward there is a plea don't miss your blessing come give the 500 dollars. *Lots of loud music.*
The people would walk up front and give a check for 500 dollars, there was always the amount of people they asked for because he would wait until they came forward.
This is actually the number of dollars they would ask for some nights he would only ask for a 100 from 20 people.
Oh I could go on and on, I am so glad I God pulled me out of that mess.
This was a town in the midwest, I am sure these sort of churches are everywhere.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2008, 12:18:09 AM »

A number of years ago, I saw a documentary on TV about the Shakers.  They were a christian sect in the 1800's in America that had as part of their religious worship a type of ecstatic 'dance' that gave them their popular name of 'shakers'.  In a way, they were forerunners of more modern 'Pentecostalism', at least in observance, if not doctrine.

It was just a few years after they formed their organization that all pretext of ecstasy in worship disappeared, and the 'moves' that had in earlier times been free and expressive became choreographed and diagrammed so that anybody could learn them.  Kind of like improvisational jazz being played by a High School marching band.

To me, they took a baby's milk 'sign' and made it completely meaningless...just another ritual to separate themselves in alleged holiness.  Religion is good at that, I give credit.

Say what you want about Catholicism and all strains of Protestantism...I believe if the Lord gives Pentecostalism 1700 years to develop, christians will be worshipping snakes and dividing themselves on what species is the 'right one' to worship.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 12:22:12 AM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2008, 04:57:04 AM »

As I was channel surfing last weekend I came across one of those TV preachers doing the hand on the forehead, felled by the spirit dog and pony show. I wondered, when people faint or lose consciousness do they always fall backward? It is amazing, the preacher performing this whatever one might call it always positions someone directly behind the person on the receiveing end, it struck me enough to do a search on examples in scripture where people "fall backward" my initial thought was that falling backward would not be something to be desired.
I found a couple verses that appear to substantiate my reaction;

Gen 49:17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
Isa 28:13  But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little and there a little; that they might go and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken.




You're right brother Joe. "Falling backward was not something to be desired." I once was attending our leadership training (Laying of the Hand was a big deal in our church) and one of my friend fall backwards without knowing that nobody was at her back to catch her fall because the pastor was not on her yet and she fall outside the carpet onto the cement floor. She got a very big lump on her head that she was dizzy and having a headache for days. Now that's something not to be desired of. :(

As for me, I've been laid hands on for a couple of times because we are required to though I was not very enthusiastic about it. I don’t really believe in the laying of the hands thing because to me it was like a joke but I have to go through it for it was required for us just to go along with the system eh. (We’ve been blind to the teachings of the church and we thought that was the right thing.) I haven’t felt anything dong it and I haven’t felt spiritual as they say. I was wondering if there’s something wrong with me because I’ve seen others crying, rolling-over, shouting, vomiting, and other reactions not normal and I just felt nothing. I said, oh my God why is not Your Holy Spirit touching me and move me like the others? ???

Maybe that's why I'm here now. ;D
God is really touching and moving me. :)

God bless,


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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2008, 10:30:45 PM »

Thanks Bob. I thought it was Daniel. I was way off on who  the messenger was. I was right on however on Daniel fell face down.

Thanks, Darren


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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2008, 02:03:42 PM »

The little girl walks into the Pentecostal service now underway....
nervously she takes a seat near the back where her friend is motioning with her hands to come sit with her! The music is loud and the drums a little disturbing  at first, but she comes to relax and enjoy the upbeat sound as they begin playing "familiar" sounds from the guitars and piano. Everyone is waving their hands in the air, and when the little girl joins in she receives a feeling of freedom. She relaxes even more.  When the preacher comes up to the pulpit he is likeable and funny. She intently focuses on his voice, unconsciously accepting whatever he says, her mind nearly asleep. He quotes scriptures left and right; he must be a very smart man! Near the end he raises his voice to an all out yell and though frightened a bit, the little girl accepts this as a person of authority that she needs to heed. The music begins again. This time its very repetitive and nearly puts everyone into a subconscious state; the cares of dinner burning on the stove, the thunderstorm going on outside the church, the thought of having to get up early for work the next day....all GONE...those thoughts are all GONE....all that they can think about is "staying in the moment." The Holy Spirit is in this place, the little girl is told. She imagines in her mind what the Holy Spirit looks like as He walks up and down the isles searching for "a bride." She wonders if He is looking at her right now and searches the air in every direction so as not to miss a hint of His presence. She is very interested in the group gathering at the altar. What are they doing, she asks her friend? "They are being slain in the spirit. See, the Holy Spirit is making them pass out and fall down." The little girl  is convinced that she too wants to walk boldly up the isle and receive the "anointing" just as the others have in her group. " She steadies herself and does walk up. But when the preacher touches her head, the warm feeling is not enough to make her pass out.  She doesn't want to disappoint her friend, she wants to be known in the group as a believer, and since she is feeling very "sleepy" decides to fall backwards into the arms of the nice lady behind her. Another lady covers her with a nice little warm blanket.  It is peaceful on the floor, and the voices seem muffled to her while lying there. "This is special," she thinks!

After the service, cookies and punch and sandwiches are served downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. What a lovely ending to such a fascinating and educational night! The little girl feels loved, happy, and content.

Why would she ever doubt a thing that the preacher tells her now? Why would she ever want to go away from such wonderful "fellowship?"

The church members will promise to pray for her every need. They will call her when she doesn't show up for service to check on her and make sure she is alright. They will invite her to "special classes" where she can learn even more of the "deep things of God." And there is really very little pressure to begin giving the church ten percent of her money. Afterall, for the little girl that is only about 10 cents a week. What harm can come from that?

Mike T

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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #47 on: September 13, 2008, 04:07:04 AM »

a little boy throws in 2 cents


shine on, O Joyful One, SHINE ON


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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2008, 07:44:23 PM »

Another little boy goes and kicks the pastor in the leg and runs out of church!





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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2008, 12:23:04 AM »

:D thanks Mike, that story comes from my own experience....
Jeff... ;D that it sooo funny! Kind of the way i feel about it now! for sure!
Joyce :)


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Re: Fall Backward
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2008, 01:59:39 AM »

when i fainted i fell forward...and landed on my right arm with my own finger in my mouth, knocking a couple of teeth loose (but not out), and bit the tip of my finger almost off. but of course i was in my own garage and landed on my own very concrete garage floor with my dog lying by my side licking me on my face when i came to. but then again, i had been out in the sun too long without eating, not like the hucksters on tv who have been too long without the Son and full of eating their own, uhh, lies...i know, this isn't so much along your same line of thought hillsb. but it was the only experience of fainting i had.

love you guys,
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