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Author Topic: Greetings from another New Forums Member  (Read 9489 times)

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Greetings from another New Forums Member
« on: September 19, 2008, 05:34:15 PM »

First off, let me say that I am very excited to be a part of this forum, and to begin fellow shipping with others who are actively seeking Truth, and are going through the overwhelming, yet amazing process of learning/unlearning/relearning everything regarding GOD, His Word, and our purpose here on this earth.

I stumbled upon Ray's site back in February (funny thing, I don't remember how) while at work. Since that day, my life has never, and will never be the same!  :D I have read almost every one of Ray's online writings, including the entire Lake of Fire Series. Currently, working on the Secret Rapture theory. Amazing!

I believe I have a pretty interesting story (I'll keep it as short as I can):

I was born and raised in Garden Grove, Ca (Orange County), and attended a few different Baptist Churches, mostly "Free Will Baptist" (since the age of 11).  Before I was born, my mother and sister were "believers", but they did not go to church every Sunday. They would usually go on Holidays or special occasions, but that was about it. However, something "strange" happened to my mom on the day I was born. As she recalls, in the hospital, as I was being born, she had this overwhelming feeling come over her. She didn't have any visions or anything, but she suddenly felt that it was very important that I be raised in a church. She firmly believes it was GOD manifesting Himself. Since that day, we have gone to church *basically* every Sunday. (Except for me over the last 8 months  ;) )

As for my dad, he was out of the picture. Though he lived only a few mile away from me, I recall seeing him no more than 6 or 7 times my entire life. He suffered from diabetes and was clinically depressed, and basically slept the last 10+ years of his life away.

When I was 17, after church one Sunday, I was over at my buddy, Eric's house, and was having some "bible chat" with him, his dad, and his stepmother. Suddenly, his stepmother went into this crazy "trance" or something, (eyes rolled up, as if she was possessed, trust me I wish I was joking!!) and said "the harvest is many, but the workers are so few", then she looked at me and said, "GOD has something in store for you, I don't know what, but it is big. Keep up what you're doing, and don't lose the faith." The strangest part is that after she spoke those words, as she "came back to normal", I felt as though a wind (or Spirit??) had gone right THROUGH ME, from from front to back as if it came FROM HER... And both of us were overwhelming and short-breathed. I would say that the looks on Eric and his dad's faces were priceless, but I'm sure that mine and his stepmother's topped them... All in all, something that you NEVER forget. (I got chills just "typing" about it!)

In 2002, I was with Eric again, driving on the freeway, and I suddenly got this desire to go visit my dad. Now, I hadn't seen him in at least 5 years, and never before cared to see him. As far as I knew he was "dead" to me, I "hated" him very much. But I told Eric what happened, and he said that I should go. Now it was a Monday, so I planned on going the next day, Tuesday, after work. However Tuesday came, and I made plans and never went to visit him.  A few weeks later, I received a call from my aunt on my dad's side saying that he had passed away. Turns out, he died on Thursday, TWO DAYS AFTER I WAS SUPPOSED TO VISIT HIM! Of course, this devastated me, as I "knew" that I was supposed to go help him, perhaps even to "save him". I felt that I had let him, and more importantly, I had let GOD down! I was suddenly frightened that my dad was now suffering in Eternal Hell, and it was MY FAULT! Yet, at the same time, I was confused, as all my life I thought I hated this guy!?! He was never a father to me, so why should I feel sorry for him, especially since GOD apparently was going to? He had turned his back on me and GOD, so wasn't he getting what he deserved? If GOD wasn't going to show him mercy, then why did I? It ate me up inside... **I firmly believe this was the day, when GOD started to open my eyes, because from that day on I started question everything about GOD and what was taught in the Christian Church.**

I prayed many times that GOD show mercy on my dad, and myself for failing Him. I asked Him many times WHY? Why must people burn in Hell? Was He not powerful enough to save them? Was He not willing to? What was "blocking" GOD Almighty from being able to fix everything? WHAT COULD I DO ABOUT IT??? It got to the point, that I would pray for GOD to somehow USE ME! In order to save my friends, my family, (and eventually I even included my enemies), I prayed that GOD would strike ME, pour His Wrath ON ME. Though I have always been a BIG baby when it comes to pain, I was eagerly inviting GOD to use me as a "tool" to save His Creation. **Of course, now I KNOW that this was ALL GOD'S DOING. This wasn't me being "brave" and acting on "free-will" trying to be a hero, but it was ALL GOD SHOWING ME HIS TRUE CHARACTER, AND THE TRUE CHARACTER OF CHRIST.**

Over the years, I prayed and I searched, but it got to the point where I started to lose "faith". Not in GOD, or His Word, but in the idea and hope that there was an Alternative Solution to GOD'S Plan. That was, of course, until I stumbled upon Ray's Site. And the rest is history, and now, HERE I AM. I have shared everything I have learned with my family, my wife, and a few friends. I was very fun telling Eric. I called him and told him I had the craziest news he would ever hear, he chuckled. Then I said, "Remember that day when your stepmother was possessed in the garage?". I heard him get very serious, and he said "You have my attention."  Amazingly, to this point no one that I have shared this with has rejected it. In fact, BOTH my mother and sister revealed to me that THEY NEVER REALLY BELIEVED IN HELL!! They always believed that Jesus would somehow "find a way"... Wow! I found that fascinating!

To this day, I still don't know "exactly" what GOD has in store for me, but I know I'm much closer... Perhaps it's more related to the next age. When us the "chosen" along with JESUS CHRIST, fulfill GOD'S Purpose to "save all mankind" through "righteous judging", so that we ALL come to "know the truth, and the truth sets us FREE"!

Well, that's my Intro,


Christopher *aka Daywalker*


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 06:26:25 PM »

Hi Christopher,

Thanks for sharing your interesting story.

Its always overwhelming to be led to the truth and have our eyes and ears

opened and be shown the spiritual things of God's word. It completely

changes our live.

Welcome to the forum. I look forward to hearing more from you.



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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2008, 06:30:28 PM »

Hello Iris,

Haha, yep, it sure is overwhelming.. Well worth it though. Glad to meet you, and glad to be here.



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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2008, 07:35:19 PM »

Hi Christopher,

Great testimony and great enthusiasm.  I just wanted to let you know that if your post is not replied to, it is likely because many forum members are at the Nashville conference. So don't be discouraged.  It's usually very busy here with posting.

Anyway, welcome.



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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 07:53:13 PM »

Hello Eileen,

Thanks for your comments and encouragement. That's right, I so wish I could have gone... But I am excited to hear the audio from the conference, the commentary for it was very intriguing! I tried for a little while to find some of the answers myself (not the obvious ones like "Is anything too hard for GOD?", but the one's regarding Creation, time, etc.), but soon after I shifted back to ones that I really needed answered for myself...

Anyways, looking forward to interacting with you and the many members here.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 07:55:45 PM by daywalker »


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 08:19:51 PM »

Welcome to the Forum Christopher,

It's suprising to hear that those around you are accepting of the no hell teaching...
I think that is unusual, and wonderful.

Looking forward to your posts & fellowship...

You still in CA?

Douglas Wayne Thomas

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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2008, 08:34:39 PM »

Welcome to the Forum Christopher,

It's suprising to hear that those around you are accepting of the no hell teaching...
I think that is unusual, and wonderful.

Looking forward to your posts & fellowship...

You still in CA?

Personally I do not think people have as big of a problem accepting the no Hell part of the Bible as they do getting over the freewill thingy.

I usually explain the freewill falseness like this. People are effected by how they were raised from even before their birth. Studies have shown that mothers who sing and are happy during pregnancy have healthier babies. We develop many ideas about the world and our surroundings before we are even capable of making rational decisions. It is kind of like the legal age for drinking, at 20 years and 364 days old we can not handle alcohol, however 24 hours later all of a sudden we can. When does our freewill actually start? One day we can't make rational decisions and then all of a sudden we can? Our lives are being influenced constantly by forces outside of our control, we just have an illusion of freewill.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 08:36:23 PM by Douglas Wayne Thomas »


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2008, 09:04:22 PM »

Personally I do not think people have as big of a problem accepting the no Hell part of the Bible as they do getting over the freewill thingy.

I usually explain the freewill falseness like this. People are effected by how they were raised from even before their birth. Studies have shown that mothers who sing and are happy during pregnancy have healthier babies. We develop many ideas about the world and our surroundings before we are even capable of making rational decisions. It is kind of like the legal age for drinking, at 20 years and 364 days old we can not handle alcohol, however 24 hours later all of a sudden we can. When does our freewill actually start? One day we can't make rational decisions and then all of a sudden we can? Our lives are being influenced constantly by forces outside of our control, we just have an illusion of freewill.

Hey Douglas,

I totally agree with you. Many people are/would be much relieved to know that Hell isn't real. But when it comes to their "free" will, they get very defensive.

I think the hardest part is understanding what "free will" really means. When we understand that it has nothing to do with "making choices", but rather the fact that our choices are "caused", can be altered/manipulated (i.e. circumstances, nature, mind-altered drugs, propaganda, deception, etc, etc.), and that many of the choices we make daily are more like "reactions" to circumstances around us, then it becomes clear. (Of course, can't leave out Divine Intervention, most important)

The most popular analogy I've heard in support of "free will" goes something like, "Well, I decided what food I ate today".  But if you stop and think about it: Sure we decide what to eat, but the choice is BECAUSE of what foods we like/dislike (or for some, their "diet plan" can have some effect on their food choices). Also, has anyone ever "chosen" what foods his/her taste buds would agree or disagree with? We either like the taste of something or we don't. But we don't even get to "decide" which foods our taste buds will enjoy. We only know by eating it.

Anyways, great comments Douglas, looking forward to more from you.



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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 11:18:25 PM »

Hi Christopher,

I think Brenda was just replying to your post about your mother and sister never really believing in "Hell" when you told them of your newfound truths.  She was just thinking that it was unusual for most Christians to readily accept that fact and that it is wonderful that they did.

Often times posts are misread.  It happens all the time.  In fact, maybe I misread both your and Brenda's post. ???

Eileen :)


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2008, 11:20:07 PM »

Hi Christopher! I am one of the ones still here unfortunately! :-\
But now I can welcome you to our group! :D
How exciting that you have shared with such a great response. That is so rare.
We just found BT about 6 mo ago (?) after being Christians for about 17 yrs. My husband and I both found truth at BT so I am very thankful. I have talked to only a few about this when they have questioned me and since they were sent by God to ask, it has also worked out fine.
For the most part, we don't share our new ideas. My BIL is a pastor and has his doctorate in theology. He would never hear it right now. :(

Many blessings and welcome!


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2008, 11:22:37 AM »

Hello Christopher,

                         Welcome to the Forum, Do continue to partake of the Spiritual Food provided at this table, the food is exquisite, tasteful and nourishing. Enjoy the Fellowship and I agree that the Free Will Myth is the most difficult thing for people to comprehend and accept, it's an Idol of the Heart. Read it, learn it and live it. We(The Freckle Girl and I) listened and read the Free Will series several times and it's rather clear now. Ray said that the Doctrine of Free Will or Free Moral Agency is the gravest error of all, because it leads to many of the other errors found in Christendom.

                         Don't stress yourself by getting into debates with those who don't or won't give up the Free Will Idol, you could simply respond by " Can a person Free Will themselves from dying " or as Ray mentions in his Audio of Free Will, " Free Will yourself out of that one "  ;D

                         Oh, one last thing(I'm only Kidding,  ;D), Is your real name Wesley Snipes, The Day Walker aka Blade, I have a mission for you, take care of those Hellfire Breathing Vampires for me, will you, remember, only joking with you;  ;D ;D ;D.

                                     Kind Regards, Samson.

Douglas Wayne Thomas

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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2008, 12:32:55 PM »

It is interesting that you mention food as you have. Currently I am doing a 3 day water fast, this is day #2. If all goes well I might extend it to 5 days or a week. I have not been physically hungry, because I have been getting spiritually full reading the website and this forum.

I read quite a bit about fasting in the Bible and it is something I have wanted to try for awhile now. Clearing my head is my main goal, however I could stand to lose a little weight, well maybe more than a little.  ;) :D :)


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2008, 01:18:08 PM »

Hi Christopher,

I think Brenda was just replying to your post about your mother and sister never really believing in "Hell" when you told them of your newfound truths.  She was just thinking that it was unusual for most Christians to readily accept that fact and that it is wonderful that they did.

Often times posts are misread.  It happens all the time.  In fact, maybe I misread both your and Brenda's post. ???

Eileen :)

Hey Eileen,

Haha, I think you are right. I read it again, and may have misunderstood. Hopefully, I will do better in the future of understanding other's posts.  ;)

Thanks for the input.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 02:30:00 PM by daywalker »


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2008, 02:36:25 PM »

Welcome to the Forum Christopher,

It's suprising to hear that those around you are accepting of the no hell teaching...
I think that is unusual, and wonderful.

Looking forward to your posts & fellowship...

You still in CA?

Hello Brenda,

Yeah, I've been "lucky" so far..  ;) But I imagine that will change soon, as I am beginning to get a little bolder, and speak out with less hesitation. I'm am definitely excited to be on this forum, and completely amazed with the "welcoming committee" and the responses I've gotten from the members here. (Even with so many at the Conference). It really is awesome to know that there are so many people out there learning and believing what I am, and the fact that we have this forum to all "come together" is truly wonderful.

Glad to meet you as well, and yes I am still in Cali ... for now.  :D

GOD Bless,



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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2008, 02:46:04 PM »

Hello Christopher,

                         Welcome to the Forum, Do continue to partake of the Spiritual Food provided at this table, the food is exquisite, tasteful and nourishing. Enjoy the Fellowship and I agree that the Free Will Myth is the most difficult thing for people to comprehend and accept, it's an Idol of the Heart. Read it, learn it and live it. We(The Freckle Girl and I) listened and read the Free Will series several times and it's rather clear now. Ray said that the Doctrine of Free Will or Free Moral Agency is the gravest error of all, because it leads to many of the other errors found in Christendom.

                         Don't stress yourself by getting into debates with those who don't or won't give up the Free Will Idol, you could simply respond by " Can a person Free Will themselves from dying " or as Ray mentions in his Audio of Free Will, " Free Will yourself out of that one "  ;D

                         Oh, one last thing(I'm only Kidding,  ;D), Is your real name Wesley Snipes, The Day Walker aka Blade, I have a mission for you, take care of those Hellfire Breathing Vampires for me, will you, remember, only joking with you;  ;D ;D ;D.

                                     Kind Regards, Samson.

Hello Samson,

Thanks for your comments and for welcoming me here. Yes, I am enjoying the "Spiritual Food' very much. Simply interacting with the members here is completely satisfying. Ya, as far as the Free Will debates, I usually start off with, "Well, if you have free will, then why can't you stop sinning?" I've yet to get any kind of a decent "sound" response. Being a computer guy, I also inform them that (as Ray even talks about) computers "makes choices" all the time, so "do they have free will"? However, if I can tell someone is very upset, I back off, as I don't want to start a confrontation with them. From there, I let GOD "take over" with them, and wait for them to come to me for more information.

As for the Wesley Snipes identity, let's keep that secret between you and me  ;) Don't want all those crazy vampires knowing I'm still around. (haha)

Anyways, great to meet you.



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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2008, 02:54:19 PM »

Thanks Eileen,

You understood me exactly right.
And it is true "No Hell" is much easier for people to accept than "No Free Will".  Even when you come to believe it, it takes a long long time to deprogram it completely out of our reasoning!

We Be Cool... 8)


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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2008, 09:21:30 PM »

Hi Christopher,

I'm glad that you have joined us  :)
For those that God plans to choose, He has been working with them all their life.  It is at His appointed time in their preparation that He gives them the Holy Spirit and their eyes are opened and they begin to learn the Truth.  My experience has been from that point on, as long as you continue to search and study He will lead you from one profound Truth to another.

I think you will enjoy the fellowship here, it is truly a blessing to be among like minded believers.

We have many things here that you may be interested in reading, here are a few links.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

child boards for;
Inspirationals, Writings, Poems, Etc.,15.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Greetings from another New Forums Member
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2008, 09:59:29 PM »

Hey Kat,

Thanks and nice to meet you. I just discovered Ray's Audio tracks this morning. (funny I've been visiting his main site and reading his teachings for 8 months). Good stuff!  ;) It's awesome to be able to listen, his style really brings his teachings to life.

I'm am definitely looking forward to interacting with the many members here, learning and growing from fellow ship with them. GOD is showing me a whole new world, and it's exciting to get to know others whom GOD has chosen to see His Big Picture.

GOD Bless you,

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