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Author Topic: God uses us newbie’s too!  (Read 4655 times)

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Richard D

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God uses us newbie’s too!
« on: September 21, 2008, 02:38:09 PM »

After reading Ray’s lake or fire series I’m sure you must of felt great joy to discover there is no hell, this meant so much to me. You know those things in our life we do but prefer not to do, its wonderful to know its not our will but His will.

I have come across Rays paper’s about six weeks ago and I’m new to theses truths Ray  pointed out using many scriptures which can not be disputed, the truth is evident.

At this time I’m not able to partake of the meat of God’s word but only the milk. I know a few wonderful truths and want to tell the whole world, although I am fully persuaded of these things Ray teaches I can not explain it to others as to convince them.

I was talking to a man who is a devote Roman Catholic who attends church faithfully every Sunday. I mentioned I was also a Roman Catholic too but this man was much older than me.

 I told this man I was taught to believe if a person was not saved before they died they would spend eternity in hell and had ask him if he was also taught this too. He shook his head yes and I notice his eyes started to become wet as he had told me about his Dad.

He said his Dad was a good man but he never went to church and believe his father was suffering in eternal damnation even as we spoke. I understood the tears in his eyes, I told him I discover there is no hell and had told him about how Jesus died for the whole world and especially those who believe.

I clumsily started to explain what I had been learning on bible truths and went on to tell him how God loves every person ever born and would eventually save his entire creation.

I went on to give him the web addressed to the lake of fire series and noticed his countenance expressed a sort of relief. As I left this persons home I silently thanked God for using me to tell of his truths.

Yes its true, God does use us newbie’s too.

                                  You’re brother and friend in His truths. Richard. 



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Re: God uses us newbie’s too!
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 05:42:52 PM »


Good work!! Sometimes all it takes a little bit of the truth to attract people to the whole truth. Your friend know as the website address and can get more of the truth. My brother know believes in no hell and that God will save all men, but the hardest thing for him to let go and most people is the fact we have no Freewill. I have found that is the most hardest thing for people to grasp.

                                       With God's Love & Understanding,


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Re: God uses us newbie’s too!
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 05:45:01 PM »

Richard D, I myself am going back and forth with some people who believe in the man made doctrains. They start off and questioning me and I give them ansewers. But I didn't know where the scripture was so I was tell them in my own words which doesn't work. It probably confused them even more. So I wanted to be prepared just in case this happens again. I took my notebook and pen then went to Ray's papers and emails and also his audios and transcripts. I found everthing I need to find (scriptures) How God will save all, How free will is a myth and how God will not send anybody to a fable hell (it doesn't exists) and howGod choose us we do not choose Him this seems to be a very big deal to them, this free will. Anyways Today I had the subject come up how God will save only the believers and nonbelievers will go to hell. well I gave 10 or so scriptures and then told them If you believe in the word of God and God does not lie or changed, I gave them scripture on this also. So if you don't believe Gods words I put right in front of your face then you don't believe God;s word. Then I told them once again here is the proof now you dispute me with scripture. Guess what I haven't heard anything from them yet.

PS It took me forever to find and write down all the scriptures i thought that was necessary for their understanding.


Richard D

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Re: God uses us newbie’s too!
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 06:22:30 PM »

Winner 08

I just wanted to say to you I can relate to these things you’re telling me. There was one person who did not believe the truth and wanted to keep the traditions of man. So I said to him if a priest told me it was alright to lie and then I found in the bible where it says in the ten commandments thou shall not lie I would go back to that priest and say, why did you tell me it was ok to lie when the bible tells me different.

I use analogies like this to get around them. I find it difficult because of my lack of knowledge but I’m learning every day something new in the Lord.  :)

You know when I have Kat’s understanding then God can use me much more, but none the less he is using me to help people just the same .

The most important thing I can do now is stir them up, then direct them to my source of knowledge were they will find abundant knowledge beyond what I can give them.

Now my job is done. Thank you Jesus because as little as I know you’re giving me good works even as I learn.

Your brother and friend In His Truths. Richard.   

Richard D

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Re: God uses us newbie’s too!
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 06:28:07 PM »

Pam, thank you for sharing with me as it encourages me to tarry on with what God is giving me a desire to do. It’s wonderful to be a part of the ministry of Christ even though I’m a newbie in all this wonderful truth. Jesus is working through me and literally adding to my account good works.

  In His Love and Truths your brother and friend. Richard.



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Re: God uses us newbie’s too!
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 12:56:36 AM »


  Hear this my friend, God uses people that are not experts in spitting out countless scriptures and make them sound as learned men. People WATCH others and how they treat people, the sick, the poor, the outcasts etc. A thousand words spoken in artistic form is nothing to what a quiet action and genuine effort can do.



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Re: God uses us newbie’s too!
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 01:24:20 AM »

Job 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

Onward to the gold status Richard!!   :)

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