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Author Topic: Every silly argument  (Read 5475 times)

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Every silly argument
« on: September 21, 2008, 01:27:46 AM »

Hi all,

Something i noticed recently is that every silly argument that people use to try to contradict God, the answer is in His Word.  Some of the people i have spoke to have come up with a wide range of arguments or questions and every answer so far i have found is right there in His Word.

Praise Jesus!  What an amazing God we all have! I believe that any question mankind can come up with the answer is right there in His Word. (thats one of the reason i cant wait to see what Ray has found)  Although some might not be fully understood still the answer is there i.e....

1Co 2:9 - Show Context
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--

Well, how can you question or answer something that has never come to the mind of any one.

Anyway In Jesus,



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Re: Every silly argument
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 01:36:10 AM »

Ak4 Yours so right. I have been discussing free will and God will save all. You just couldn't believe the beating I am taking in these subjects. When I think back I used to believe just what they believe.
It's like beatting a dead horse there is nothing you can say to them. They will not believe even in the scriptures I quoted to them. Plain as day as the nose on their faces I mean I am quoting God's own words and they still wont believe. Now I am not trying to teach but I am trying to show them that it is true God will save everbody I think this is the Good News of the Bible. I think I should try to convey the message (plant the seed and let God take over).



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Re: Every silly argument
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 07:03:14 AM »

How do you discuss ? My eyes were opened just a few moths ago...but i learned very quickly that for me, the best form of discussing is to do it in a questioning manner. I dont try to teach or convince, but i try to get people to think on subjects. When people want to argue, i stop discussing. I especially try to avoid discussions when people try to use one scripture against the other to disprove something.

And if people dont start to think...then God has other plans for them.

I think we all have no idea how blessed we really are.



Richard D

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Re: Every silly argument
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 12:29:03 PM »


I have this excitement in me concerning God’s truth I learned from Rays paper’s and have been talking to as many that will listen. I try to explain to my listeners that all will be saved eventually and with out fail, they all say to me, if that’s so then people can do whatever they want because we will all be saved.

After they say this to me I tell them people can not do what ever they want and go on to explain that people really don’t have a free will. I say yes we do have a will but it’s not free.

Once I mention theses things to my listeners I find they are looking to debate with me what I told them but at this point I tell them we have been lied to for centuries by our religious leaders and that’s when I tell them there is to much for me to explain it and give them the web address www.Bible truths .com.

This is how God uses a newbie like me to spread his word and live to see another day if you know what I mean. LOL.  :)

                                                                               In His Love. Richard.


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Re: Every silly argument
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 01:18:28 PM »

Sooo true Richard, I just went thought the same Senior. they ask me and I told them. I started with God will save All. their reply was if that is so then what is the since of doing good? There's no reward for the (Christians). The people who don't accept Christ will go to hell and the ones who do will go to heaven. Well now I am getting push in the direction of there;s no Hell where God sends nonbelievers. It just isn't true. Then I made a error in telling them they can't choose God anyway that God chooses them that there is no free will that God is in control of All things. Then they went off into if we have no free will then we are not held accountable so there is no moral ethics. it doesn't matter what we do because we are saved anyways. After going back and forth with them for a week I was listening to Ray's audio on foundational truths. In his audio he talks about exactly what I just went through. Ray gives scripture on God Saving all, on God does not lie and can not change and free will I think he covered it all in about 10 or 12 scriptures. then He said after we prove to them in scripture tell them to prove otherwise(opposite) in scripture. Then leave it alone. OH yea and Ray said don't get push in their direction. the direction they want to go. Prove to them that God doesn't lie and does not change and then give them the scriptures that He says Then tell they'll you proved it with these scripture and if they don't believe in the scripture, tell them they don't believe in God word. Ray said tell them that they must believe God is a lire. Then just let it go we did all we could.



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Re: Every silly argument
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2008, 01:36:24 PM »

That audio is excellent. All of them are. The one on free will is especially helpful.

It is a guarantee, they will steer the conversation away from plainly written scripture, and they will lead you to their beloved demonic doctrines. Don't let anyone do that.

They will never answer all of what is said. They will pick and choose what they want to respond to, and totally ignore everything else. It seems that they are desperately trying to regain control of the conversation and lead it to where they want it to go.

Now, they might (Ok, they will) get a little upset. When Ray says they despise Gods' Word, he isn't joking, he means it and you will see it yourself. They hate it with a passion. It can get into a battle of the egos, and that never comes out well for anyone. BTDT.

I believe that those that respond to it, will do so immediately. I know I did.
They might ask questions, but it is never a battle of wits or anything like that.

And, you never know who is going to overhear or read what you wrote.


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Re: Every silly argument
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2008, 04:06:40 PM »

hi folks,
just wanted to puy my experence with the subject of trying to talk to people that God has not draged as of yet ,in the begining i wanted to tell the hole world what had been showed to me, it was strange how they heard me talking but did not hear what i was saying .
than i read rays paper on winning souls for Jesus, BT, and than it all made perfect sense.


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Re: Every silly argument
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2008, 02:34:31 AM »

totally agree, sirach,I steer clear of teaching! My goal is to plant a seed, get 'em thinkin'! if arguement ensues,well then I shut-up, cause i tend to get mad and then end up not sayin' the right thing! Im studying though, so that I can properly defend my beleifs through scripture! I want to be an effective witness!
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