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Author Topic: My name is Marlene  (Read 7958 times)

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My name is Marlene
« on: September 22, 2008, 09:30:24 PM »

Hi, My name is Marlene and I am from Ohio. There is so much I would like to tell you about how I come to read Rays sight and come to want to be on this forum. I will save it for a better time when I am feeling better physically. But, I want to tell you you have all served a purpose all ready. Cause I was feeling so not worthy of gods love cause of a sin I fell into after walking with god so long. I was trying to help a friend get over a sin in there life and fell into the same sin. I was not very patient with them, but god showed me through this we need to be patient. At that time I believed  the hell lies. I felt that I hurt god and I could not stand myself. Then one night I cried out and said would i be better off dead god. He not only freed me of that sin but a few weeks later I put in the word hell and read for two days, the night I believed the truth from Ray and people like you I was freed from the lies. So you have all served a purpose already. Knowing others believe this is a great blessing. I truly wanted to die till I knew the truth. Now, I am having more victory in my life . The night , I believed all I could do was worship him and self was not in it at all. I get goose bumps everyday and cant stay out of here or reading Rays articles. Next, I already love all you cause we are all alike.I truely am learning to love like god.
God Bless
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 10:18:58 PM by Kat »

carol v

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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 10:29:58 PM »

Hi Marlene,

Welcome to the Forum :D

Always great to have a new member. God frequently will expose our own sin through those of others. We may be judgmental or impatient with that person then WHOOPS -- oh, I'm guilty of that TOO!

Very glad to have you here.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 12:48:22 PM by carol v »


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 10:41:50 PM »

Wow Marlene, I am so humbled by your post.  You and so many here at BT seemed to have been to "hell and back" so to speak.  So glad you made it here.

Welcome. We always look forward to the stories of new members when they are at ease enough to share.



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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 10:51:05 PM »

Hi Marlene,

Welcome to the BT Forum. Like you, I too asked God to just let me die because I can't seem to overcome my sinfulness. But God has a better purpose for my life than my selfishness. >:( :D

Looking to hear more from you.

God bless,


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2008, 10:58:00 PM »

Welcome Marlene,

Knowing there is no "Hell" is such good news for all of us.  Its when we see, we do what we don't want to do, that we understand there is more to us, than what has been taught.

You Will Be Blessed,


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 12:20:19 AM »

Thanks from all you beautiful people. I am very blessed and hope to get to know you all better in the future. I have many health issues. I also, live a life daily in physical pain. I have learned much from this experience. When, I just think I cannot handle anymore pain God comes through. I have had victory in some sins and I continue to have victory in sins. Now that I know the total truth about hell. That is one sin I never realized I had and praise god that one is gone. I just love god with all my heart and he has helped me to love more like him. Keep me in your prayers about my pain and health as I will any needs I hear any of you need. I sure cried when I read about Ray. Now, I really only known of him from here but that is all I need to know cause I already love him. I even have my Husband and Mother asking me about him. We even got our Bibles out today and have been reading in Genesis. I can't hardly wait to hear about all of it.
Love To All


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 01:37:19 AM »

Hi Marlene,
I am new to the forum as well. I have started out by reading all the intros and announcements. I am glad that I read yours. It really opened my eyes. I admire the truth and trust in your words. Just always remember God and Jesus will never stop loving you or turn his back to you.

I send you warm hugs! I will be keeping you in my prayers that your pain will subside.

We all love you,


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2008, 05:41:18 AM »

Welcome Marlene,

I'm new here also. One of my favorite verses is;
Lamentations 3:31-33
For the Lord will not reject us forever.  32  Even if He causes suffering, He will show compassion according to His abundant, faithful love. 33  For He does not enjoy bringing affliction or suffering on mankind.
There is much to be learned during these seasons of pain and suffering but it is for a season. But remember;
 Psalms 30:5
For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor, a lifetime. Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning.

Hold on to these promises

Your Brother
Tom (tinknocker)


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2008, 07:12:32 AM »

Take Courage Marlene,

                                 Enjoyed you brief introduction and I'm glad you joined us. I know the feeling of wanting to die and even asking God to accomplish this for me, but Thy Will be done, not mine. Apparently he doesn't plan for us to die at this time. Apparently Sin can be beneficial, in that it helps aid in our correction and chastisement(Gk-Kolasin), also helps to make us humble.

                                 If you haven't done so already, thoroughly read the Myth of Free Will four part series, it will help you to realize that you can't control other people and things, We can't even control ourselves. It's best to look inwardly and pray for God to remove OUR sinful desires and no need for worry, he eventually will. Looking forward to your comments in the days to come.

                                         Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2008, 11:01:23 AM »

Hi Marlene,

I am glad that you joined us  :)
Yes this place certainly does serve a great purpose.  It is so nice to come here and have all these people that we can share with and who understand what we are going through.  We are all growing together and learning the truths of God that will help us face the many trials in this life. 

It is great that you are sharing this truth with your husband and mother too.  That is such a blessing to have your family's eyes opened too. 

We have a lot of information on this forum that you might not have found yet, so here are some links you can check out.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

child boards for;
Inspirationals, Writings, Poems, Etc.,15.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love



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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2008, 11:17:44 AM »

Hi Marlene,

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing a lot of physical pain.  I only pray that God reveals more of Christ to you to focus on in the midst of such tribulation.  Know this my little sister (since you're a newbie),  you may be (metaphorically) like Jonah in the belly of the whale.  While it isn't the most ideal situation, because it appears dark and lost,  GOD has you right where He wants you.  And HE has the final say on EVERYTHING in your life.  I hope God shows his glory through your pain so that you'll have Joy that abounds today.

God be with you


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2008, 02:46:53 AM »

Hello, To everyone who wrote such comforting words. I am so grateful for your prayers and words of encouragment. Two years ago I had a very serious illness. I had an infection that entered my blood stream. When the squad came they said my temp was 109 . I am a diabetic.  My blood sugars were good so strange My blood pressure was very low. They got me on a cooling pad and had it down to 107
it took 48 hours to find the proper medication to take care of it. They told me most would have been delerious or coma. I was pretty much of my own frame of mind. This is where I learned greatly that I had no control over the situation.
Also, that is where my trust in god was really tested. But, I could feel his presence with me and I was not afraid. They were so shocked that I never once when out. Although, without the lord I would have never made it. Lots of people came into see me. I was in and out of the hospital about three times after that and some trips to er. I found out that I had a large stroke either during or after the illness. Praise God I am of sound mind some forgetfulness but I am 54 LOL. My husband always told me I had the memory of an elephant. LOL
But, what others had died from I didnt and I had higher fevers and infection amounts. It was not my time and am I ever glad. Because, I was questioning some of my believes before I became ill. One night  sometime latter I sat on the edge of my bed and said god please give me your truths and then I begged him and cried weeping. Praise the lord. I typed in the words hell and found this site.  I also, have told friends about it. A lady from the church I use to go to wants me to have some bible studies with her and use Rays, teaching. Already, god had blessed me with some fellowhip close to me. But, I am so loving all of you.
God Bless


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2008, 12:48:58 PM »

Welcome Marlene!

I pray that your health is improving every day and that your pain is lessening.
So happy that you have joined us!



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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2008, 08:26:34 PM »

Hello Everyone, Thanks for your prayers for my about my physical. I have had less pain for several days now. I just got a cold now, but that is way better then all the physical pain I bare daily. God just keeps revealing things to me more and more since I joined this website. I have some people I want to share this website with please keep me and them in your Prayers.
In Christ Love


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2009, 04:22:02 AM »

...I was feeling so not worthy of gods love cause of a sin I fell into after walking with god so long. I was trying to help a friend get over a sin in there life and fell into the same sin. I was not very patient with them, but god showed me through this we need to be patient...I felt that I hurt god and I could not stand myself. Then one night I cried out and said would i be better off dead god. He...freed me of that sin...


If you can, without revealing what the sin was (unless you choose to), please tell how did God do this for you, and how it's holding up over time.



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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2009, 07:48:57 PM »

Steve, lets just say someone I loved very much hurt me. I was having trouble forgiving them. Instead of trusting God when he obviously  was taking care of me. I let pride and an unforgiving spirit take over. I was tempted and fail into worse situation then that person. God put up with it way longer then I would have out of me. That, person was always willing to forgive me.

In this experience I learned that I needed not to judge. I needed to forgive. That, I was no better then they were .

The out come. I thought, God could never forgive me and that I should just die and go to Hell. Since, I was always taught in church there is a Hell. Lord, how could I learn to forgive when I could not even see a God who could do it. So, I began to dwell on Hell. I was so upset with the thought of hell that I wished I could die. But, then I feared hell. But, my life became  a living hell. Then, next thing I knew I was begging God for truths. That, night I got it. I typed in Hell and I have never been the same. I forgave that person and I am so happy . Not , only that I learned God is control of my life.  I learned that from what should have been a near death experience. But, God kept me conscious through it all and showed me plenty of love. I read for three days and nights. I believed every word I read. I knew, without a doubt this was all of God. It made all my problems good and bad throughout my entire life make sense.

I don't doubt God anymore. I am able to forgive better cause I see myself like any other person in need of it. I trust him. I am sick and tired of licking my wounds. I am sick and tired of the pride that I had in not forgiving people. He knocked me down and also picked me up.

I am so happy not to have that unforgiving spirt eating me up . I am so happy he is in control and my fabled free will does not exist. I am so happy that Love Never Fails.  I can see now how everyone will learn righteousness when all know truth and have God living in them.

I see a great big God who will not loose any of his sheep. I see a purpose in the evil in the world.  I see truth does set us free. Why, should I not forgive we are all the same?  Life is a process and its all for our good even when it seems bad. I see, that I am decreasing and God is increasing. Through, this experience he grew me up fast. I thought, I had not been growing at all. Boy, was I wrong. He was working all the time.  I see we should never put a person on a pedastal. Only, God belongs there.

I have a long way to go. But, I for sure know that God has accomplished alot with that Beast of mine. But, I also know the Beast likes to rise. I pray that when it does that God knocks it down to size.  I suffer daily in physical pain. Days I think , will I make it. He even manages to help me to get to study the Bible and also, that personal time with him was and is always the times I heard him best. That, sin is gone and I have no desire to have it in my life. He corrected me for it and it is gone because I hated it and myself.

In His Love,


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Re: My name is Marlene
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2009, 12:09:48 AM »

Welcome Marlene,

A very moving testimony. Now get ready for the University of Truth in Jesus Christ. Ray is our instructor. We are his students. And God? Well, he runs the whole thing..... :)

May God's peace with you.
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