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Author Topic: Anyone else?  (Read 6586 times)

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Anyone else?
« on: October 06, 2008, 06:28:56 PM »

Feel alot of anomosity and hatred from their family towards themselves? The calling of God is a harsh and painful one... sometimes He's the only thing that gets me through the day.



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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2008, 07:05:44 PM »

i may not be the best with the whole spiritual/God thing...
but im here for you


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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2008, 07:26:59 PM »

AT 12 jesus parents did not understand Him despite His unique beginningy, . John the Baptist did not understand him and he prepared His way.

His family did not understand Him and were partly embarressed and afraid for HIm. His first group of followers didn't stay and left one at a time silently. The last 12 who were hand picked early did not stay either, even the one who rested on His bosom, depsite all that He did and said in their presenece , they all ran out on Him, one betrayed Him and one denied Him 3  times.

Even after he came back they all doubted except for the women who saw Him, then when they saw, they believed, well all except one who had to see the proof and touch it.

The only one that Jesus could rely on throughout his life was His heavenly Father.

Jesus despite having a lot of people around Him, had a very lonely exisitence. He himself says this when He tells us that He was not alone. Not one person understood His purpose except His heavenly Father. He spent a lot of time in prayer even when he was exhausted by the crowds and demands put on Him.  Prayer provided companionship, solice and time for praise.  

Oh how unfathmable to imagine what He felt hwhen the Father forsook Him when He was on the cross, talk about deep calleth to deep. But then how glorious to return and be one with Him after the ressurection.

I am reading the Psalms now and see some of His prayers to the Father in many of them. God inspired David to write them but in them were the words of His son's.

Alex it is a lonely path, being younger it is harder, because your path looks so long. My only advise is to develop a stronger prayer life. We all need this in order to endure.




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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2008, 07:37:11 PM »

Thank's for being their, both of you. Thank you beloved for the reminder. Our big brother surely did lead the way as an example for us to follow, but how painful it can be sometimes. How humbling and even how humiliating it can be, when we realize how carnal we really are. It hurts...

God bless,



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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2008, 07:47:30 PM »

Alex i know the feeling. 

When i talk to my mother about it she call me a hypocrite because i still have a beer or two--My brother and one of my sisters think i just want to prove them wrong in thier beliefs --My girlfriend is not really interested in religion-- none of my coworkers are interested in religion it seems---all i have is my kids and niece and nephew were none of them are older than nine, they are the only ones who will listen, but as you know you cant give start them out on meat.

I know what mean Alex we (all of us here) are suffering together brother



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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2008, 03:32:18 AM »

Thank's for being their, both of you. Thank you beloved for the reminder. Our big brother surely did lead the way as an example for us to follow, but how painful it can be sometimes. How humbling and even how humiliating it can be, when we realize how carnal we really are. It hurts...

God bless,


beloved carol's post is indeed a reminder alex that there is NO-THING that we can experience on this earth that our Saviour Jesus Christ didn't also experience. that is how He is able to KNOW and UNDERSTAND what we are feeling. everytime i think how wonderful Jesus was and is, then something comes along to make me realize that He is even MORE wonderful and awesome than i can EVER imagine. take comfort in knowing that He is living in your heart. perhaps you, like so many other of us on this forum, have been rejected by family members who do not understand what we have been shown on BT (and we know Who causes them to not understand). and their rejections and not understanding are ways that God causes us to keep our eyes on Him.

your sister in Christ,


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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2008, 08:23:45 AM »

Feel alot of anomosity and hatred from their family towards themselves? The calling of God is a harsh and painful one... sometimes He's the only thing that gets me through the day.

Mat 5:11  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Mat 5:12  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

I hope that helps!


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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2008, 01:38:31 PM »

Yes it's hard I stuggle with this also.

Good scriptures shared to lean on!


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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2008, 03:14:55 PM »

I personally believe that religion is the worst thing that ever happened to the cause of CHRIST. More wars, suffering, pain and deceit come in the name of religion than any other thing I know. CHRIST wants a relationship with HIM and the FATHER not a religious experience. The meaning of the word religion is to bind.
In CHRIST is true freedom from religion.

Douglas Wayne Thomas

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Re: Anyone else?
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2008, 05:05:14 PM »

Anthony - I understand your predicament. Being a Professional Poker Player sounds like being a hypocrite to most "Christians". I always try to persuade people to come to the Bible-Truths website and read for themselves how I have found an inner peace and sense of harmony since I have experienced reading the Real Truth.

My friends and family think I'm nuts; heck maybe I am. They all tell me that I am going to Hell someday, I tell them that I go into the Lion's den every time I go to the Cathedral, I mean casino. I use the word Cathedral for a reason. To many people at the Casino the casino is their church, it is not mine.

A Great song by Alan Parsons he wrote:

There are unsmiling faces and bright plastic chains
And a wheel in perpetual motion
And they follow the races and pay out the gains
With no show of outward emotion

And they think it will make their lives easier
For God knows up till now it's been hard
But the game never ends when your whole world depends
On the turn of a friendly card
There's a sign in the desert that lies to the west
Where you can't tell the night from the sunrise
And not all the king's horse and all the king's men
Have prevented the fall of the unwise

For they think it will make their lives easier
And God knows it's been hard
But the game never ends when your whole world depends
On the turn of a friendly card

 But a pilgrim must follow in search of a shrine
As he enters inside the cathedral...

As someone replied to one of my posts, when God wants me to stop playing cards he will tell me.

To answer your question; it is very difficult and lonely.

I thank God everyday that he allows me to keep living. I also thank God for directing me to this forum, the people here have been great and nonjudgmental.

Seeking to do God's will always,


« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 05:13:52 PM by Doug »
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