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Author Topic: My Journey to Bible Truths  (Read 5258 times)

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My Journey to Bible Truths
« on: October 27, 2008, 03:42:20 AM »

As recently as 2 weeks ago I was having a very difficult time dealing with the options I have been presented with for my spiritual journey.  I have long felt there was something 'seriously missing' from church.  After being told that I wasn't good enough to ever be saved, it nearly seemed pointless to try.  After attending church all of my life, and recently relocating it's nearly impossible to find somewhere that I feel like I belong.  The church that I found here in Clarksville is very laid back on their beliefs (after attending numerous churches in the area).  Every Sunday after service I would leave not feeling inspired or that I had moved any closer to God in my journey.  I was in nearly a desperate need for an uplifting message, a message of hope!

I found bible-truths unintentionally 6 days ago.  As soon as I began reading I felt the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders.  I knew in my heart what I was reading was on the right track.  What a glorious revelation that ALL MEN WILL BE SAVED!  I have been lighthearted, on top of the world.  I realize there is no need to worry about anything!!!  God has it all taken care of and I have no control whatsoever!  And it doesn't matter because I am in the care of the greatest!  I have systemic lupus (terminal form).  I have never blamed God for my illness or been angry at Him.  I have heard many people 'blame' God for their loss or their illness.  But, it's always been in my heart and mind that there is a reason for everything. 

I am so very elated and blessed to have found this place.  I am very thankful for Mr Smith sharing the honest scriptures that is God's Word!  My life has changed, my attitude has changed.  I will continue to read every day and enrich my journey as much as I possibly can growing closer to Christ. 

One last note I would like to share is that since I found bible-truths I have shared these writings with my family as well as friends.  No one that I have shared these with (with exception of my husband) is of like mind, nor do they believe it.  It saddens me that such a wonderful gift, they refuse to receive.  But, just like all things God has it taken care of and I will leave it in His hands.

Wishing you all a very blessed journey!!  Thank you for allowing me to share a brief bit of mine.  I have read several prayer requests and I will continue to pray for all of my newly discovered friends in Christ! 

God Bless!


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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 04:21:33 AM »

Welcome Natalie,

Thank you for your intro. We get to relive our own awaking each time someone new introduces themselves. It is sad that almost all in the church do not want to here this great news.



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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 04:36:32 AM »

Hello Natalie,

A hearty welcome and hug from george. It is tough to know the truth and not be able to share it with people you love yet.
I keep trying with my closest Person daily and get smacked down. It is painful in the extreme when you want your partner
to share and have the Peace that The Good News of The Gospel brings. We all must remember though that God Has
already made the way for All to come to this knowledge at the perfect time for Him.

Love and Grace,



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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2008, 05:03:47 AM »

Praise God for such a great testimony! Thanks for sharing that.
God's grace is so great that even the chief of sinners (Paul) can be saved. I'm so glad to hear that you were freed by the truth of God's word. I've also unsuccessfully tried to show what I have learned to others but I learned that unless God is opening their eyes they will not see and I must be patient and humble. I will pray for you in your spiritual journey.
God Bless,


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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2008, 08:38:56 AM »

Dear, what a testimony.  Thank you for taking the time and writing it down.  I sense sincerity and gentleness about you, which is uplifting.  We can all share our own shipwreck stories of telling family and friends about the truth......never the less, it is all in Gods hands......praise be to Him.



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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2008, 02:56:57 PM »

As recently as 2 weeks ago I was having a very difficult time dealing with the options I have been presented with for my spiritual journey.  I have long felt there was something 'seriously missing' from church.  After being told that I wasn't good enough to ever be saved, it nearly seemed pointless to try.    

One more thing and you can take this to the bank - None of us are good enough to be saved! ;)



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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 03:05:08 PM »

Hi Natalie,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)
That was a touching testimony, you have a very good attitude.  I hope you will take part in the fellowship here, it is such a blessing to have liked minded people to share with.  It can be and usually is a very lonely journey you have begun, but is a joyful and priceless gift to be given.

You make not have noticed everything that is available here at the forum, so here are a few links.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Videos,8227.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Ray's 2008 Audios,8256.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 03:06:33 PM by Kat »


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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2008, 03:42:57 PM »

Hi There Natalie,

I don't know if it's my age, but it seems so many around me are being challenged with disease, and injuries.  And I am learning so much from the many ways that people react to them.  Some have been taught that when sick, it is God punishing for some past sin.  You seem to have a healthy perspective.  Could you share more about how you see your illness & God's plan for you?

Your New Sis,



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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2008, 03:43:44 PM »

Hi Natalie,
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. You are an inspiration. You may have found the only place where you will find like-minded people. But then again, God may send you more to share with!  ;D

Patience is the key. I have found several of like mind within my circle of friends because I thankfully waited on God's perfect timing and God's nudges. He'll let you know who you can feel free to share with. Sometimes it starts with a simple question from a friend. I will never walk away when someone asks me a question! :D

Since you are only 6 days into this, you may find that you should spend a lot of time learning before you start sharing anyway. At least for me, I needed months of preparation and reading and meditating on all this to be able to have a decent conversation about it!  ;)

Blessings to you,


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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2008, 10:42:43 PM »

Natalie, Wonderful, sharing with us all like that. I can relate with you. I have never been angry with God about all my health issues. I have many medical problems and most of my days are spent in pain.

I agree with you there is a reason for our diseases. Myself, I have come to find that it keeps me walking closer. I have had people tell me my quality of life is not good. But, my quality of life is in Christ.

When, I have a good day which is not often. I enjoy doing things. But, I enjoy my personal relationship  with Christ the most. I am blessed that my husband thinks what I believe is ok. We were very presecuted from the last church we were in. I am not bitter about it cause when we left God led me here and I found truth and nothing greater then this.

You are a beautiful person inside. Yes, none of are worthy, only he is worthy we can certainly boast in him.

In His Love,

Jackie Lee

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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2008, 11:09:01 PM »

Hi Natalie,
I am glad you found Ray's teaching I am still learning ever so slow.
 I also have lupus the biggest permanent damage so far has been my hearing, I mostly read lips now.
I also developed cancer but had surgery so far am fine on that.
I know from my own experience God had to get my attention somehow, I had been healthy and very prideful all my life this really got my attention and if that is what it takes I am happy.



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Re: My Journey to Bible Truths
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2008, 01:48:51 AM »

Thank you ALL for such a warm welcoming and your words of advice and love! 

I am truly looking forward to discussing God's truth with all of you.  I do agree that I have much to read and it will take a while to become familiar with more teachings of these truth.  I have found myself reading until my eyes are cross.  But, it has been such a beautiful revelation I don't want to close my computer!

Brenda, thank you for your reply!  I must say that since finding out that I have lupus (3 yrs ago) it has made a tremendous change in my life for the better.  Regardless of the physical challenges, I used to find it very difficult to be compassionate or remotely understand it.  I also used to complain about everything!  I believe that has to do with age.  I have no idea what God's plan is for me, but I know that He has blessed me greatly!  Now when someone asks me how I'm doing you will always hear me say "I am blessed".  No matter the enormity of physical pain I must endure, I will thank God for every waking morning and all the many blessings he has given.

And to Jackie Lee and Marlene I sincerely know the tests you are presented with every day.  It's wonderful that you are here as well!!!  I'm thankful for anyone that can relate to my physical condition!  And all of you that can relate to my spiritual journey!

Thank you Kat for the links!!

I thank my Heavenly Father for finding you!  May God continue to bless and enrich your lives!!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 02:02:01 AM by natalie »
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