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Author Topic: Afraid of dying  (Read 13343 times)

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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2008, 09:56:39 PM »

Your welcome Bob

Glad I could help. ;)



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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2008, 11:40:28 PM »

Hello, I have a question don't the elect often suffer greatly? Not just physically but also presecution and such? I know the elect are favored , but he still loves all of us and shows mercy on us. I have to tell you all this. My Mom told of a Man her Mother said, was a mean man and he said,"I will never call out to God."
I guess it was all over there town that on his death bed he cried out to God?
Now, not knowing if this is all true or not, it sure would make you think. We are not independent of God as Ray as proven by scripture.

In His Love,


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2008, 03:29:11 AM »

Hello, I have a question don't the elect often suffer greatly? Not just physically but also presecution and such? I know the elect are favored , but he still loves all of us and shows mercy on us. I have to tell you all this. My Mom told of a Man her Mother said, was a mean man and he said,"I will never call out to God."
I guess it was all over there town that on his death bed he cried out to God?
Now, not knowing if this is all true or not, it sure would make you think. We are not independent of God as Ray as proven by scripture.

In His Love,

It wouldn't suprise me if it wasn't true.

Christian's seem to be quite capable at spreading lies if they think it will help their cause.

I heard that apparently Darwin recanted his theory of evolution on his death bed, but I have found out that was a hoax.

Also when I was learning about Hell I did some research on the internet about that incident where they were drilling in Siberia and recorded the screams of millions of humans coming from under the ground.

Turns out that that was also a hoax and yet Christians love to perpetuate that one don't they!


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2008, 04:13:10 AM »

Hello, Well, I can agree there. Thats, all I have heard since I had joined organized church HELL. I think the church thinks they have to be the Saviour of the World. Its something I have come to hate. Among other things they teach. Kind of sad though they really think they are right. I use to be one of them.

God did tell us to go into the whole world with the Good News, only I had not heard the good news. I didn't even realized I was trying to save myself. I was pretty pathetic and it sill makes me sad to think of it.

In His Love,


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2008, 06:20:21 AM »

Hello, Well, I can agree there. Thats, all I have heard since I had joined organized church HELL. I think the church thinks they have to be the Saviour of the World. Its something I have come to hate. Among other things they teach. Kind of sad though they really think they are right. I use to be one of them.

God did tell us to go into the whole world with the Good News, only I had not heard the good news. I didn't even realized I was trying to save myself. I was pretty pathetic and it sill makes me sad to think of it.

In His Love,

Marlene....don't be to hard on yourself as you needed to be in that place and time in order for God to call you out off Babylon.  I for one am extremely grateful to God and when I think back now it is with humbleness because I now know that God is Sovereign.


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2008, 02:49:57 PM »

Heidi, Yes, it sure does humble you. Now, I look back on my journey and see his hand in it all. I see me as a great sinner in need of  his blood and his change in my heart that I could never do myself.  I also, see that without those falls I would not even believe like I do now. Who, would ever thought anyone would be glad for the falls they take.

In HIs Love,


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2008, 02:43:34 PM »

As a health care worker (registered nurse and paramedic) I've worked in intensive care and on the streets in EMS-- I've come to think about death a good deal. I've watched many people die.

The conclusions that seemed evident to me included the fact that God has mercifully created us in such a way that after so much pain, we faint, we loose consciousness.....when we can't "take it any longer" ...we don't! We faint. (*not referring to the "faint not" clauses in scripture, either, btw! LOL!) but we do...we just faint. And if we are not in pain at death, sometimes there are those that seem to struggle with their breathing for a while at the end....but it always eases up at the last of it. As the brain is deprived of oxygen, God has mercifully, once again, included in the package a fail-safe method of getting us out of here under the least amount of  necessary suffering. I'm not sure if I worded that the best way...but you know what I mean!
As the brain is deprived of oxygen, it QUICKLY changes in its perception of pain and sound and reality. A person having a seizure, for instance, sometimes experiences euphoria so intense that they loose the memory of any struggle or pain during the seizure.

Now, I don't know exactly how Ray defines O.B.E.'s but people who claim to have experienced them during a near death experience often say things like: "I was IN my body one second, and BOOM! I was OUT of my body the next." So, this led me to think about a child being murdered, for instance. One of the most awful cases that we deal with in this world! God has the ability to pull that little one out of his body before it ever experiences the full force of whatever pain its being put through. I know for a fact that at the moment of death, many times, I've sensed the person being "gone" before the heart stopped altogether or the brain waves ceased. It just happens....they are there....and then they are GONE! ANd you can almost pinpoint the second it happens. But we are left with the shell.

And when we finally breathe our last, we can no longer "screw up" or hurt others, or blaspheme, or make mistakes....we will at last have reached the end of being responsible, because in death, we know nothing. I'm faced everday with leaving behind a child that cannot fend for himself, is totally dependant on me for his every need. Who will fill my shoes? Who will wipe his tears and feed him the little bites of food that he now takes so carefully from the spoon I put in his mouth at every meal? Who will care for a deformed little boy who cannot speak a word? My fear is not in the dying.....its in the leaving behind of one who is so helpless. I can attest to the fact that I am in the process of God changing me in the way that I think even about this, however!! I can tell you all that even this fear is slowly being taken from me, day by day. Because He knows what is most important. He's our Father!

I hope my words have not offended anyone. I only mean to bring some little bit of relief to others who are in fear of dying. As you have, so have I ...thought about these things....and the above is just my opinion.
Joyce :)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 02:46:07 PM by joyful1 »


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2008, 03:06:22 PM »

Joyce, Your words are true. When, my Father was dying his breathing was so labored. But, I noticed for a few hours before he passed that his breathing was easier and then it was just as if God took it without a notice of it leaving. He looked so peaceful. My Father suffered with his lungs for many years. He had worked in a red silicone substance for alot of years and it got in his lungs. It was so nice to see him go not in pain.

I think people who raise children like you have are so awesome. Yes, it is very hard to not have fear especially, over a prescious child. I never was able to have children, but I have loved many of my neices like they were mine.

In His Love,


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2008, 04:57:18 PM »

That is a wonderfull post Joyce!

How on earth do you think that could offend any body?


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2008, 02:33:17 AM »

Hi Joyce,

Hope you stay warm out there, your post was certainly not offensive to me. My Wife works as a Hospice
Caregiver and is always having to see the end of someones life to finish her Job. It takes more out of Her
everytime She loses a patient. Since Her mind seem to be tuned to dreams and nightmares She has to be
strong mentally to keep doing what She does. About the end of Life; She says exactly what you wrote
happens in i believe every or almost every patient She has had.

My only concerns are for the ones that would be left behind, hoping that their grief would be shortlived.



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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2008, 06:04:10 AM »

Joyce, thank you for your post.  It gives me a better understanding and I do believe you that that is what happens.  Even in death God is good.  Nothing can separate us from the love of God....not even death.


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Re: Afraid of dying
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2008, 11:54:47 AM »

Marlene--I am glad your father went so peacefully at the end. Thank you for your kindness, but I have done nothing that God has not "given" me to do or "enabled" me to do, I am grateful to Him for the strength to endure. I think many aunts and uncles, like yourself give children the support they need, sometimes more than a natural parent does. When scripture asks; "can a mother forget her child?" the implication, in my opinion is that "yes" she can...and some do. But all is of God. All is being worked out by Him.

Thank you Marinez! I'm glad you see it that way. That is how it was intended.

George--thank you. I am glad to know that your wife is, for now, still able to carry on--may God grant her strength in her caring--it is so needed these days as the love of others becomes a rarity in our culture.

Heidi--you are welcome. And AMEN...NOTHING can seperate from the love of God! NOTHING!
Joyce :)
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