Dear Forum and Elect of God:
As many have shown an interest and deep concern for my health and well-being at this time, I will try and up-date you on how I am fairing. I am just beginning to type a few emails, although my right hand is yet far from being fully functional. It is now over three months since I was diagnosed with terminal stage four cancer with massive metastasizing of cancer cells throughout my arms, legs, entire spinal cord, hips, ribs, shoulders, jaw, and skull. And it is nearly three months since Dr. Steger put me on a ponderous regimen of nutrition and therapy to fight this advanced cancer which statistically has a clinical survival rate of zero.
The last two months were much worse than the first month. I have had great pain in my right wrist and elbow for four to five weeks. Sleep has not been good. As my hand improved I was troubled by a serious of four or more simultaneous areas of semi-severe pain in places like my right hip, then left hip, lower back, shoulder blades, rib cage, knees, leg and arm bones, jaw, etc. Thank God as new pains would emerge, the older ones would dissipate, and right now most of them are nearly gone. I am beginning to ride my exercise bike again, and do a little yard work. Overall, I feel pretty good right now. I know that many of you (as well as old friends of mine) are praying for me, and it is effectively working. There is no doubt that God is hearing our prayers.
As we read in Scripture, numerous people prayed for by Jesus Himself "began to heal or mend" from a certain day of hour--they were not all instantaneously healed. I can honestly say that I have had not one anxious day about my condition after those three initial days of emotional turmoil when first presented with the raw facts concerning my dire prognostication at the cancer center back in July.
One of the greatest encouragements has come from those who sacrificed financially to help offset the high cost of my treatments. I now take 60 supplements and nutrients daily, along with weekly therapy at Dr. Steger's office. For the last month I have been undergoing a weekly procedure for removing, lead, mercy, copper, and other heavy metals from my body. Although Dr. Steger's services are not at all considered expensive or excessive, because of the sheer volume of services I am engaged in, the cost is more than my total monthly income. So without so many pitching in to help, I would be in some financial difficulty now. Thank God for all your generosity!
Presently, I have lost over 60 pounds, and am now at a close to normal weight for the first time in eight years. Good thing I saved several boxes of my old jeans.
I have saved right at 1000 of the emails I have received in recent months and will try to begin answer some of them in the months ahead, however, my priority is to write more articles for I suppose there are many who are discouraged over the law of new material being posted on our site recently. God willing, this will change in the months ahead as I am able and inspired. I have already a list of subjects that I want to cover, as well as to continue with the "Lake of Fire" series.
Till next time: Take courage and fight the good fight of faith!
God be with you all,