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Author Topic: I have a question that might seem dumb  (Read 12861 times)

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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2008, 11:40:09 PM »


Sorry i missed your earlier comment; to take a look at ourselves. I have done that very thing, my log broke
the mirror because i could not see clearly so kept trying to get closer
. Now i am afraid to try to really look
at myself because i know that what i always saw was really blurred and that is way bad enough.


You are stuck with us for the aions of the aions so please start getting used to swinging back. LOL  ;D


Well, George we can all take a look at ourselves and I am not easily offended!  ;D  I think I saw a little splinter in my eye earlier today!  :D

Richard Shut up about the KFC already! Can't you see that we are going to get in trouble?  ::) You know that pretty soon Craig is going to wake up and then we're in for it! (yum biscuits!)  :-X

I'm sorry Marlene, it is so hard to keep these guys in line!  ;) It is a hard job, but someone has to do it!  ;)
Just listen to Beloved and Arc, they will give you sound advice! (for real).

We love you, praying for you!
Kathy :)



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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2008, 12:20:54 AM »

Longhorn, go back to picking ticks off the mule's butt! I have already had to warn Richard about talking about KFC, now you with the pretzels and beer!
Marlene, do you see what I mean here? Ok all we need is Musicman to show up with more beer talk and there you will have just what I meant at the beginning :o ya get no respect around here!
Well it's bedtime for me! Have fun! ;D
Kathy :)


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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2008, 02:48:44 AM »

God Bless Every One of You. I sometimes get to serious. But, now I just want to laugh at how stupid I was when you dont even know what motivated me. LOL

George, Lots of your post have often helped me. Along with others. Hey , We are just  all one big family logs and all. LOL Oh, George I have no intentions of leaving unless the Lord takes me out.

In His Love,



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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2008, 12:02:37 PM »

Yaay Marlene! I'm glad you're hangin' with us! It's great to have friends, isn't it!! ;D
Kathy :D


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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2008, 02:17:35 PM »

Hello, I have to say something. I am a little hurt at some of the replies on here. But, now I know that you do not realize why I asked this. I am new to Ray's teaching. Yes, we never know who believes like this about food. It just might not always be the organized church. But, it has taught me not to be hurt. Because, Christ is right "Father They Know Not What They Do.". I still love you all.

In His Love,

Hi Marlene,

I think you have seen that some of the membership was having a bit of fun speculating on this subject (this is the Off Topics section so folks will tend to be a little less serious) and not really making light of your question, to be honest I can see this a couple of ways to me there is not yet a definitive answer.

There are some interesting references to "eating" and "drinking" in Luke that I wanted to present;

Luk 22:15  And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:

Christ is the Passover, but yet he literally ate the Passover as well!

Luk 22:16  For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

Was this fulfillment the death and resurrection of our Lord? Hence the broiled fish on the beach?
Luk 22:17  And he took the cup and gave thanks and said,
Luk 22:18  For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.

Is this pointing to the time Christ and the New Jerusalem (His Bride) descend to earth? Is this when Christ will "drink of the fruit of the vine, the wedding feast?" Eating and drinking are not bad things but I can reasonably say that we all know a spiritual body would not require physical food for sustenance, but what if there is a spiritual benefit for consuming a literal meal from food and drink from the New Jerusalem? By "literal meal" I am not suggesting fried chicken and burgers but the shared fellowship and comfortable environment that often accompanies an unhurried, nutricious meal among loved ones, like Thanksgiving or even at one of the Conferences! I actually have thought of this as I was sitting at supper with other members at a Mobile or Nashville Conference.

We may not need food for sustenance in the next realm but we may be given the joyful experience of gathering together for a heavenly version of a sit down happy family get together feast!

Luk 22:29  And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;
Luk 22:30  That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

I know there are some who say "we are in the Kingdom now" well that is something I believe is still future, we have the promise, we have the earnest or down payment but we have not collected the full inheritence yet. I don't believe He is quite done with us at this time.....

Act 14:22  Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

Is there anyone here that has passed though the tribulation and have already entered the Kingdom?  ;)

Again, I am not suggesting a definitive answer to your question Marlene, just thinking out loud.....




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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2008, 03:14:59 PM »

Hello Joe, I already told them all I love them, and that I have a tendency to get very serious.

Yes, your scriptures help alot. I to believe that the Kingdom Comes when he takes us with him. I struggle every day with that beast. I want to be with him and I run the race. I believe it is ran till either he comes or after I die and we are raised from the dead.

I believe that we can't even imagine what all he has in store with us. I dont see why eating food would be wrong, done in fellowship with him.

Thanks so much for your kindness.

In His Love,



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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2008, 03:16:58 PM »

Thank you Joe for your post. I'm glad you were able to share your thoughts on the matter. I hope Marlene will feel better. I know she was just trying to get more information about something she wasn't sure of. There are so many conflicting things out there and a lot of it is pure speculation because some things are not clearly revealed to us.

I also wanted to remind Marlene that her question wasn't dumb at all! We are free to ask anything we want to know more about, we will either get a real clear answer or we will be given more "food for thought" ;) that's the way we learn, isn't it ???
I know I'm still learning ;D
Kathy :)

Dave in Tenn

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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2008, 04:09:27 PM »

Hi Marlene.  I guess I'm in a league with your husband.  At least in terms of weight-gain, I've always been able to eat whatever I wanted.  THe only time I 'plumped up', all I had to do to drop it was stop my nightly snack of a pint of Hagen Daz sprinkled with M&M's.  All genes and metabolism.

My thinking is very much in line with Joe's.  For poor people the world over, food is a quest--often met with disappointment and frustration.  For the affluent (and I consider everybody with a computer and an internet connection 'affluent' by comparison) food is often a source of evil in disease and temptations to gluttony.  Though I don't really worry too much about what is to come--especially considering " doth not yet appear what we shall be...", I can't help but believe that whatever nourishes us is surely superior to food.  We will neither have too little and be frustrated and disapoointed, or be hurt by our enjoyment.

Still, it's a beautiful picture Joe points to, and it does no harm, I think, to imagine the as yet unimaginable with good food on the table.  I do my best these days to not take the spiritual promises and spiritual wealth of meaning in scripture and turn it into a fleshly commandment.  For me at least, I don't feel compelled to think 'thou shalt not eat in the Kingdom'.  Whatever we have, it will be gooder than KFC.   :D
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2008, 02:00:51 AM »

Dave, That is such a good thought. I know it is genes. My Mother who has so many Godly traits battled with her weight. She was always on the go. She worked hard barely sat down. She was not a big eater, but she still battled it. Diabetes ran on her side and also my fathers. My father and Mother never had it as bad as me. My sister has it and also my Brother. The medications can make cravings worse , especially insluin. Also, they give me medications for fibromalgia and it makes you crave food or sweets. So, it is a battle for sure. Its funny, but my husband has never told me I am fat. He sees my battle and he loves me. He use to say You ain't fat your fluffy. I had a neice that says I like to hug you cause you are a pillow. I have lost quite a bit of weight over the years, but still need to loose more. I have done this with Gods help, but it is a constant battle.

Something else I would like to share with you all. Right after my Father passed away in 1993 I grieved terribly for him. I mean to the point I was having severe pain and sleepless nights. I was really ran down.  He died in Dec and the following May I had a dream of him. My Fathers Lungs were bad and it affected his heart. I watched him suffer for many years with breathing problems because of the work he did most of his life. But, I can remember it was on Memorial Day morning I had a dream about him. Now, I am sure God gave it to me in the way I would understand. But, it was a place that has beauty of flowers and grass and all kinds of beauty. There was a table dressed in white. It had no begining and no end. Well, My Father looked like he did when I was little. His jet black hair and his hansome face. He was runing all over the place. The table had all kinds of fruits and beautiful foods like a banquet was going on. My Father was dressed in a Red -Tshirt and work pants. But, he was runing with me. I woke up in tears of joy. I was saying out loud when I woke catch me Dad catch me. What really got to me is how wonderful he would look. I thought, how wonderful to see that he will not suffer anymore. I never did believe they go straight to heaven. But, I can tell you I never grieved any more.

Dave you are so right it is beyond our imagination. But, I am looking forward to that day when we are all united. But, I want to see the one who saved us.

In His Love,


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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2008, 11:03:44 AM »

Hi Marlene,

What a very nice dream the Lord gave you to take away your grief for your Dad.

As has been discussed before, the world will be raised to physical life in the resurrection of the dead.  So they will still need physical subsistence for their physical body.

But the Elect will be raised in glory and power, in spiritual bodies (1 Cor 15:43), with no need for anything physical to sustain them.  As I consider those occasions when Christ did literally eat physical food after He was resurrected, it was in fellowship with the disciples.  So it is not too much of a stretch to think that the Elect would find occasions also to eat physical foods when ruling with Christ over the world.  But of course it would not be for sustenance or I don't believe even as any kind of joy in the consumption, as that seems actually be a kind of fleshly lust.  I believe the raised Elect will be beyond that, but I do think they would partake of food in fellowship, as Jesus did.  I hope this does not confuse the issue.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: I have a question that might seem dumb
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2008, 02:20:38 PM »

Hello Kat,
                Thanks for your reply. No, it helps. For me personally I will be glad not to have that battle to fight. What , makes it really hard is the medications I take. But, I have always had to battle my weight. Good to know I won't be fixing meals . LOL

In His Love,
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