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Author Topic: Horrible!  (Read 10283 times)

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« on: November 11, 2008, 06:07:38 AM »

I have had the most horrible day!

I have been in my job for about five and half weeks and I tried so very hard to make it work.

I've had to work with this seventeen year old who has the foulest mouth and the worst temper and no self control since I started.

I worked for a party hire company and today I got fired!

Like I said, I tried so hard to make it work, but my memory is really poor and I have a hard time picking up a new job because of that.

Sines I started the job I have been constantly tired which I'm sure hasn't helped either, on top of that I have a lot of pain in my hips, wrists and other joints as well as well as other things that made it really tough to do my new job, but did not that get in my way.

Today my boss took me aside after I got back from a job and was not happy because I had an accident in the truck.
As I was changing lanes I side swiped a car!

The boss had told me not to stack these certain bits and pieces on the bottom of these other things because they were His and not part of the hired stuff and I forgot (the whole thing was very complicated and would be hard for anyone to get a handle on)
When He saw that I had forgotten He fired Me!

He said that it wasn't working out because I didn't what I was asked on several occasions.
This feels so unfair given the complicated nature of the job!

I was also accused of other things that I had nothing to do with.
One of the things He accused me of was yelling and arguing with the seventeen year old on a particular job but that was completely false and He would not believe me when I said I didn't do that!

What really hurts is that I tried so very hard to do a good job and make it work and I failed!

And all while being seperated from my wife and two little boys.

The worst part is that this is the story of my life!

I really feel that I have been targeted and my life has been unfairly made extremely difficult.

I can understand that God wants to humble me but Man how about a break every now and then, would it really hurt to have one thing work out occasionally?

Where ever I go it seems like I am the bottom of the social food chain.
I have been picked on my entire life by everyone, including my own family just because I am as someone put it "an easy target"

I really have had enough of this!



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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2008, 07:08:01 AM »

My heart goes out to you Martinez.  I'll be praying for you.  It's so hard to understand that this is God's will, when you're doing your best.  Try to stay strong and keep trusting in Him--this life is our temporary training ground, we have to remember that.  I'm sure someone here will be here soon with some scriptures to help.

Love in Christ,


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2008, 09:55:58 AM »

Hi Martin,
I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were separated from your family. That is so hard.  Keep yourself from what  you know to be wrong and forge ahead. There is no other thing I know of.
I will be praying that you will be able to keep your sanity and keep your hold on God, he is holding you.
I'm not trying to minimize your problems at all. Just wanted you to know that I am praying that you find your answers, the answers to your problems are out there you just need to be guided to them. That is where my prayer for you is going :) Please hang in there and don't give up!

Kathy :)



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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2008, 10:54:48 AM »

I truly sympathise with your situation.  Life can be so unfair.  And you're right.  It really stinks that you have gone through this your entire life.  But be glad that you know truths of God that very few people know.  Personally, I don't know how I got through my earlier years not knowing what I know now.  I too, have felt that I was dealt the short stick in life.  I seem to learn everything the hard way.  It takes me more time to catch on to things than those around me.  And now I keep forgetting where I put things.  This isn't about me so I'll cut this part short.  But because you know these truths of the Creator, just ask God to lead the way.  Make life simple and keep running the race.  Find a suitable job, and if it is difficult, just ask God to walk you (or run you) through it.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2008, 11:00:39 AM by musicman »

Richard D

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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2008, 11:22:33 AM »


I hope I can convey this rightly if not please don’t take offence. First and foremost I worked for and employer all my life until now. Now because of the economy I was laid off and have become my own employer.

I know of the difficulties of working for any company, you know, they tell you what time to get out of bed by telling you what time work starts. And when you can take lunch, even when you can take your vacation and don’t forget 30 for me and 1 for you.

Then you have the politics of the office and the clicks within the general work force. All this horrible stuff just to earn enough money to survive.

I worked for an oil company and the owner knew nothing about my trade and when I was out doing night calls all hours of the night he was home sleeping. Now the employer knows the employee needs the job to earn money to pay the bills and this is the power the employer has over the employee.

More than once I remember I had to bite my tongue when some manager said something stupid and Lord knows I wanted to turn into the devil but I remembered that money thing that pays the bills, yeah I know about the bull many working people have to put up with.

Martinez, I’m serious now, if you have a trade or if there is anything you can do to be a contractor go for it. Last week I went on my computer and looked up the ten day forecast and had noticed in my area it was going to rain from Wednesday unto Saturday and I did not sheulual any work until after Veterans Day.

What freedom God has given me through being a contractor, I wish every working person could be there own employer and not have to put up with so much bull everyday.

Pray to God and express your concerns, God made you and He knows you better than you know yourself. I believe God made some of us in a way we just can’t work for someone else.

Martinez, you might think me crazy now but I would rather drop dead than work for any employer, they are nothing but greedy human beings who rob their workers of decent wages, you know they only pay you enough to make sure your back to work on Monday morning whether your sick or not.

Martinez, sometimes I get so angry about it, you know,  I can hardly wait for God to chuck them into the lake of fire and make them learn not to be greedy…..LOL

I don’t know if what I said helps you Martinez but one thing I will tell you, don’t feel ashamed and keep your head up and pray to God above all and ask God to help you start your own business.

                          In God's Love. Richard.


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2008, 02:15:42 PM »

Martinez, I will keep you in my prayers. I have had horrible days. Sometimes, you wonder why you get up. But, God will help things to work out. He could give you something you really like to do.

Have you ever thought of trying to get something that is not so hard on your body. I have lots of hip problems and spinal problems and had to apply for my disability. I don't know what kind of things you are trained to do, but I am sure there is something you are good at.

I don't know a whole lot about your life where you live and it makes me sad you are away from your family.

In His Love,


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2008, 10:45:09 PM »

I truly sympathise with your situation.  Life can be so unfair.  And you're right.  It really stinks that you have gone through this your entire life.  But be glad that you know truths of God that very few people know.  Personally, I don't know how I got through my earlier years not knowing what I know now.  I too, have felt that I was dealt the short stick in life.  I seem to learn everything the hard way.  It takes me more time to catch on to things than those around me.  And now I keep forgetting where I put things.  This isn't about me so I'll cut this part short.  But because you know these truths of the Creator, just ask God to lead the way.  Make life simple and keep running the race.  Find a suitable job, and if it is difficult, just ask God to walk you (or run you) through it.

Thanks musicman, you're experience sounds pretty similar to my own.
You're right about being glad about being greatfull for knowing these truths of God.
It really does help to remember that most of the world is completely oblivious to that which is actually occurring in the spirit world, whilst you are one of a very few who is being given the truth and being prepared to rule with Christ.

I do not have any skills such as trades etc. I have nothing that would be considered of any use, but I like you have spent hundreds, probably thousands of hours practicing my instrument since my early teens determined that I was going to make music my career, but no matter what I did God seemed to be right there to sabotage it!

I now understand why, because it was and is all vanity.
I was not doing it for any Godly purpose, but to make a name for myself in the world!
If I had been allowed to make a name for myself, I almost certainly wouldn't be in the race which is an infinitely more worthy calling.

Music stars are a dime a dozen but the elect of God a very very few and far between.

While this all very well and good, it does leave Me between a rock and a very hard place.

to everyone else who responded to my cry of distress, a very big and sincere thankyou!
Last night I was so very very low and you don't know how much it really helps and means to have people say that they care and that they are praying for you.

Once again a very big thankyou!


musicman, I also have a very bad time with putting stuff down and forgetting where I put it.
Maybe it's a musician thing!


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2008, 11:19:48 PM »

I would rather drop dead than work for any employer, they are nothing but greedy human beings who rob their workers of decent wages

That is a pretty harsh thing to say, I wonder how many employers are members of this forum?  If I'm not mistaken Ray was a roofer that employed people at one time



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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2008, 12:15:29 AM »

Let me just say that coming to BT has completely changed how we see the trials we have been through.

I'll try to make this short. But we came out of the prosperity church and after 5 years of waiting for our promised breakthrough, not only did we feel unworthy and like we must be doing something very wrong, but we knew that we were viewed this way by the other church members.

The past 2 years have been especially rough. This is a small sample (no kidding). My husband is home on disability pay (which is less than 1/2 what he was making), my father became more and more ill and more and more mean to us (while we took care of him and my mom as best we could) and slandered us with EVERYONE who would bend an ear, then died in April and now my mother is living with us blind and very ill, my mother-in-law is estranged from us and our children and also slanders us to the other side of the family, we were attacked by the IRS saying we owed $38,000 (which was impossible) & when they took 80% of a month of pay it threw us into foreclosure! By the way, the foreclosure and IRS all happened in the Spring while my father was nearing his death and at his worse.

Now let me say this. God is faithful. We have wonderful friends, we have the best little girls, a great marriage, we have all our needs met, we got out of foreclosure AND out of the IRS problem (well we are still paying them but it is now down to $1700).
So throughout all of these things, we praise Him and expect Him to take care of us and He always does.

We wouldn't trade the depths of despair and wondering at times where our next meal is coming from for anything. We see now that we needed to learn the hardest way (via family) how to take the knowledge that people thought poorly of us when we were innocent because of what we know now. It probably means that He will make us open our mouths and lose close relationships. He used all of it to build our faith in ways we would never have attained without these trials. BT changed everything for us. Now I know that my Father chastises those He loves. I know that these trials aren't because we were doing anything worse than anyone else, but because He has plans to grow us and mold us and change us to serve His purposes.

I hope I don't sound like I am making light of your trials. I definitely am not! Everything is relative and whatever God uses to grow us hurts in ways that only the person going through it can truly understand. I say all of this to you because I hope you will be encouraged. When a new trial hits us, we smile and have been known to laugh out loud!  :D

Be blessed through this time. Know that God has a reason for allowing you to go through this. You will come through this victorious in ways you may have never imagined. ;D ;D ;D

Many blessings,



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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2008, 12:31:06 AM »


I’m really sorry to hear about the bind you’ve been stuck in lately.  Throughout life, were reminded time and time again that, for many, life is sometimes a painful and unfair journey.

Despite this, though, your trying. From reading the thread, I think your putting fourth commendable effort in a time when things seem as bleak as ever, you still press on.

That’s pretty admirable. To me personally, living a perfect life isn’t about having it all, it’s about giving it all. How one handles the challenges and roadblocks presented in his/her life is most essential and I feel your reacting in a perfect way. Life is throwing curveballs at you, yet your still stepping up to the plate without a bat.

Your may be making mistakes, you may be learning things the hard way, but sometimes that’s the one and only way to learn lessons right.

Stay strong and positive Maritez, were all on your side!

“Don’t tell God how big the storm is. Tell the storm how big your God is”



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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2008, 12:44:14 AM »

 Martin pull yourself together ;D come on dude! Think of your boys! They need to see in you someone who waits on God! Your kids only have you to represent God to them! You've got to take them in your arms and say "Listen guys I know things don't look too good right now, but God won't let us down and I won't let you down."

I don't mean to sound harsh here, but you really need to get a grip! The devil is trying to feed you a line! You are valuable and important you are irreplaceable, your little boys have no other daddy. Even if you have to go and get some training, you've got to do something else that shows your wife that you are worthy of her trust! I really want to see you get out of this :) You are not what other people say you are it's a lie! You are who and what God says you are :D  Discouragement is not from God!

Please, Martin! Promise us that you will not give up! I feel like I'm being mean to you but my heart is breaking for you and your family. You are a dear brother to us here and your pain is ours. We may only be able to pray for you but we will do that.
I'm expecting God to open some doors for you. Don't run ahead of God, He will lead you!
(I hope this doesn't hurt or offend you in any way)
With love and much prayer
Kathy :)

Richard D

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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2008, 12:45:51 AM »

I would rather drop dead than work for any employer, they are nothing but greedy human beings who rob their workers of decent wages

That is a pretty harsh thing to say, I wonder how many employers are members of this forum?  If I'm not mistaken Ray was a roofer that employed people at one time



It’s how I feel because I lived it many years and besides I am also self employed and the I see a huge difference in my life between being employed by man and self employed by me.

And you say you wonder how many members are employers here, well I hope they are different from the greedy employers I worked for all my life if not then there faith is in vain.

 My thoughts are seeing where Martinez is not working now is the time for him to start something up now and not when he’s working for another self center greedy employer who believes a lie over the truth.

But if you have much faith in employers think about what Martinez employer has done to him a brother in the Lord.

Like I said……….30 for me and 1 for you………Employees are like crime victims they always are seen as the perpetrator while the wicked get it all.

I have my views and you have your views so all I can say is God bless you brother.  :)



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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2008, 01:14:19 AM »

I'm sorry, I did not mean to imply that I am the innocent victim here.
I was hopless at the job and made a few mistakes and kept forgetting to do things that the boss asked me to do, but it's just that I tried so very hard and I failed which is just one more failure in a long list of failures and Just one more savage blow in along list of savage blows.

It's just after a while it starts to really wear you down and the fact that I did the best that I could and still failed at what most people take for granted is the worst thing of all.

I'm feeling a lot better today.

Yesterday seemed worse because I was still a bit shaken up from the truck accident and I had to cope with getting fired and everything else on top of it.

I am by no means Innocent, if anything I probably deserve a lot worse for my behaviour both past and present.


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2008, 01:18:58 AM »

Aren't you glad that "Mercy triumphs over judgment" ?
 :D :D God is really good!
Kathy :)


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2008, 02:00:16 AM »

i will also pray that God's will be done in your life. He knows your need to provide for your sons. i don't know what kind of musical instrument you have played since you were young, but perhaps it is an instrument which you could give lessons for. maybe there are some music stores where you live that might need someone like you to teach children, or even adults, how to play the same instrument you are learned in playing. i know your days seem bleak now but remember that you have the true Light inside of you, and you have been given a gift that no one could buy, when God gave you the truths He is beginning to show you. take heart in knowing that He wants the best for you, and that includes working to earn a living. be of good courage martinez. whenever you are feeling low, come to the forum. we love you as a brother in God's awesome family. you can yell at us or cry out to us or whatever you need to do. we have all been there in one way or another.



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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2008, 08:47:07 AM »

Richard I have no doubt of your experience with your employers, but to paint everyone with the broad brush you did is wrong. 
Wow, to pass judgment on so many?

I apologize for any of the good employers here and who may be reading.  Your Lord will not Judge you because of the sins of others. 

« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 08:50:46 AM by Craig »

Richard D

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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2008, 09:37:32 AM »


I not saying every employer is a bad or greedy employer! Look, where I live and through my experiences I come across landlords and then some are referred to as slum lords.

Let me give you and example of this, I had talked to landlords who had called the answering service because their tenants had no heat or hot water and they were very concerned about their tenants and I knew that.

I’ve also been to places where the tenant had to call the police because the landlord would not get the tenants heat or hot water. This is the God’s honest truth.

I don’t call it passing judgment as you say my brother on so many but it is my observation in life!  Have you ever heard of the working poor? I’m talking about the people who work 40 hours a week plus and don’t have to nickels to rub together while the employer lives in a mansion and takes more than one vacation a year.

However I do see your point too Craig as I think about your words to me and I do apologize to any member on this forum who is and employer. It was not my meaning to lump all employers together in the way that my brother in the Lord Craig was lead to believe by my wording but I was only referring to those I have worked for.

I am being honest when I say I would rather die than work for and employer for I have discovered what I used to earn in a day I now earn in two hours and what I used to earn in a month I earn in a week. That’s why I say 30 for me and one for you because it seems to be the attitude that is out there.

Now Craig, you apologize to any of the good employers here but if they are good employers they will not feel offended as their conscious would be clear.


                                        In God’s Love. Richard.


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2008, 10:30:02 AM »

I not saying every employer is a bad or greedy employer!

Yes you did
I would rather drop dead than work for any employer, they are nothing but greedy human beings who rob their workers of decent wages

Now Craig, you apologize to any of the good employers here but if they are good employers they will not feel offended as their conscious would be clear.

I guess you would be o.k if I said "my experience with people named Richard taught me that they are all cheating, lying hypocrites who cheat on their wives.  And you wouldn't be offended because your conscious would be clear.  And I wouldn't be passing judgment on them?  Hmm, I guess I learned something new ???

But till I will apologize to the good people here on the forum, guests, and those searching for the truths of God that happen to employ some here who wouldn't have the chance to read the teachings and writings of Ray without the wages to pay for their computers and internet access.


Richard D

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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2008, 11:51:48 AM »

I not saying every employer is a bad or greedy employer!

Yes you did
I would rather drop dead than work for any employer, they are nothing but greedy human beings who rob their workers of decent wages

Now Craig, you apologize to any of the good employers here but if they are good employers they will not feel offended as their conscious would be clear.

I guess you would be o.k if I said "my experience with people named Richard taught me that they are all cheating, lying hypocrites who cheat on their wives.  And you wouldn't be offended because your conscious would be clear.  And I wouldn't be passing judgment on them?  Hmm, I guess I learned something new ???

But till I will apologize to the good people here on the forum, guests, and those searching for the truths of God that happen to employ some here who wouldn't have the chance to read the teachings and writings of Ray without the wages to pay for their computers and internet access.



Alright so I should have said any greedy employer and not any employer that’s my mistake and you have pointed that out to me. But I also corrected myself too Craig. I did not mean to lump them all together. So I apologize for have doing so as I mentioned in my last reply.

But if you are trying to get me to believe there is no truth in what I’m saying I would disagree with you there. Also these people who can afford a computer also worked for it. It was not given them by there employer.

Now about this Richard analogy. If every Richard you knew cheated on his wife and you made that statement I would understand that to be limited to only the Richard’s you know and not all Richard’s on planet earth.

And I’m sure if someone is smart enough to be and employer they are also smart enough to limit my thoughts to only those employers who I worked for also.

Now you also give me the impression that someone is on this forum by their own will but I also read a thread from Joe otherwise known as Hilsbororiver about those who have come and left and he mentioned they never were apart of us anyways.

So I can only conclude that if God has lead them here they will remain here as long as God chooses them to remain here and not because of what I said one way or the other.

I know from my past experience on this forum when I had and issue with a member and had become outrage over a certain issue how God through that issue had taught me something and I still am here. It is what it is Craig I can only do or say what God predestine me to do or say.

It’s funny Craig, God planed out this conversation we are having before we were born into this world.

                                      In God’s Love. Richard.


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Re: Horrible!
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2008, 12:29:07 PM »

Alright so I should have said any greedy employer and not any employer that’s my mistake and you have pointed that out to me. But I also corrected myself too Craig. I did not mean to lump them all together. So I apologize for have doing so as I mentioned in my last reply.

Was that the part where you apologized and then told me to go ahead and apologize for you because they shouldn't be offended anyway?  Pretty lame apology I think.

But if you are trying to get me to believe there is no truth in what I’m saying I would disagree with you there.

No I'm not trying to get you to believe that, as you are correct, just as there are some very lousy employee's. 

Also these people who can afford a computer also worked for it. It was not given them by there employer.

Oh Really?  You work for wages whether you are employed or self-employed.  See how many computers or food you buy without getting paid by an employer.  When you are self employed all the customers are employers.

Now about this Richard analogy. If every Richard you knew cheated on his wife and you made that statement I would understand that to be limited to only the Richard’s you know and not all Richard’s on planet earth.

No you wouldn't.  If I said ALL Richard's cheated you would be angry and rightfully so.  If I said the ones I know, then you would have a point.  But it would still be very narrow-minded of me to make that statement.

And I’m sure if someone is smart enough to be and employer they are also smart enough to limit my thoughts to only those employers who I worked for also.

That's an arrogant statement.  If you're smart enough to be an employer, you should be smart enough to read Richard's mind??

Now you also give me the impression that someone is on this forum by their own will but I also read a thread from Joe otherwise known as Hilsbororiver about those who have come and left and he mentioned they never were apart of us anyways.

So I can only conclude that if God has lead them here they will remain here as long as God chooses them to remain here and not because of what I said one way or the other.

I have no idea what you mean by this or what bearing it has on your statements.  Your kinda switching horses midstream.

I know from my past experience on this forum when I had and issue with a member and had become outrage over a certain issue how God through that issue had taught me something and I still am here. It is what it is Craig I can only do or say what God predestine me to do or say.

No arguments with that, hopefully something can be learned from all our experiences.

It’s funny Craig, God planed out this conversation we are having before we were born into this world.

Correct, but that does not make it good or fruitful.


« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 12:31:15 PM by Craig »
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