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Author Topic: Church leaders  (Read 23306 times)

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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2008, 12:43:02 AM »

Marques, You told me those who are blind have a wicked heart. So, this means until he unblinds them they will have wicked hearts? Well, what I am asking you is do you mean while I was in Babylon  I had a wicked heart.


Whoa, whoa, whoa...I think you misunderstood me. I only responded to your comment about those being in church having a 'good heart'. I was just showing you from scripture that no one has a good heart, in or out of church. In church, the members always like to say things like that: God know your heart or this person has a good heart. It sounds good to the flesh but is a total contradiction to the scriptures. No one has a good's just the way it is.

Now grace, which is the divine influence of God upon your heart, changes our wicked, carnal hearts. This happens through judgment, starting with the House of God now.

What, I am saying you think it is impossible to be anything but wicked while in Babylon's churches.

Whether in Babylon or not, everyone's heart is wicked until the grace of God changes it. Wicked may seem like a strong word, but our heart is not set to do the will of the Father until He changes it. No matter how many 'good deeds' we claim to do.

What, I am trying to say is it possible not to be wicked to the core and be in Babylon? So, are all there prayers in vain? He has answered many prayers in my life time, while blind to all his truths. What, is your opinion on this. I have not seen just wicked people in those chruches. I mean they are blind, so that makes them wicked. God says none are good. So, is it my imagination God answered prayers while I was in Babylon.

Isa 26:10  Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD.

I don't speak on terms of levels of wickedness like 'wicked to the core' or 'somewhat evil'. Evil is evil. And many of the idols of the heart that members of Babylon hold onto instead of seeking the will of the Father are evil.

Yes there prayers are in vain...Christ says to pray 'in My name'. That doesn't just mean literally saying the word Jesus. It means standing on and believing everything His name stands for. Members of the church don't do that. They pray to a jesus who is NOT the savior of the world, only a few. So yes, there prayers are in vain as that jesus does not exist. It doesn't matter if 10 million dollars falls out of the sky after praying to this fake jesus who only saves a few. It is only part of the delusion to keep one in the dark.

Matt 7
21  Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Only one group of individuals on this earth do anything in 'Jesus name'. And while Christ calls these deeds 'wonderful works', He then states that they are 'workers of iniquity' and that He 'never knew them'. So yes, there prayers are in vain as it takes obedience to truly worship God.

Now, I have become disabled and if we had bought one of those homes we would have been in a mess.

Not to make light of your situation, but which is greater...the house that you received when you belonged to Babylon OR the spiritual house that Ray has taught you to build on the foundation of Jesus Christ?

Hope this helps,


P. S. You can PM sometime if I need to explain more clearly...I was never trying to say those in Babylon are worse or that we are any better...just stating that worship without obedience is in vain.


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2008, 12:51:56 AM »

Kathy, Yes, you answered my question. I know thats for God to Judge. I know there are lots of Pastors and things who do know, and many who do not know.

Yes, I am like you. I believe God has directed my life all the time. This was about Leaders, but I was wondering about the blind. Being we were once blind.
I mean I know God answered prayers of mine. I also, know he corrected me when I sinned. But, I do know now when I go to him I worship him in Spirit and Truth. I no longer believe in Hell and this really shows his love. I do remember as a child reading he was saviour of the world and I never thought any different untill I got into some Churches that teach Hell. . Well, thanks. I guess I was confusing some others.Thank God you understood what I was trying to say.
I don't like to seem difficult. Thanks you helped alot.

In His Love,


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2008, 12:56:16 AM »

Marques, You said, "That those blinded still have a wicked heart". Now, are you telling me all in Babylon churches are not able to have the Holy Spirit live in them and guide them. If, they pray to him and believe, how can we know. Obviously, the Holy Spirit brings them out of church. But, I know some people in churches that really show love. I have had Love given to me by some in those churches. So, you are telling me all there time in those churches were in vain. Do you think any of them could while in there are being guided by the Holy Spirit. While, in those churches I have been showed things that without God in my life I could not have known. Also, he has answered many prayers in my life. I was not ever asking for my wants. I asked for needs. I knew even in those churches it was not about giving to get back. So, does that mean I was lucky and never felt that way or was the Holy Spirit Guiding me. Also, can we really judge all there hearts. I mean, if not for him I would not be here. More could come out. I mean he loves the sinner there is no Hell. They are blind and he choose that. We were all made in vanity, not just the ones in Babylon Churches. I just feel that is Gods judgement not ours. I will not post anymore. Obviously, I don't want to cause trouble. But, I think Love means more then anything. I just think we should be nicer. God has been to us.

In His Love,

Hello Marlene,

Sorry, my last response was before I saw this comment as well.

John 16:13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Christ leads His disciples into all truth, not truth mixed with the doctrines of man like the church teaches. My last comment answered your prayer question.

Christ calls these same people that you state showed so much love: 'workers of iniquity'. I'm not one to argue with the words of Christ.



Richard D

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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2008, 02:01:12 AM »


One question maybe a few, where are you coming from these days may I ask? Tell me, are you the elect of God and no one knows it but you? Who are you to judge anyone whether they are in the churches or in a barroom? Have you through much learning become more righteous than everyone else?

Did God call you or have you elected to choose God? Do you truly know another’s heart? Now I see sister Marlene does not even want to post anymore because of your ridicule. How do you feel about that?

Did Ray teach us that all people who go to church are condemned by God? I used to go to church did you? How about drug addicts and alcoholics do they have a one way ticket to the lake of fire? Or what about the prostitute who turns tricks to support her children?

God caused humanity to suffer vanity so which one out of humanity do you wish to condemn? You need to lighten up brother. You know when they brought the women who was caught in adultery before Christ which was a stoning offence he said let him here who is without sin cast the first stone . What would have you said Marques?

Marlene, I hope you do not stop posting here, remember even Jesus said to peter get behind me Satan. That’s right Marlene Satan talks through those who believe and know so much about the things of God but have a heart of stone when it comes to a brother or sister.

Marlene, remember when Eve saw that the tree of good and evil was good for knowledge she went for it because of the pride of life. Marlene, I’ll tell you what I heard a long time ago, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck my sister and don’t you run from it because that’s exactly what Satan wants you to do but you just tell him you been forgiven and he got no business here.

God bless you sister and please don’t ever feel you cannot post, I felt like that only a day or two ago.

                                                  In God’s Love. Richard. 
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 02:12:28 AM by Richard D »


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2008, 02:10:56 AM »

Well, then it must be speaking of all people in it. Leaders and followers. Well, he is the Potter and we are the Clay, but I do believe he will want us to judge in Love like he does. I believe his word does state that those who understand the most will be held accountable for more. Since, we know the Truth we will be accountable for more. Now, that can make you fear and tremble. All, we can do is pray like it depends on him, cause it does. They, don't know all truths because he has not decided to show him his truths yet.  We never know he still could some. I never knew he was going to with me. He will judge them they will see truth and learn how to walk in those truths. I am just happy that there is no Hell. One, never knows until that day who is chosen. I just know he has put the want in me to run a race. Its all up to him. I just choose to show love even to the lost. He went after the one that was lost.

In His Love,


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2008, 02:12:58 AM »


One question maybe a few, where are you coming from these days may I ask? Tell me, are you the elect of God and no one knows it but you? Who are you to judge anyone whether they are in the churches or in a barroom? Have you through much learning become more righteous than everyone else?

Did God call you or have you elected to choose God? Do you truly know another’s heart? Now I see sister Marlene does not even want to post anymore because of your ridicule. How do you feel about that?

Did Ray teach us that all people who go to church are condemned by God? I used to go to church did you? How about drug addicts and alcoholics do they have a one way ticket to the lake of fire? Or what about the prostitute who turns tricks to support her children?

God caused humanity to suffer vanity so which one out of humanity do you wish to condemn? You need to lighten up brother. You know when the brought the women who was caught in adultery before Christ which was a stoning offence he said let him here who is without stone cast the first stone. What would have you said Marques?

Marlene, I hope you do not stop posting here, remember even Jesus said to peter get behind me Satan. That’s right Marlene Satan talks through those who believe and know so much about the things of God but have a heart of stone when it comes to a brother or sister.

Marlene, remember when Eve saw that the tree of good and evil was good for knowledge she went for it because of the pride of life. Marlene, I’ll tell you what I heard a long time ago, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck my sister and don’t you run from it because that’s exactly what Satan wants you to do but you just tell him you been forgiven and he got no business here.

God bless you sister and please don’t ever feel you cannot post, I felt like that only a day or two ago.

                                                  In God’s Love. Richard. 


Could you please point out 1 of my comments that you have such a problem with? You seem to imply that I have made many inflammatory comments so I would like to know which ones and what scripture they contradict. Thanks


P.S. Again, this simple statement summed up all my comments earlier:

I was never trying to say those in Babylon are worse or that we are any better...just stating that worship without obedience is in vain.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 02:15:58 AM by mharrell08 »


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2008, 02:52:48 AM »

Marques, To answer your question. I love knowing the truth. But, I have often had prayers answered while in Babylon. We are babes there are you saying God would not hear my prayer. He must have heard a prayer while I was lost in it. Because, I beged him for his truths. I found his truths on Rays,  website. I know within our own self we are not good. But, him working in us is his good. So, how pray tell did I do good at all if he was not working in me. I would go into my closet alone and pray for his guidance. I believed he was the Saviour, but I really love knowing the truth. I worship him out of Love not fear. I Love him and don't want to hurt him. He puts that love in me and he enables me to obey. I never did think I could on my own. Matter of fact I knew not, but he loves them to and he will Judge them in truth and they will obey. But, I know you get a fair judgement by what you know.

Marques, all I can say is it is hard to understand each other on here. But, the Lord since I have learned truths here. Has made me love the blind more then ever. I actually cry for the lost and wish all could know truth. But, now it is in his time. But, he  still gives me a burden to love like him. I love them and actually shed tears for them cause some are people in my family. Hope any of this is not understood. I could beat them up cause they dont know. But, I would never do this cause it is not Love, They Love me so someone  enabled that in them.

In His Love,



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2008, 03:40:03 AM »

Marques, To answer your question. I love knowing the truth. But, I have often had prayers answered while in Babylon. We are babes there are you saying God would not hear my prayer. He must have heard a prayer while I was lost in it. Because, I beged him for his truths. I found his truths on Rays,  website. I know within our own self we are not good. But, him working in us is his good. So, how pray tell did I do good at all if he was not working in me. I would go into my closet alone and pray for his guidance. I believed he was the Saviour, but I really love knowing the truth. I worship him out of Love not fear. I Love him and don't want to hurt him. He puts that love in me and he enables me to obey. I never did think I could on my own. Matter of fact I knew not, but he loves them to and he will Judge them in truth and they will obey. But, I know you get a fair judgement by what you know.

Marques, all I can say is it is hard to understand each other on here. But, the Lord since I have learned truths here. Has made me love the blind more then ever. I actually cry for the lost and wish all could know truth. But, now it is in his time. But, he  still gives me a burden to love like him. I love them and actually shed tears for them cause some are people in my family. Hope any of this is not understood. I could beat them up cause they dont know. But, I would never do this cause it is not Love, They Love me so someone  enabled that in them.

In His Love,


I'm sorry, you say you're answering my question but I never asked one. I made a simple comment that was falsely made into me judging members of Babylon. I read many comments from you and Richard to me but these comments are never responses to my statements.

You and Richard ask me questions that I have never implied otherwise:

1. You ask me if God would not hear your prayer...I never said he wouldn't; I only stated that worship without obedience is in vain.

2. You ask how you did good if he was not working in you...I showed you that members of Babylon are said to have 'good works' but Christ still calls them 'workers of iniquity' [Matt 7:21-24] Stop trying to make it your opinion vs. my opinion...the scriptures speak for themselves, my opinion is not needed.

3. You ask me if those in Babylon have the Holy Spirit guiding them...I showed you scriptures that state that the spirit leads one into all truth [John 16:13] so NO they don't have the spirit in them. Please read the LOF series #7 & 8 for more information.

4. You ask me if I or others can judge their hearts...We don't need nor have to; they would rather worship the doctrines of man than that of God. Their own words and deeds condemn them. Not to mention the very words of Christ throughout His Word.

Now about your prayers being answered while in Babylon:

2 Thess 2:11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

Isa 26:10  Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD.

While we were in Babylon, whenever our prayers were answered, it caused us to go deeper and deeper into the heresy that is taught there. This is what God wanted at that time for us. When we were called out, we learn that those situations were merely to keep us in the dark. We now learn that our prayers are to have the Father's will be the desire of our hearts. We pray in the name of Jesus and everything it stands for including being the Savior of the world. We pray that His will be done and do not pray contrary to it (like world peace or peace in Israel) or any other junk.

I understand you are not trying to start a confrontation and I believe you as I have never read any of your posts that would suggest otherwise. Again I will state the original message I was trying to convey from the beginning before this went all downhill:

I was never trying to say those in Babylon are worse or that we are any better...just stating that worship without obedience is in vain.





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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2008, 04:25:41 AM »

Hi Brothers and Sisters,

These Scriptures speak best to address what our heart is like, there are any amount of Scripture that will state the same thing
in several different ways. Like Jesus Christ Says:

John 6:63:
It is the spirit that vivifies; the flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Jeremiah 17: 9-18

9-The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?

10-I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.

11-As the partridge that broodeth over young which she hath not brought forth, so is he that getteth riches, and not by right; in the midst of his days he shall leave them, and at his end he shall be a fool.

12-Thou throne of glory, on high from the beginning, thou place of our sanctuary,

13-Thou hope of Israel, the LORD! All that forsake Thee shall be ashamed; they that depart from Thee shall be written in the earth,
because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.

14-Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for Thou art my praise.

15-Behold, they say unto me: 'Where is the word of the LORD? let it come now.'

16-As for me, I have not hastened from being a shepherd after Thee; neither have I desired the woeful day; Thou knowest it; that
which came out of my lips was manifest before Thee.

17-Be not a ruin unto me; Thou art my refuge in the day of evil.

18-Let them be ashamed that persecute me, but let not me be ashamed; Let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed; Bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.


« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 04:26:55 AM by aqr »


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2008, 05:25:03 AM »


One question maybe a few, where are you coming from these days may I ask? Tell me, are you the elect of God and no one knows it but you? Who are you to judge anyone whether they are in the churches or in a barroom? Have you through much learning become more righteous than everyone else?

Did God call you or have you elected to choose God? Do you truly know another’s heart? Now I see sister Marlene does not even want to post anymore because of your ridicule. How do you feel about that?

Did Ray teach us that all people who go to church are condemned by God? I used to go to church did you? How about drug addicts and alcoholics do they have a one way ticket to the lake of fire? Or what about the prostitute who turns tricks to support her children?

God caused humanity to suffer vanity so which one out of humanity do you wish to condemn? You need to lighten up brother. You know when they brought the women who was caught in adultery before Christ which was a stoning offence he said let him here who is without sin cast the first stone . What would have you said Marques?

Marlene, I hope you do not stop posting here, remember even Jesus said to peter get behind me Satan. That’s right Marlene Satan talks through those who believe and know so much about the things of God but have a heart of stone when it comes to a brother or sister.

Marlene, remember when Eve saw that the tree of good and evil was good for knowledge she went for it because of the pride of life. Marlene, I’ll tell you what I heard a long time ago, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck my sister and don’t you run from it because that’s exactly what Satan wants you to do but you just tell him you been forgiven and he got no business here.

God bless you sister and please don’t ever feel you cannot post, I felt like that only a day or two ago.

                                                  In God’s Love. Richard. 

Richard....I think you owe Marques and apology.....I do not see anywhere where he was ridiculing Marlene.....his questions/answers was witnessed by scripture....he was only trying to explain, we all need to be a bit less quick off the block when it comes to responding to posts..... :)


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2008, 10:08:48 AM »,4591.0.html

I don't have a church. The world has churches, and Satan has his church (called in Revelation "The Synagogue of Satan), but I belong to none of them. The Church of Jesus Christ, the Church of the Living God, can only be joined by being SPIRITUALLY BAPTIZED INTO THE DEATH OF JESUS CHRIST.  All spiritually converted people who forsake the glitter of this world's philosophies and materialism, are members of Christ's Church. I do claim to have a ministry in that Church.,1304.0.html

People ask me about "where to go to church" almost on a daily basis. They know that their church and all other churches that they know of, do not teach the truth (worse: they teach lies and heresy).  And so they think that maybe I know of a church a few blocks from where their from or a few miles from their home that does teach all of the truths of God.  Sorry, there is not such thing that I am aware of.
If there were churches scattered through BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, then there would be no need for God to admonish those whom He is choosing, to "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE" (Rev. 18:4).  Are we to just come out of her spiritually, but remain good social friends with them on a weekly basis?
Church is not now and never was, a physical building to congregate in to worship God.  Could all the hundreds of thousands of Israelites congregate inside the tiny little tabernacle in the wilderness?  Could ALL JUDEA congregate in the tiny Temple in Jeruslem every sabbath?  The synagogues became corrupted and the churches today are corrupted. So where do you want to go?  If you want fellowship why not foin a social club and keep the false religion out of your fellowship.
Jesus taught us that we are to worship God in spirit and in truth, not in this mountain or in Jerusalem, or in a building, or another other "place" that is corrupted.  I can't tell people what to do. If "christian fellowship" means more to them than "godly worship," then I guess they just  have to keep looking.
Being a follower of Jesus Christ was never designed to be a "feel good religion" as many christian churches promise if you join their particular tents on living a worldly life for Jesus.  I trully never miss, "CHURCH"!  I "go to church" every time I open my Bible."
God be with you,

You don't need a church when you learn that YOU ARE THE CHURCH.  God is wherever you are, so don't feel deserted.

    God be with you,



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2008, 10:36:35 AM »

It is funny that so many people after they read Ray's material realize that everything that they thought they knew was wrong.

Why is that the same people when then come to the forum, seldom realize that they still have so much babylon baggage with them. They seem more interested in exponding on their own beliefs and feelings.

All of us are here to fellowship, we are here to exhort and correct also. I am always grateful to someone who points out where my thinking is in error.

The inabilty to take constructive criticism is demonstartion that pride exists, even if you feel the criticism is unwarrented this can demonstrates resistance and lack of humility. If we let our self esteem and self confidence rule then there can be no growth.

Many people that come here are more expereinced with Rays work...They have been here for years ....not months.  This is where we discuss Rays work. General Discussion is not a place for personal blogs. Things like that belong under Testimonies or off topics.

I really think that Marques has shown great patience. Deborah even provided Rays stand on the subject.

No offence is intended, but if offense is taken by any of these comments then only you know why and need to examine that.

2Co 7:1  Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.




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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2008, 12:29:49 PM »

Yup this is the place for the truth, they say you need some humor on the way to the lake of fire, you might wanna bring some kfc with you just in case  you get to the lake of fire on Sunday and thier kfc`s are closed. Might be the same ones that believe God is going to give them thier very own planet to operate if they are the elect. I do not believe all the people here are of a like mind. I did not know the lake of fire is just a joke from God. Does not matter where you go here on the form, you will learn that same nonsense.
     Ricky       P.S. and please dont pm me with your anger again, because next time I will post it. If you have something to say to me, say it, and get over it.
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2008, 01:03:04 PM »

Sorry friends,
 In my original post I was just trying to state an observation I had about Ray's paper. I was commenting on the reason Jesus was speaking to the leaders because they do much to deceive the flocks,  the tithe was my main thing. It was an observation. Sometimes I read things in Ray's writings that really speak to me about something that I brought with me out of the churches I've been in. I read the material, study the scriptures and ask God to forgive me and remove that thing from me.

It seems I must have started a bad thing here. Isn't this board to share what we have learned from what Ray teaches? That's what I was doing, but it makes me very sad to see what has happened here! I am too simple minded to do this because to me our salvation is not really complicated, Jesus did all the work we now obey his commands without question. I know it REALLY isn't that simple, but in a way it is. Jesus said his command aren't grievous, but we are making them so sometimes.

I'm sorry again for doing this. I won't post on this board again, I will stick with testimonies and off topics where things won't be so offensive. Please forgive me. I love you all :'(


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2008, 01:06:37 PM »

Yup this is the place for the truth, they say you need some humor on the way to the lake of fire, you might wanna bring some kfc with you just in case  you get to the lake of fire on Sunday and thier kfc`s are closed. Might be the same ones that believe God is going to give them thier very own planet to operate if they are the elect. I do not believe all the people here are of a like mind. I did not know the lake of fire is just a joke from God. Does not matter where you go here on the form, you will learn that same nonsense.
     Ricky       P.S. and please dont pm me with your anger again, because next time I will post it. If you have something to say to me, say it, and get over it.

Hi Ricky,

I agree that there is a spirit of contention and strife here from time to time, where are the peacemakers, not the one's who might call themself a peacemaker but who do actively seek understanding, a common ground and speak softly without pride and ego being front and center. One of the things that can really fuel the fire is when folks make a statement that is a sarcastic put down without any basis in truth or reality.

If we perceive carnal attitudes are manifesting themselves do we add to the carnality with our own intemperate egotistical statements? Do we run and go away or do we pray for those who are presently dissatisfied perhaps even suffering? Do we attempt to improve the atmosphere or do we descend into hate and self righteousness? Do we choose sides by picking out any sentence or phrase made by someone "in the other camp" that we might scorn, mock and accuse endearing ourselves to others who might glory in division? To what end are these thoughts and actions, what might be the end result if everyone went forward with what they felt was right rather than seeking His will first and living up to the promises made to Him when things are going well with us?

It is quite easy to be of good cheer interacting with those around us when we feel good but how about when we are going through a stressful time of it, do we depend on God to strengthen us to rise above our circumstances or do we attempt to spread the misery?

I will be honest and direct with you Ricky, your seething discontentment is very evident and I for one do not appreciate it, it reeks of self justification, none of us are perfect but some are seeking the purification that leads to perfection, was this quote from you a fruit of His Spirit or from the spirit of another?

I do pray for your peace of heart and spirit,



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2008, 01:13:55 PM »


your topic was a good one, do not apologize for other's behavior or responses.

General Discussion is a place to learn to discern and to discuss what we have learned from Rays writings and also a place to discuss what we want to learn.

You show a humble spirit and that is good. We all however need to study and get a good grasp on the Truth in Gods word and when we are challenged study and read more. We are told to go on to maturity. This means coming off milk and pablum and  starting to eat more solid food.




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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2008, 01:19:35 PM »

Sorry friends,

No need to apologize Kathy!

 In my original post I was just trying to state an observation I had about Ray's paper. I was commenting on the reason Jesus was speaking to the leaders because they do much to deceive the flocks,  the tithe was my main thing. It was an observation. Sometimes I read things in Ray's writings that really speak to me about something that I brought with me out of the churches I've been in. I read the material, study the scriptures and ask God to forgive me and remove that thing from me.

I also find that when verifying scriptures Ray references that I veer into new discoveries often (once again) finding myself in dire need of His healing grace. 

It seems I must have started a bad thing here. Isn't this board to share what we have learned from what Ray teaches? That's what I was doing, but it makes me very sad to see what has happened here! I am too simple minded to do this because to me our salvation is not really complicated, Jesus did all the work we now obey his commands without question. I know it REALLY isn't that simple, but in a way it is. Jesus said his command aren't grievous, but we are making them so sometimes.

That is exactly what this board was intended to be but for some reason (one I attempted to draw out in another thread), often when a BT topic or thread appears it ends up descending into strife and hurt feelings because of presumptuousness or some other ego based emotion. Who inspires us to go with our own feelings? To puff up our self worth, our pride?

I'm sorry again for doing this. I won't post on this board again, I will stick with testimonies and off topics where things won't be so offensive. Please forgive me. I love you all :'(

Dear Kathy there is nothing to forgive you for, please continue to post on how the articles speak to you, we most assuredly need more, not less of those topical threads, we all need to continue to grow but some of us seem to have less tolerence for growing pains than others but they need to learn too.

Thank you for your message, His Peace to you Sister,



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2008, 01:24:29 PM »


where are the peacemakers, not the one's who might call themself a peacemaker but who do actively seek understanding, a common ground and speak softly without pride and ego being front and center.

In answer to your above stated question, IMO, those people have stopped posting and I for one miss their calming words and insight.



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2008, 01:33:38 PM »

those people have stopped posting and I for one miss their calming words and insight.


I truly wonder why those people stopped posting, i missed all of them aswell.  :'(

« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 01:39:57 PM by Falconn003 »

Richard D

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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2008, 01:36:11 PM »


I agree with the things you say as you are right, its about learning and growing and I know there are brothers and sisters who have been studying Ray’s papers much longer than others of us here and even been apart of this forum much longer too.
I also appreciate very much when I ask a question and receive and answer.

We are all at different distances on our journey as you know, some here may be eating meat while others can only drink milk. 

I for one will not say to any here I have arrived and I know there are many things about me that are carnal but I know these things because God is working with me and showing me these things.

There are those of us who are not nearly as knowledgably as others are here and we look up to all of you whom understand more than we do. But I would pray I never look down on those who know less than I do who are for the first time reading Ray’s papers. I don’t agree with using criticism or constructive criticism especially with those of us who are new converts in the Lord because we are more carnally minded than those who been  growing in the Lord for years and so patience and love does the young spirit that God is working with good.

I’m not against brother Marques at all but I read and felt that our sister Marlene was going to stop posting not because of what Marques said but how he said it. I only asked Marques a few questions for Marques to think about, but only to point out no matter how much we know, every question should be answered with love and respect because if not for the grace of God where would any of us be.


                                               In God’s Love. Richard.
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