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Author Topic: Church leaders  (Read 23250 times)

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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2008, 01:36:52 PM »

Kathy, there is nothing wrong with what you have posted, people are adding jokes and nonsense to what someone has learned from Ray, I do not think that is funny, what does the bible say about vain talk and vain imagination's. Joe, would I not be attempting to change the atmosphere here with, nonsense talk and scripture not going together ? Hate? on the internet, sorry Joe, my nature does not work that way, it is impossible for me to hate someone over the net, now that is funny!! lol
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #41 on: November 23, 2008, 01:40:33 PM »


where are the peacemakers, not the one's who might call themself a peacemaker but who do actively seek understanding, a common ground and speak softly without pride and ego being front and center.

In answer to your above stated question, IMO, those people have stopped posting and I for one miss their calming words and insight.


Hi Eileen,

They have likely become weary of being posted over (ignored) with little to no contemplation of the words they have written out of experience and the love they have for what they have been given.

Too many here of late only appear to seek contention and confrontation, they perceive that they have an audience and desire the approval and the applause of men.

Patience and longsuffering are only for others to exercise.......
His Peace to you Sister,



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2008, 01:45:54 PM »


When I understand Jesus' words in the Aramaic, (Matthew was written in this language originally)  The word translate more like this:

A heavenly attitude is theirs (touveyhoun); those serving (abdey) the peace of God (shlama); they will be called the children of God (Alaha).

Christianity is not passive but active, energetic, alive, going beyond despair.

Many people have PM me and are upset with all the incessant self absorbed gibberish that has recently appeared on the board.  It is not an easy thing to stand and respond to it without sounding offensive. Some members do not feel that they are ready to do this .....yet.



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #43 on: November 23, 2008, 01:49:04 PM »

Hello All: I feel sick about this. It is hard to explain yourself on here. But, I never did feel in place in Babylon Churches. One, I never did believe in tithe. I never could afford it, nor did I believe if I gave I would get. When, the Lord drew me I was at home alone with him. My husband came home from work to find out that the Lord had come and I repented my sin. What, I was trying to say is it possible the things the Lord did for me was happening then cause he was going to call me out. Also, his parent separated and his mother and sister got into a church and talked us into going. We went but never was active in it. Later years we did some things, but never that active. I never believed the trinity was true. We belonged to a little church of not many members.

I never was invovled in a large church. When, I found Rays website I had not been to church for over a year. I had no intentions on going back. My Mother and Husband do not go either.  I took Ray's paper on Trinity and showed it to both my husband and mother. They both said,"It never made sense."
I showed them his paper on tithe. They agreed it was true. My Mother told me she never did believe in Hell. My Mother always believe in God and obeyed and believed prayer worked.

I guess, what I am trying to says is I wonder how many don't believe all they are taught there? While, I was there it just all began to feel like kids playing.
I know, I had idols of the heart. We all do. I was always shy and I could sing. Finally, I started doing that in church. But, I got tired of that too. During that year alone with God not going to church. He shaped my life all alone. Without, any church , even with out knowing about Ray. I began a search, about different believes in the churches and they looked like total confusion to me. I began to think who could be saved. I began to hate hell. I felt in a hell in my mind. I believe most of this is my fault on here. I did not express what I was saying well. I just really am heart sick over it.

Well, I begged God for his truths and he led me to Ray's Website.  For the first time I felt like I found my place. I have no attentions of going back where I came from. I have been set free. I was just wondering, if some could be like me. I mean thinking things are not right in Babylon's churches but just have not come out yet. I mean I do believe God can move in there spirit at anytime and be working on them.

I am not trying to teach. I know I have only been on here a few months. I did read his papers for a year before joining. I have never caused division even in Babylons churches I kept my mouth shut. Well, I will continue to post on the prayer and introduction sight. I will keep my mouth shut and try and learn from your post on topics. I never have had much pride. I never thought I was anything special anyways. All, I know is I believe the truths Ray presents cause they are in the scripture and makes sense to me. I have no desire to go back to that. But, I do have compassion on all the loss. I have Love.

Well, I hope you all understand and know I never meant for any of this to happen. I am not angry with anyone.

In His Love,



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2008, 02:06:55 PM »

Joe, I feel your love. I have often talked to you and felt you were trying your best kindly to help me understand. I think alot of this comes from lack of voice and in seeing ones expressions. I just want to learn and grow. I know in alot ways I have grown. I guess coming out of Babylon just gives me such a feeling of compassion on the lost. I mean the whole world is deceived, except for the elect. I know it is Gods plan, but I am sure we will be using compassion if we are chosen.

In His Love,


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #45 on: November 23, 2008, 02:08:25 PM »

Kathy, there is nothing wrong with what you have posted, people are adding jokes and nonsense to what someone has learned from Ray, I do not think that is funny, what does the bible say about vain talk and vain imagination's. Joe, would I not be attempting to change the atmosphere here with, nonsense talk and scripture not going together ?  my nature does not work that way, it is impossible for me to hate someone over the net, now that is funny!! lol

Hi Ricky,

Who mentioned hate? Your statement;

"Hate? on the internet, sorry Joe,"

Why put my name in association of what you yourself wrote? Please, if you (or anyone) responds to something anybody writes keep the commentary within the parameters of what they actually wrote. 




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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #46 on: November 23, 2008, 02:22:31 PM »

Joe, I feel your love. I have often talked to you and felt you were trying your best kindly to help me understand. I think alot of this comes from lack of voice and in seeing ones expressions. I just want to learn and grow. I know in alot ways I have grown. I guess coming out of Babylon just gives me such a feeling of compassion on the lost. I mean the whole world is deceived, except for the elect. I know it is Gods plan, but I am sure we will be using compassion if we are chosen.

In His Love,

Thanks for the kind words Marlene, I understand what you are saying about those who have yet to have their eyes opened but this is not something we need to fret over, it is in God's most capable hands.

One thing that Babylon does that truly identifies her is looking outward for the beast, antichrist, the lost, etc. and of course they believe the "winning of souls" is their responsibilty, not God's. These fallacies should be far removed from our thoughts.

Our battle is within, we don't overcome the world no mere man does, it is Christ who does the overcoming, please take peace from this not anxiety as we are God's creation not our own.

His Peace to you Sister,



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #47 on: November 23, 2008, 02:42:36 PM »

Joe, and Rodger, You both are right. I need to focus on his truths. I can't save the world. I can only Love them.

In His Love,


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #48 on: November 23, 2008, 02:55:13 PM »

(Heb 4:7)  again He designates a certain day, "Today," saying in David, after such a long time just as it has been said, "Today if you* hear His voice, stop hardening your* hearts [fig., becoming stubborn]." [Psalm 95:7,8]

Whenever the word of God is speaking we need to be humble and bending in spirit

(Heb 4:12)  For the word of God [is] living and effective and sharper than every double-edged sword, and [is] penetrating as far as [the] division of both soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and [is] able to discern [the] thoughts and intentions of the heart [fig., inner self].

(Heb 4:13)  And no created thing is able to be hidden before Him, but all [things are] naked and have been exposed to His eyes to whom we [must give] an account.

Jeus himself dealth with unbelief and the false doctrines purpretrated by Judaism .

I do not see any person assuming that they are more superior...what I see is the need to always be challenging is their doctrines.  

We know that all will be saved but their doctrines will be burnt like chaff.
Do we want it done now or later?

(1Pe 1:13)  Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;(1Pe 1:14)  As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:

(1Pe 2:1)  Therefore, having put aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisies and envies and all slanders,
(1Pe 2:2)  as newborn babies long for the spiritual, pure milk, so that you* shall grow by it,
(1Pe 2:3)  if indeed you* tasted [fig., experienced] that the Lord [is] gracious.

I am going to take this time and contemplate on His Word




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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #49 on: November 23, 2008, 03:03:33 PM »

Forgive the interruption of an "old mountain woman" here. I feel unworthy to speak at times because I feel like I don't know as much as others do although I am trying to read and learn. I understand about giving that was mentioned earlier in the post, with your heart and not for something back. I will not judge anyone on that because that is what I did as well. I also do not believe that churches do right by the offerings of the members. I would prefer to see the money help others. Now, I don't go to church but I take what I have and try to help others. I don't have much money at all but I do believe that God takes kind words and deeds as an offering to Him... not a bunch of elders or what not. We are brothers and sisters in the truth. Sometimes when I was young me and my brother would get into it but it never changed the love we had for one another. Likewise here I think we can talk and discuss... maybe even disagree but still love one another. Blessings to ya'll this beautiful day, Jennie


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #50 on: November 23, 2008, 03:11:24 PM »

Those verses will really help me Rodger. I have them marked. Also, Joe, yes I really do need to rest from all that worry about others. That most definitely is left over thinking. I will Pray to God to help me to overcome this need to take care of his creatures. I can't even take care of myself. Thanks for this kind reminder.

In His Love,


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #51 on: November 23, 2008, 03:17:20 PM »

I am gladden they have Marlene.

Be peaceful and Enjoy your day


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #52 on: November 23, 2008, 03:25:54 PM »

Beloved, Thanks for the verses I have them all wrote down and will study them today. Joe, and Rodger both helped me to see that I had anxiety for the lost. That, certainly comes from my old teachings. I am so happy all will be saved. I do so want to have the old man killed here. I have been sick and tired of it for a long time.

In His Love,


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #53 on: November 23, 2008, 04:31:57 PM »

New Friend on Bible Truths,

I see from the forum site that you live in Alberta, Canada.
I’ve always been curious about the great North country ever since I watched the TV program Sergeant Preston of the RCMP.  Of course that was a few years ago and I realize that you may not be familiar with the program.

In any case I like to meet folks from other states or nations and the only difficulty I have had is with new languages.  So it is a blessing when I can meet someone speaking English.

I am writing to you at this time because I FEEL that I may be of some help with our understanding of the purpose of the Bible Truths forum.  I also realize that there is much to cover in our ongoing discussions and we can’t explore it all at a distance with email in the same way we could face to face.  Accordingly I ask that you be patient with my poor effort to help a little even though I don’t know your mind or have the necessary insight to respond in a truly helpful manner.

To address just one aspect of your many questions and valuable comments please let me start with the intended purpose of God’s calling and choosing and election of certain individuals to serve in Jesus’ administration in the future when Christ is ruling on the Earth.  Each of the following points may be partially correct or not applicable to the current needs of members of the forum.  I hope you will take the time to respond and help me to see more clearly.

1. I notice that many members admit that they have been reading for a short time. So it seems to me that they are “naturally” trying to take a short cut to understanding and hoping that the other forum members will provide the short answer without all the time consuming work involved.  This does seem reasonable because we all come from different cultures and studying together SHOULD shorten the study time as long as we cooperate in mutual love and respect.

2.  Keeping in mind that this is the work of God IN US and not our work FOR God, it is helpful to recognize that God controls the level of our understanding and our ability to comprehend His plan for our development and growth.  It is also helpful to recognize that much of what we understand is given to us while we sleep or are otherwise involved in daily activities, be they mental or physical, at home or at work.

3. Since our deeper understanding comes to us spiritually, we cannot realistically expect to grasp the teachings of Ray Smith or the explanations of others on the forum without having the time for REFLECTION and PRAYER and careful erasing/deletion of formerly believed dogma of Christendom.

4.  It seems to me that most of the perceived hurts or perceived rudeness in our personal communications is the result of offering quick answers or quick responses to what at the time seem to be simple and direct topics of doctrinal conversations.  In my own case I normally take a day to answer the questions put forth if I have anything to offer and I normally write a response fairly quickly while the thoughts are in my mind and then edit or rewrite thoughtfully what I had written emotionally at first.  This restriction on my submissions to the forum means that my email may go the bottom of the pile and never be seen by the person who started the thread, so I do understand the desire to submit a response quickly.  It’s like sitting at the table with friends and always being interrupted by others before we can get our thoughts out.  Not too much fun and we don’t get our concerns addressed.

5.  So what is the answer?  Well, one thing seems to come up regularly and that is the question of “what are we doing here” or “why are we being called now while others are not” or “how are we different than those who will be called and judged later in the Lake of Spiritual Fire”?  I propose to address those questions in the following points.

6.  God is calling everyone, no exceptions, but some regardless of age or years of serious study, are not ready to serve the purpose that God has for them at this time in their lives.
It is important to recognize that God knows our innermost thoughts and talents/gifts and our life experience AND God has a place or an office for us where we will fit perfectly when the time comes.  We ourselves don’t really know our own thoughts on most subjects and so we would not be fulfilled or happy in generations to come if we had free choice in the matter.  Therefore it is GOOD that we do not have free choice.

7.  Since ALL will be called, is there any valid reason for us to be concerned about when we or any of our friends or relatives will be called?  What difference will it make? 
Let me offer for your consideration the possibilities that I believe are close to the facts.

a. Those called in this life and chosen and finally elected will have been judged while Satan is the god of this world and will have lived IN this world and yet not a PART of this world.  They or we hopefully, will have had to resist the temptations of Greed and Lust within our own souls as well as living with the lies that the secular world and Christendom have spread about God and His son and God’s plan for humanity.  All the fear and concern for our/their fate and never seeing their loved ones again etc.
b. Those called in the judgment will live in a world ruled by Jesus Messiah and the elect of God who will have been proved and selected by God to serve and praise Him and promote the wonderful plan of God.  Will their time of judgment be similar to ours?  Will they have to resist Satan?  Will truth abound in the world at that time?  Will ALL of our leaders and officials be honest and truthful or else not retained in office? 

I believe that their judgment in the spiritual lake of fire will be much simpler than ours has been and that most of what they will have to overcome is their own covetousness and lust for FREE WILL and what will cause crying and gnashing of teeth will be having to see themselves just as they are when they compare themselves with Christ and to realize perhaps for the first time that THEY/WE are the one who crucified Christ due to their/our personal sins.

c.  Then shall Messiah teach righteousness to ALL and they shall learn just as we have had to learn during this life time.  The difference will be that their time of judgment and correction will be easier in a society in which Jesus is ruling with justice for all.

In my own case, I understand at this time that my deceased parents will be in that kind of judgment.  My Grandson Brandon who died in June 08 will be in that judgment and I am satisfied and trusting in God to provide loving justice or training for them.

Of course I realize that this commentary is incomplete, but I base my assumptions on the FACT that God loves His children and that God is just and that God desires to save ALL. Everything will be done according to God’s will at the appointed time.

So, why are we who are called now worried about whether we will be chosen and become one of the ELECT?  I mean really, if we love God and if we have faith to TRUST God, why have we anything to worry about?  Isn’t it true that “perfect love” cast out ALL fear? If our answer is yes, then we must admit that our love is not yet perfect.  We do not yet trust God completely.  So then it must be a process.  God gives to each of us, those He has called, an earnest or a portion of the holy spirit to begin to guide us into faith.  As God then motivates us to exercise His spirit in our daily lives, more of God’s spirit is added and we gradually, some more rapidly than others, come to trust God and to see with our eyes and hear with our ears what the spirit says to the believer.

It is not the folks on the forum or Ray Smith or the moderators that are holding us back.  If it is anyone, it is Jesus our Lord who sets the pace at which we learn.  In addition it is our fear of the unknown, which fear God will replace with courage when He is ready and when the lessons we are required to learn have done their work in us.

I hope that this message has been of some help.
Please look up the scriptures yourself or ask specific questions and I will provide scriptures to cover the topic.  I believe that all of this is covered in Bible Truths if one takes the time to search for it.  It is a worthwhile task and time well spent.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 05:07:30 PM by indianabob »


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #54 on: November 23, 2008, 05:23:56 PM »

Thanks, Bob!

Fellow B-T members, pray and meditate on this beautiful post that one of our elders, having taken time out of his day, present's to us.


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #55 on: November 23, 2008, 05:35:31 PM »

Joe, your statement said, or do we descend into Hate, and self righteousness, and this is not who I am or what I do.
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #56 on: November 23, 2008, 05:45:05 PM »

I was just thinking and Joe your Kind reply to my apology made me think about this, we are all in this thing together here! we have to be kind to each other and love each other because that is our command from Jesus!
We keep saying things to each other that hurt, they sound bad here because we can't see and hear each other!

My prayer is that when we read or post here we would maybe close our eyes and imagine the others are there and listen to what we say in our mind and listen to the tone of our thoughts. I will post again but I'm going to study hard in the meantime so that if I have something to say it will be relevant to the topic and as kind as I can say it.
Blessings to you all!
Kathy :)

Richard D

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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #57 on: November 23, 2008, 05:58:15 PM »


Your reply # 55 was totally beautiful and heartfelt. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your words of wisdom as it lets me also understand how much I need to learn and understand.

Thank you once again Bob for the wisdom you have shown in the way you have shown it. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with learning these truths and also applying the truth in my life but you are so right about the things you said and I just felt inspired by the thoughtfulness of your words.  :)

                                                 In God’s Love. Richard.


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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #58 on: November 23, 2008, 06:07:02 PM »


Ahhhh, finally, a peaceful, non-judgmental, thorough, heartfelt and wise response.  Thank you.



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Re: Church leaders
« Reply #59 on: November 23, 2008, 06:41:23 PM »

Hi indianabob,

I just quoted a snippet of your post. Thank you and Thank GOD and Our Lord Jesus Christ for such a calming
and instructive post. The words you wrote are so piercing and yet wholesome that my Spirit jumped with joy
when i started to read them. Thanks again and i will take heed and as always be careful to uplift or console
and not be harsh in judgement even in jest.

In Spirit and Truth brother,


New Friend on Bible Truths,

I am writing to you at this time because I FEEL that I may be of some help with our understanding of the purpose of the Bible Truths forum.  I also realize that there is much to cover in our ongoing discussions and we can’t explore it all at a distance with email in the same way we could face to face.  Accordingly I ask that you be patient with my poor effort to help a little even though I don’t know your mind or have the necessary insight to respond in a truly helpful manner.

To address just one aspect of your many questions and valuable comments please let me start with the intended purpose of God’s calling and choosing and election of certain individuals to serve in Jesus’ administration in the future when Christ is ruling on the Earth.  Each of the following points may be partially correct or not applicable to the current needs of members of the forum.  I hope you will take the time to respond and help me to see more clearly.

1. I notice that many members admit that they have been reading for a short time. So it seems to me that they are “naturally” trying to take a short cut to understanding and hoping that the other forum members will provide the short answer without all the time consuming work involved.  This does seem reasonable because we all come from different cultures and studying together SHOULD shorten the study time as long as we cooperate in mutual love and respect.

It is not the folks on the forum or Ray Smith or the moderators that are holding us back.  If it is anyone, it is Jesus our Lord who sets the pace at which we learn.  In addition it is our fear of the unknown, which fear God will replace with courage when He is ready and when the lessons we are required to learn have done their work in us.

I hope that this message has been of some help.
Please look up the scriptures yourself or ask specific questions and I will provide scriptures to cover the topic.  I believe that all of this is covered in Bible Truths if one takes the time to search for it.  It is a worthwhile task and time well spent.

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