I've only been a forum member for 2 days now, and just wanted to say hi. Plus, what a joy it was to read Ray's articles on the LOF series and tithing! I can honestly say I've always had a problem with the idea of serving a God who would sentence billions to burn in an eternal hell, even those who have never heard of His salvation. How could that be if God is love? That was my thought.
When I found out "Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess" I was reduced to tears of joy when I came to the understanding that they would do so because their eyes will finally be opened to see it all as it has always been in the plan of God. All done "To the Glory of God!" Exclamation point, mine,,,
I had read that verse, heard it preached, (not) and never seen it in that light. How could an eternal hell be "to the Glory of God?" When I saw it would be to His Glory to save all mankind, my mind could hardly take it in, and I know I haven't seen it all in its entirety, but I do believe I've been given a very small glimpse of how Glorious it will be.
Truly, Jesus will NOT fail to be the saviour of the world, to be the Perfect Sacrifice! To accomplish what God wanted from before the foundation of the world.
Now That's GOOD NEWS!
Funny,(ironic in my carnal mind) how my question of tithing and it's relevance to the New Covenant brought me to so much more.
I look forward to reading and learning more.
Grace and peace.