Steve and All, First thanks for your prayers. Steve, your message hit right to my heart. Today, I am sure it was My Heavenly Father speaking. He showed me that I have fear. I fear for My Mother, but I also have some fear for myself. I know, that no matter what would happen God would be with my Mother. It is hard on her as she is 88 and lives with us. She believes in him, but has a hard time with the truths I have been led to.
It is sin for me to fear God. He brought me here in a time of life, after a fall. I thought I desearved Hell. However, I know he corrects those he loves. Two years ago I faced death with a sever blood stream infection. Being, a diabetic could have been ha very bad time for me. But, even with the high fevers and having to wait 48 hours to find the right medication for it he gave me peace that he was in control. I still did not know what the out come would be. Most would have been in a coma they told me latter. I believe he used that time for correction and to show me he is in control. He led me to Ray's website a few months latter and I know because I obeyed his correction he brought me through truths.
Steve you are so right. He is in control and is with us every where. I am so blessed to know truths this time around. Now, I just rest in his hands and know that he will do what is best for me. His will not mine. Thank, for your comforting words.
Thanks to everyone for your comfort and love,
In His Love,