Hello, Just wanted to thank you all for the pm messages and other messages of prayers. I had a pretty tuff time with pain. I am still on pain medications but doing much better. Go back to the surgeon for my check up this coming Tuesday. The incision is still pretty red but healing. Yesterday was very pain filled. But, woke up today with barely any pain. Now, if this just keeps up. I have such a short neck that he had to do my incision different. He went around the collar bone. That, Praise God saved my voice. I diabetes is doing real well.
My Mother still hurts and has a bad shiner, but is starting to improve. They told her 4 to 6 weeks of healing. She is 88 and a tough cookie. She is a very small woman and is lucky not to have broken something.
My Husband is a wonderful Man and has taken good care of us.
I know your prayers worked. There was so many ways I see Gods hand in all of this. Things could have been worsed with me and with my Mother. We have suffered together.
I miss you all so much and being able to read Rays papers and the post on here. I am not staying on long as I do not want to get something strarted. I will ease in to all of this as the Doctor told me to. I have many problems in the thoraic and lumbar and I am sure he will want to address them at some time. Right,now I just want to be recovered from this.
Well, once again thank you all. I love you all so much. Its not that fake love either.
In His Love,