Greetings, my brothers and sisters. I am Steve Meacham, a fellow servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have been silently studying the material on this web site for two years or more now, so in a sense, I feel I know many of you already. I'll keep my intro as short as I can, because if you're like me, it's one of hundreds of messages you'll read on this site today.
I'm from Kansas City, and live there now. I've lived in at least five states and two countries, though. My parents and home were irreligious and I was one of the early home-computer nerds. Jesus began calling me in 1984, while I was still in High School. I was baptized as a Methodist back then, then again some years later as a Pentecostal, and again some years later by the Boston Church of Christ. These are but a few of Mystery Babylon the Great's harlot daughters that I've become well acquainted with these last 25 years.
I'd like to know if I'm alone or not in the following experience...
I had believed myself to be converted and "saved" (past tense) for many years. I was a leader in more than one church and did the things that Christians do. But, once God opened my eyes and ears, beginning with Ray's writings and ending in the Scriptures, I realized that I was lost. I lacked little in Bible knowledge, but I understood few of God's Spiritual Truths. The few that I had learned had always gotten me in trouble in my churches
I began relearning everything. All that knowledge I'd accumulated finally made real sense, once I applied it correctly. THEN, A MOST UNEXPECTED THING HAPPENED, though it should not have been unexpected. A week ago, I was Spiritually converted. I know this because suddenly my programming changed. The law of sin and death, which I hadn't even REALLY accepted was ruling within me, was replaced by the Law of the Spirit! There is an unmistakable change within me, a change of passions and desires, of a most profound nature. It was like pressure building up, and then bursting through at last.
That's my story in a nutshell. Much more to be said about the Jehovah's Witnesses and Universalists that God is sending my way, but not here.