I was bored today, so I thought I would have some fun.
I was driving down the road along a river near my house were I spotted hundreds of Canadian geese on the frozen water. Well at -4 degrees I wondered why would the geese still be there? So I quietly sneaked down to the water where they were and this is what happened....really.
They were all mostly gathered around one of the geese who I assumed was the leader. There was alot of honking and yelling going on, when I got close enough this is what I heard.
"Hey Ralph, you said it wouldn't get this cold here!"
"I know, but like I said, my cousin Wilbur the snow goose said he spends winters here and it never gets very cold"
"Hey Ralph, I could have went with that earlier flock and been in Florida on the Hillsboro River, crapping on those perfect manicured yards right now!"
"Yeah Ralph!", you said "Why waste all that energy flying south when we would have all this river to ourselves." "Well, I'm freezing my tail feathers off here because I listened to the dumbest bird on the planet!"
"Well I'm not as dumb as Goober, remember what happened last year to his flock when he flew to Texas and landed on the crazy guys property by the name of Longhorn."
"Yeah, well at least they were warm, and there feet weren't frozen in a river."
As I slowly backed away the geese descended on poor Ralph.