Hi.. My name is Jonathan, and after reading Ray's teachings for about 4 years or so, I finally decided to sign on so I could say Hi and get to know some of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Like many of you, I have been dragged out of the institutional church system (11 years ago or so) and have walked a very interesting path since then. Little did I know God was using all of my trials to purge all kinds of the world's teachings and doctrines from me while replacing them with truth and freedom. I've gone from death to life!
It was so shocking to find Ray's site about 4 years ago. I was online seeking an old article about tithing by a brother in Christ who apparently took some significant heat for writing it. I couldn't find it anywhere online anymore, but I ran into Ray's article instead. I was relieved that Ray's presentation was just as good if not better.. and for sure it was of the same Spirit. That caused me to 'park' on his website and read everything I could. For the first time, I didn't feel like a spiritual fruitcake. It was a relief and a joy to find out the things the Lord was teaching me and leading me through were actually scriptural and that I wasn't the hellbound freak other 'Christians' were assuming I had become.
Now, I am very much in need of other believers who have seen the truth and who are part of the Body of Christ, His true church.
I can't say I do a good job of fitting in anywhere, and for sure this path God has me on has cost me many friends (pretty much all of my Christian ones), family relationships, and even has me a bit of an outsider in my own home. I'd LOVE to have a friend to talk to, listen to music with.. you know.. a friend!
But.. I wouldn't go back to the way things used to be or my old ways for anything. It would be a dog returning to its vomit. I am continually amazed at the things I used to believe, and I am equally amazed at how much more wonderful God is to me now that He has shown me just how forgiving and loving He truly is! I thought it was amazing that when I realized Jesus is truly the Savior of the world, I wanted to walk with Him and draw much closer to him even more instead of saying "Hey.. this means I can go sin more".
So, God has changed me big-time. I can't say this life is always a fun ride, but for sure it's the one God has chosen for me. I'm on His potter's wheel, and apparently I'm not getting off until he has made me into the image He wants me to be. Fine with me!
I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I'm 46 year old and I am married. I moved my family to a very small town in northern Iowa last summer where I will likely grow old, and I sell music CDs and records online for a living (this may soon change, depending on what the Lord would have me do next). I have 9 children including one who didn't make it to birth, a few who are grown (one already married), plus teenagers, a preschooler, a toddler, and a baby on the way who is due April 9th or so. Children are great! I'm trying to collect the whole set.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you and fellowship with you, and hopefully my family will give me the time to pop in here regularly.