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Author Topic: hoping to hear other experiences  (Read 5138 times)

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hoping to hear other experiences
« on: September 26, 2006, 07:44:19 PM »

Hi this is Viktoriya,  :)
I was wondering if anyone here is an ex-religious immigrant from another country.  You see, I am from Russia and all my family members were Russian Baptists who fled the Soviet Union from the persecution of the “christians.”  Because they were persecuted t for their beliefs, they feel righteous in their traditions.  It is really tough to straighten out one's mind set when all their life they’ve been taught that they are completely correct because they were persecuted and survived.  Not only that, but the Russian Baptists that surround me still think that everyone is after them, hence they are supper conservative.  They are so busy being paranoid that someone is persecuting them that they don't realize they are the persecutors. 

I learned of the TRUTH because my fiancé was surfing the web one time and found bible-truths.  Boy was he excited!  Then when he showed me this web site and told me of Salvation for all, I cried.  I was so happy to have such a merciful God!  My heart filled with more love as the days went by and as I studied more scripture.  However, when I started telling my family and friends about the TRUTH I was shocked.  Everyone thought I was a heretic; even my father called me that - which left a scar on my heart since we always had a loving relationship.  Of course my parents commanded I break everything off with my fiancé since he was the first heretic that introduced me to such a terrible heresy! I, of course didn't.  Anyways, all this really destroyed my relationship with my family and with a sinking feeling I realized that many will not accept me and even more will hate me.  Sometimes I wonder about other cultures and how difficult it is to adjust to a new mind-set in a different country.  Anyways, I was just wondering if someone could share their experience with me, I think that would help in encouraging me and even give me strength to preach the truth.

Love and Peace be with you all,


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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2006, 12:15:44 AM »


I was born in I don't really know how you feel as far as being an immigrant... :)

But I know that once you find the truth of God, you will ALWAYS be a foreigner, every where you go. You will find that very few people will ever speak your language again. You will take on new eyes and ears and you will speak with a new tongue.

I want to lift you up, and I pray that God will do so, but knowing, and speaking the truth is a hard road, as you are now finding out.

I will pray that God will bring you unto his family, the family of Christ, as God will NEVER forsake you, or close the door on you, or make you feel unloved.

Your brother and supporter,


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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 12:30:45 AM »

thank you Chuck, I really appreciate your encouragment.  What you said really touched me: I will pray that God will bring you unto his family, the family of Christ, as God will NEVER forsake you, or close the door on you, or make you feel unloved.   I know this and have experienced it many times in my life, but I guess sometimes I need a reminder :) .  Praise Him for His love! And for the love He put into our hearts! :)


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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2006, 12:37:22 AM »

Mat 10:34  Don't think that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came to bring trouble, not peace.
Mat 10:35  I came to turn sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law.
Mat 10:36  Your worst enemies will be in your own family.
Mat 10:37  If you love your father or mother or even your sons and daughters more than me, you are not fit to be my disciples.
Mat 10:38  And unless you are willing to take up your cross and come with me, you are not fit to be my disciples.
Mat 10:39  If you try to save your life, you will lose it. But if you give it up for me, you will surely find it.  (CEV)

Everything for a purpose.

Hi Viktoriyia,
I can't relate to your particular situation as a Russian, but do wish to comfort you with the fact that you can always come here to find fellowship, as a lot of us are like-minded believers. (tip: Stay focused on Jesus first.)
Like Chuck said, we are all foreigners when we seek His Kingdom first. We are but visitors in this land, we think differently than those of the world, that's how God wants it. We are extremely blessed to know Him.
Thanks for sharing.


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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2006, 01:32:00 PM »

   I just wanted to welcome you here and add my agreement to what's been said on this thread.  We are all foreigners, pilgrims, our citizenships are not in the countries where we live...and we don't fit in.  I feel for you in your separation from your family.  Hold fast to the merciful God you have come to know.  His love will see you through.  And remember, they don't see because they can't....but God will fix that too and you will not only have your family back forever, but all people will be family.  Imagine what a wonderful renunion that will be.   ;D

I'm glad God brought you here and pray that you find comfort and solace and understanding in our on-line family.

Love in Christ,



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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2006, 03:04:43 PM »

Hi Viktoriyia,

I lived in Europe before it was part of the union and latterly in Egypt for a while, so I'm used to being a 'foreigner' in a strange land. In Egypt, I only ever met Muslims, who worship the prophet muhammed and the quran. My sister was married to a muslim once, so am familiar with their beliefs and customs, which I totally disagreed with long before I ever became 'Christian' [anyone advocating the murder of infidels didn't really strike me as 'divine' - I feel the same about any religious order who slaughters people who don't believe as they do] I was subject to a certain amount of distrust and 'dirty looks' I think also there was a few who thought I was nothing better than a western harlot with no morals because all they had to watch on T.V was old re-runs of 'Dallas' [Sue-ellen was maybe not a shining example of a western woman! ;D ]

I was not yet a Christian even in Egypt and though I was aware and believed in the existence of both God and Christ, I just never knew them. What the experience did though was to give me experience of being kind of cut off from my family and friends and being different from everyone else [the place I lived in the Sinai used to be considered a village at the end of a desert rather than the holiday destination it has now become] I was also a divemaster in the Red Sea so often was away on boat trips and apart from the dive school radio, was uncontactable for periods of time.

The experience of being 'the odd one out' but still being able to be friends and caring about the people I worked with, and more importantly, being able to maintain my own beliefs [or maybe unbeliefs at that time] in the face of everyone else's, feels like it was a foreshadow in preparation of what was to come. [not believing the Christian doctrines of men but the truths of God as revealed to me]I was eventually accepted for who I was on a personal basis once people got to know me, even though I was not a muslim or of the muslim faith, which was really nice.

I don't know many Christians at all, but my closest friend was the one who took me to her church when I started searching for truth. It all felt wrong right from the start. I found Bible Truths almost immediatly and never looked back. I still don't know whether or not my friend will turn away from me [I am only the messenger] and the truth in favour of everything she has been taught up to now, or will 'see' the real truth, only God can know this. She has moved away but we communicate via e-mail. It will break my heart if she decides to have nothing more to to with me, but so be it rather than me accept a false doctine.

Anyway, dividing and separating is what God does, it is a pattern all through the scriptures, ultimately, it is for the good of everyone. We just need to carry on in the faith that it is all Of God and He knows what He is about, even when we don't. When telling truths to others, we must be aware of when and where it is appropriate to do so, sometimes 'too much' truth telling at any one sitting will have the opposite effect and alienate the listener even further. You will soon learn to discern when and what to say, the Holy Spirit will give you what you need in the hour that you need it.

Stay with it sister

love in Christ


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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2006, 11:33:53 AM »

hi Viktoriya,

its sad to be called names by your blood and flesh and i know does it feel but for U to put the message across gently, U need to be more loving towards them exactly during the time they mock U. dont give up, God gradually will work wonders with their minds if U pray for them and show love with your actions. remember Jesus even at the cross prayed and asked for His crusifiers's forgiveness, so we must set an example as well.
in my culture there is a saying that" face\fight the conflict, not the person".
for them to change its a war U have to win and remember now" greather is He who is in us that that who is in the world" dont back down with prayers and continue to love them and tell them that U understand their opinions but it shouldn't come between the blood U share. take it one day at the time, they wont change or accept what U say just like that, otherwise Jesus did not have to die to prove that He is the son of God if people were that easy. U may have expected them to go "whow" and start changing their minds but no, they R not going to give in easy, remember their religion is what they've had since Russia so it wont go away without a fight- the fight U have to win with God by ur side.

good luck as U continue with the Bible truths- dont let them change U instead pray for them to change thier minds.


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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2009, 06:18:57 PM »

Hi Viktoria.

  My name is Edward and Im also from former USSR. I am going trough a similar situation. I came across bt about 4 years ago and when I tried sharing these truths with others not to many people were very exited to receive them. I just feel privileged that God has revealed these thing to me and my wife.

I was wondering where you live now.

I'm in Sacramento, CA.

I was also wondering if you still speak the Russian language.



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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2009, 06:44:43 PM »

Hi Edward.  This was posted in 2006.  Anytime you see a name in Black it means they have left the forum.

By the way, Welcome, and glad to have you here.  I asked you a question on your other thread, and now I see your answer.  It is because YOU are Russian.  Ok now I get it.

I hope you can find like-minded believers but if youre like most of us-you won't find too many. I am so glad your wife is in agreement. My husband and I are too.

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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2009, 12:51:53 AM »

Thanks for the info. I'm kinda new to the forum and still trying to get familiar with the way things work.


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Re: hoping to hear other experiences
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2009, 03:03:50 AM »

WOW chuckusa you said a mouth full. I feel like a foreigner. most people outside of our family (bible-truth) do not believe as we do and when I tell them what I believe concerning the things of God they trash me. It;s ok I know the truth and I feel like i am getting stronger everyday in the Lord. We most overcome the things of this world.

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