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Author Topic: Lake of Fire Series on MP3 Audio.  (Read 11351 times)

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Lake of Fire Series on MP3 Audio.
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2006, 09:53:18 PM »

The horrible things people do to chilren can take your breath away.When I think of all the neglected, aborted, raped, beaten, starved and hurt children, I can't help but be ashamed for complaining about anything that goes wrong in my life. Oh how thankful I should be that my parents were good to me.

I too can't imagine God punishing these precious children for what? For being treated worse than any dog in our country is treated? For living a life of horror, terror, fear and darkness? They have been through their lake of fire already here on earth. They have suffered more than I ever have. Yes, there are times I just don't understand the ways of God. But, I must hang on to Him, because He is all I have and He is everything I need.


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Lake of Fire Series on MP3 Audio.
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2006, 11:15:09 PM »

Hard to comprehend how someone can do this to children.  It is no wonder why many people after seeing things like this happen and the deceived in the church, wish not to believe.  Just goes to show it takes God dragging us to His truth.

I think because we know in part to let the judgment from God take care of all things.  His judgments are righteous and just.  He knows the beginning from the end and all points inbetween.  All things shall be made known, whether good or bad.  As we all know there is no escaping His judgments.

One of the strangest things I've come to understand through God blinding and healing is that we humans are so easily deceived.  Not only deception, but when we come to know something, the blinders go up and we have a tendency to block more knowledge and understanding.  

We must rely of faith.  When terrible things happen to us, loved ones, or such as this innocent child, faith in the righteous judgment from God will make things right in the end.  This I have no doubt, these people who do such things can run but they can't hide from their Maker.  

The faith God gave us runs much deeper than just the fact it causes us to believe in Him.  I hope you can see this, not sure if it is worded properly.  The many of our brothers and sisters who have given their lives through much suffering and painful deaths can only come from pure faith from God.  Way past simple belief and into where the mind of Christ has full control.  The carnal minded have belief, albeit wrong, yet still they are His.  I am talking about faith that is stronger and truer than what we see or perceive in ourselves.  It's way past our five senses to where the physical is foolishness and the spirit is righteous, true, just.

We must not doubt God.  Love goes full circle and will make all things right.  For all of to be where we are now, God has no doubt given each of us great witnesses by His Spirit to us.  We must rely on that, never wavering.  His righteousness will stand.

Hope these words are a comfort.

God bless,



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Lake of Fire Series on MP3 Audio.
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2006, 10:53:38 AM »

Gena, it makes me realise that believing the good news is a work of God's spirit.  No amount of mental gymnastics can satisfy the carnal mind and convince it that God is just and loving.  

There's only so far we can compare how we'd treat our own children in comparison to how God treats His (whole of creation).  None of us would treat our own children badly so that they'd appreciate our love, kindness, wisdom etc. even more.  That's when, to me, God's ways are higher than ours.  I think Ray once said that it would be easy for God to create a cat that'd sit happily in your lap and purr.  Its a far bigger task to create mankind into His own image!  :lol:  

Aye, Daniel ..thank God that one day the people who did this will be free from all of that hate and perversion.

Chrissie ...certain stories just stick with me, they always have.  For me, trying to make sense of evil has been a big part of turning to God.  People hear stories like these and either ignore them, curse those who're responsible and/or God (whoever they think he is), or question the existance/nature of God.  But like you, i don't have any detailed answers to some of these struggles ~ just a sense of peace.  So glad that you found (and are finding) comfort too  :) .


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Lake of Fire Series on MP3 Audio.
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2006, 10:21:14 AM »

WOW! Thanx 4 all the input, guyz!
However, I dont think u understand my dilemma.

The QUESTION of free will itself, is not entirely the issue that haunts me. It is that the scritpure is FULL of INSTRUCTIONS to make CHANGES.
How can this be done if GOD HIMSELF does not INITIATE the process...

There is NO ONE (not even me) who seeks God, no NOT ONE! (Rom 3)

How can we as people, or the Scripture, CONTINUALLY INSIST to one another that we MUST CHANGE!!  What i mean is: We encourage each other to deal with this situation like that, or to adjust our attitude about this person, or to change the way we think or see or understand a certain thing.


God is Sovereign. Okay, He is sovereign over my will, Okay. He determines the cause of every choice I make - from the smallest to the greatest, Okay - THEN WHY ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS TO BE DIFFERENT!!???


I guess as I write this i realise that the INSTRUCTION (LAW) is a PART of the CAUSE that PRODUCES THE CHANGE!!!

 :oops:  :oops:  :oops:

Well, I guess that if it were not for this forum - and you fine people - I would never have written this post, and consequently, would never have come to the understanding that I just came to... :D

In Him,
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