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Author Topic: Just a reminder...  (Read 4106 times)

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Just a reminder...
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:24:25 PM »

To all of you sweethearts who continually pray for me and my little friends in Children's Hospital, we go to Birmingham tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day for Grayson's pre-op labs and Friday is that much-prayed-over-surgery on the much-prayed-over-boy! So now I may not be able to report in to you right after surgery depending on whether I have an internet connection at the hotel or at the hospital, but I will get word to you somehow as soon as possible!
Please, again..pray for my little munchkin!

It's supposed to be a shorter surgery than last time which is a comfort, but when a two year old has any kind of surgery it is scary. If there is ANYBODY who by now doesn't know, Grayson had a brain tumor removed in October and they have now discovered he has some RESIDUAL tumor NOT NEW GROWTH and that is what they are after this time. This morning in the wee hours I was sleeping with Grayson and I lay there watching him sleep and it came to me to pray this prayer..

"Dear Lord Jesus would you please reach into Grayson's brain and pick up that tumor and lift it to where the doctor can see it perfectly and remove it all." We have prayed for his safety during all the procedures and we know that God has been answering our prayers. I just wanted to ask Jesus to give the doctor a hand in the surgery. I know that everything will be ok, I just don't want him to ever have to go through brain surgery again!
Thank you all and I'll be letting you know how it goes soon,
Love you
Kathy :-*


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Re: Just a reminder...
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 07:56:42 PM »

We will be praying for you and your family and Grayson's Doctor(s). 

God, please keep Grayson and his family safely in the palm of your hand.



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Re: Just a reminder...
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 10:00:12 PM »

He for sure is in my prayers Kathy and for your entiere family.

In His Love,


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Re: Just a reminder...
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 11:20:30 PM »

Hey Kathy! All of you are in our prayers!
loveya, Lin


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Re: Just a reminder...
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2009, 01:56:50 AM »

If you all don't mind I'd like to paste something here that my son put on my FaceBook page I don't think he will mind if I pass it on to all of you who have been praying for Grayson. He sent this to his FaceBook friends, so I'm sending it on to you because these are his thoughts for everyone who has been praying:

Just wanted to write down some things that are going through my mind as we approach this second surgery. First and foremost i must give God all of the Gory, honor, and praise because without him I would not be where I am today. God has blessed me with so many awesome things one of them being my family. I am not really sure why we are walking through this but there is a purpose for why we are here and what God is doing. Paula and I were praying tonight and I just got this mental picture in my mind of God looking down at Jesus hanging on the cross and the pain he felt at seeing this. I think that God was telling me that he knew what i am going through. He knows our pains and our hurts. He knows when life is getting the best of us and he knows when we have reached the end. God is always there to comfort us. he cries when we cry, he laughs when we laugh and he feels the same hurts we do. I have had to learn to gather the wood and carry my son to the altar like Abraham in faith that God would either provide a lamb or provide the comfort. i would like for everyone either a follower or someone who has known God but walked down their own path to stop and just let God speak to you. His is a comforting voice that is heard as a whisper in the roughest of storms. he knows what you are walking through and he knows how to get you through it. I have known what it is like to look back and only see one set of foot prints in the sand and I know what it feels like to have God carry me through. I urge all of you who's relationship with God has been ripped and torn by the storm to let God lift you up and renew your soul. I also want to thank all of you who have sent us letters, texts, and IM's that you are praying for Grayson. We have seen and felt the power of prayer all over this and we know it will get us through it all.....Thank you all so much and we love you!!

My son's name is Brandon and his wife is Paula whisper their names in your prayers.
Thank you all again!


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Re: Just a reminder...
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2009, 03:06:58 AM »

My son's name is Brandon and his wife is Paula whisper their names in your prayers.
Thank you all again!

Done Kathy.

george. :)



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Re: Just a reminder...
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 09:07:51 AM »

ditto kathy


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Re: Just a reminder...
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2009, 11:26:46 AM »

Also praying for Grayson and you and family, as well for the surgeon's hands to be guided by God's will.  Keep us posted.

Love in Christ,
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