> Transcripts of Ray's Audio's and More Teachings

Nashville Conference 2008 - audio #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

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                                 The Ocean Salt Argument
                                              For A Young Earth

What Joly didn’t know was that sodium and other salts are removed from the ocean in several ways. These include the formation of salt flats, chemical reactions of salts with the ocean floor, living organisms taking up salts and depositing them via skeletal remains on the ocean floor.  Salt beds, in some cases more than a mile thick.

One mile thick… a salt bed!  They say, ‘well, the Earth is so old there should be more salt in the ocean.’  Do you know how many salt beds there are one mile thick?  There are a lot of them.  Well maybe not a lot a mile thick but there are a lot of them that are very big.

So they calculate that it would only take sixty two million years, would be the maximum age of the Earth.  It’s still way out of the six thousand range.  Sixty two million is a lot shorter than four and a half billion, but it’s a heck of a lot longer than six thousand too.  Even if their argument had any validity to it, it wouldn’t prove anything.  Not really.

This paper (The Ocean Salt Argument For A Young Earth) says, Scientists in the 1900s studied the rates at which the various salts enter and leave the ocean. 

But when these young Earth people, Austin Humphreys in this case or Witcom and Morris, they hedge on the figures and they make it come off so that it looks like it’s going this way, a little more. Then you extrapolate from that, go backwards or whatever so many billions of years and it doesn’t fit.  But if your figures are off, they’re off.   You can’t hedge and fudge and lie and distort and twist so that you get a little something in your favor.  Then you’re running backwards six billion years and you say that doesn’t work. 

There are so many of these things.  They talk about the lost second of the Earth.  The earth is slowing down and they talk about this lost second.  Of course I think some young-earthers took that as literally one second.  No, it’s just in the range of a second, it’s like 92/100 of a second, it’s not a full second.  So the difference between a very fraction of a second and a full second, when you run it back millions of years, it’s quite a difference.  Even there, the theories behind it don’t hold up anyway.

So much for these five great theories...  Five nonsense.  None of them will hold up to the peer pressure of, I don’t want to say real scientists, but these men.  Well they started out as real scientists, I mean they’ve got degrees, so they are scientists.  But they no longer follow the scientific method. The scientific method is that you have a certain protocol when you are establishing the laws of nature and the laws of science and the laws of physics and so on.  You’ve got to follow the protocol.  You can hedge.  There are no hedge factors in there.  So before a theory is presented as something factual and actual and a law, it’s tested and retested.  You must be able to reduplicate this thing over and over, whether it be through formula or in the laboratory or out in the field.  None of this stuff can be verified or duplicated in the young earth theories.

Dr. Hugh Ross, an astronomer, has challenged Dr. Humphreys. He said let’s debate this stuff.  If you think you’ve got all the answers and you know what your facts are, let’s debate it.  But Humphreys wants to have a peanut gallery of young evolutionists that would cheer him on.  When he says something clever, they will applaud.  When somebody else says something, they will boo, that kind of childish idiocy.

So Hugh Ross says we’ll have a debate, but there is not going to be a peanut gallery.  We’re going to have a minimum of fifteen PhDs from well known universities.  I don’t care which ones, any of them, Penn State, UCLA, M.I.T. it doesn’t matter.  Fifteen legitimate PhDs.  Then we’re going to sit down and discuss your theories.  I don’t care if they are Christians, atheists or what… PhDs.  What do you think Humphreys’ answer to that was?  No way, Jose.  I got to straighten out my sock drawer that weekend.

I was supposed to debate someone on tithing a couple years ago.  This producer for the religious program on CNN in Atlanta called me and she wanted to do a thing on tithing, because she had read my paper somehow.  She wanted me to take the side that tithing was not for Christians today.  But she wanted to find a noted person, somebody that people would know in the theological world, to debate me.  We talked a couple times and she asked who is well known that believes in tithing and I suggested a few, like Creflo Dollar (because his name is so great, Dollar).  Anyway as it turned out, this thing got put off and put off and put off.  Finally she said she had some people that were pretty well known around the country that said they would do it, until they found out who they were going up against.  They wanted to check out what it was I taught before… then all of a sudden, that’s right, they had to straighten out their sock drawer that weekend.  She couldn’t get anybody, they would not do it.

That was the first part of this email to me, but we didn’t cover all of it yet.  It says;
I thought you might find this worth your while to help you accept the truth of Exodus 20:11, for six days God created… Maybe someday, Ray, you’ll just accept that Bible truth and won’t fight it.

Now I’m going to go through an article that this man wrote all about this.  It says;
Moses informs us that heaven was created at the exact same time as the earth.  We need to know that in Hebrew the word is always in the plural, for in six days Yahweh created the heavens and the earth.  But God the Father existed quite well before there was heavens and He will do very well when the heavens shall pass away.  But if indeed heaven is God’s Elect…

[Comment from Ray: How many of you have ever heard that? This guy teaches it. ]

If indeed heaven is God’s elect, how then can it be said that heaven was created at the same time as the earth?  Here’s the way God did that.  “In the beginning,” the Hebrew for the word “beginning” here, is firstfruit.  See Leviticus 23:10.  Christ God created the Heavens and the earth in Christ.

[Comment: So, it says “in the beginning,” that Hebrew word means firstfruits.  You know when it talks about firstfruits in the Bible, it’s the same word as the word, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth.”  In the first, at the start, In the beginning.  That’s all that means in that context.  In other words, in the first of the harvest, at the beginning of the harvest, when the harvest starts, that’s your firstfruits.

He says Jesus Christ is our firstfruit, it says that we’re a kind of firstfruit and Jesus Christ is the firstfruit of them that slept.  So what he’s saying is in the beginning, Christ created the heavens, He was the firstfruit.  In the Christ, God created the heavens and the earth.]

What a revealing statement. God creates everything, including His elect, in the firstfruit.

[Comment: He created everything in Christ, in the firstfruit.  And he says;]   

We God’s Elect, are the heavens.

[Comment: So all of the Elect… all of the heavens of the Elect, were created back in Genesis 1:1, in Christ.  I’ll continue;]

Were the days of creation really ages?  Is the seventh day finished?  This man writes and says; on your website you state many times that our bible is signified and that these things have different meanings, spiritual meanings, symbolic meanings. Why is it then that when you talk about the days of creation in Genesis 1 they are literal?  Why can’t they be spiritual or symbolic like you say everything in the Bible is?

 The short answer is that there is a qualifier with each of these days of creation which does not appear in other scriptures, which are later used to refer to the overall periods as days.  For example…

[Comment: Then he shows in Genesis 2:4...]

All of the days are counted as a day.  This verse summarizes what took place in the six days.  That is not the way he uses the word day here though in creation, as Christ is creating the earth he goes a great length to tell us each step in the creation process; “And God called the light day and the darkness He called night, and the evening and the morning were the first day.”

So he’s saying that’s how we know these days were not symbolic or spiritual or figurative language for longer periods of time or anything like that.  Here is how we know that these were 24-hour solar days, “evening and morning.”  So we’re going to take a look at this thing, ‘day,’ and see what we have. 

I asked you earlier, how many can tell me a definition of a day, and then we went around on that a little bit.  What is the biblical definition of a day?  Somebody had said a day is like a thousand years.  But I didn’t ask what it was like, what is it?  I don’t want to know what it’s like or similar to.  What is it?  What is the definition?  You see, they like to go back to the beginning and say, ‘you have to see what it says in the beginning, because that’s where it tells us these days consisted of the evening and the morning. Two segments of twelve hours, a 24 solar hour day.’

Now what do the scriptures tell us, what is the definition of a day?  Well I’ll give it to you.  He read it, he quoted it in his answer and missed it.  I’ll give you the definition.

Gen 1:5  And God called the light Day…

Now there is the biblical definition of a ‘day.’  The light, the sunshine.  Look up ‘day’ in Strong’s Concordance, the first definition - the light, the heat, the warmth.  The warmth of the day, the part that is warm by the sun, that is a day.  Then by extension it can involve a 24-hour period. The first and most proper definition of a day is daylight, day time.  “God called the light day.”  Did He call he night, day?  No, He did not.  Get it out of your minds and start thinking biblically.

Gen 1:5  And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night…

How simple is this?  Why don’t we believe the scriptures?  The light of the sunshine is day.  When the sun goes down it is no longer day, it’s night and God says so.

Gen 1:5  …And the evening and the morning were the first day.

It says it’s the first day, that’s not very good.  It should be;

Gen 1:5  …And there was evening and there was morning-- one day.  (YLT)

Now the reason for that is this is the ultimate “day one.”  When you say first, it’s always being contrasted with something else.  There was nothing else to contrast this to.  Therefore, it has to be day one.  From then on in the Hebrew, it does say second, third, fourth.  But on the first one, it doesn’t say first, it says, “day one” in the Hebrew. 

So, the light is the day, that’s what a day is.  How long is it?   Well, it’s when the sun goes up until the sun goes down.  How many hours is it?  Let’s ask our Lord.  How long did Jesus Christ say a day was? 

John 11:9  Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day…

He said are there not how many hours in the day?  “Twelve hours.”  So is the biblical definition of a day 24-hours?  Can anyone show me in the bible where a definition of a day is 24-hours?  I don’t think anyone can actually show me where the word day means 24-hours.  It could include the 12 hours of night, but it doesn’t mean that.

Now someone talked about Sabbath, as God created and worked for six days and He rested the seventh.

Gen 2:2  And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made.

It doesn’t mean He rested.  He didn’t rest for the seventh day, He stopped working on the seventh day.  He has not rested then or since, He stopped.  It was a day of stopping.  It was not a day of rest.  We rest because we get tired and we need it, God doesn’t.  God didn’t rest.  The word is not rest, in the Hebrew it means to stop.  He stopped His work on the seventh day.

I said that the word appears 2,189, some nearly 2,200 times.  Now we’re back to Dr. Morris here.  I’ve got a little thing on Dr. Morris, you know Witcom and Morris and the creation museum and Answers in Genesis and all that.  Here he says 2,291 times, of course that is singular and plural.  “Occurring 2,291 times in the Old Testament, it almost always means a literal day.” ( http://tvja.org/science/pdf_Documents/creation%20vs.%20evolution.pdf )

Excuse me?  What is a literal day, as opposed to a un-literal day?  A literal day, he said of the 2,291 times in the Old Testament, it almost always means a literal day.  But by that, he means 24-hours.  No, pale face.  Of the 2,291 times you can find in the Old Testament the word day almost NEVER means 24-hours, which he considers a ‘literal’ day.  In fact, day is used more prevalently as an indeterminate period of time, even than it is for the twelve hours of daylight. The least that it is used is a 24-hour period and even there it usually doesn’t call it that by itself.  When the night is included, it’s mentioned.  Why?  Because these people didn’t know that day also defined night.  Night has its own word.  Day… Night. 

So when we talk about even the commandment of working, he said; “maybe you will understand this.  So in six days God created… for six days, we are to work.”  For six 24-hour days, we are to work and then rest one?  No.  How many scriptures talk about the night is coming when you can no longer work? You need the day to work.  You need the light.  So even where it talks about the commandment, we are to work six days, not six days and six nights and then rest one.

A day can be known as the light contrasted to the darkness, it’s a period of 24-hours, a general daytime, a point in time, a year in the plural, an age or indeterminate long period of time…

In virtually all the places where you read, you know all of Jacob’s years were so many, it’s days.  The Hebrew is ‘days’ were so many years.

Gen 47:8  And Pharaoh said to Jacob, "How many are the days of the years of your life?"

Right there you can see time after time after time it’s used to mean a longer period of time than 24-hours.

One of the problems we have with this is that Hebrew words can be used in numerous ways.  I’m going to have to learn to be a little more careful how I interpret a word too.  I’ll say this word comes from a root that means this or that.  Well okay that’s good, but does that mean this or that in this context using this word? 

Okay let me see if I can explain that a little better.  If you want a really good English dictionary, you would probably get The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language, it’s like thirty volumes, it’s got maybe 500,000 or 600,000 words.  Or you may have a Webster’s Twentieth Century Dictionary like I have, which is about this thick.  I have two of them, one has 2,600 pages.  Or you can get a desk top Merriam Webster or I particularly like The American Heritage Dictionary, it’s about this thick, about 50,000 or 60,000 words.  If you go to Strong’s Concordance, his Hebrew dictionary you’ll find about, not 60,000, but 8,500.  But those 8,500 words come from root words, that are just used differently.  While the new words are not even 8,500, it’s 2,552 in the Old Testament.  That’s all, 2,552 words.  So these words are used over and over again. 

Almost all the words in Hebrew consist of three letters.  You don’t find ten letter, six letter or five letter words, there are a couple of four letter words.  Almost all of those 2,552 words are three letters, three consonants.  Once in a while they will write a Hebrew word with a vowel, but not often, it’s just for particular reasons they do.  Then of course we have now what is called pointings, which are little dots and slashes, which change the meaning of words. 

Let me give you an example of something here.  This man said, “if the heavens are indeed the Elect.”  Is that even in the realm of possibility, that the heavens means the multiple heavens or the spiritual realm of God’s Elect, where God’s Spirit lives in their heaven or whatever.  Is that even possibility?  No it’s not, it’s not possible, here’s why.  Remember I read this where he said, “in the Hebrew ‘heavens’ is always in the plural.”  That’s true, BUT… there’s a big but.  But it’s called a dual.  Even in Strong’s definitions he’ll say a dual, a plural - dual meaning two.  Plural yes, thousands or millions, no.  Two. 

Hebrew reads from right to left and when you come to the end of the word heaven/heavens it has what looks like a square box ( ם ), that’s the dual.  That’s the plurality, but it signifies dual.  Now some things can be plural and mean thousands, but not heavens.  Heavens is always used in the plural with that box, which means two.  Two heavens.

Now interestingly, probably most of you know that the word translated God, in the beginning of the Bible is Elohim, El means God.  Elohim means plurality - plural, but it’s a plural dual, two.  What does that do to the trinity theory, that Elohim is plural, Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  It wipes it out. 

What does it do with the idea that God created the heavens and the earth through His Son Jesus Christ?  It verifies it, dual.  “In the beginning, (dual) El.  Not that there are two Gods, but El in the duality of Father and Son.

Audio # 6 Video #2

We read where this man says (in the email);

Moses informs us that heaven was created the exact time as the earth. We need to know that in the Hebrew this word is always in the plural.

What he fails to understand, it’s always in the dual.  So he is not going to fit thousands and thousands of the Elect’s heavens into the two heavens of Genesis 1:1.  He says; He created the heavens and the earth at the same time.

Then he quotes Moses in Exodus 20:11.  So these young-earthers, they equate one with the other, that when it says Moses said in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  That is the same as in Exodus 20:11 where it says, “in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that in them is.”

Now how many times I’ve said we have to pay attention to all the words?  Now in Genesis 1:1, there is a whole lot more in here than most of us can even begin to realize and after spending many hundreds of hours on this, I don’t even claim to have scratched the surface.  So we’re told in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  When did He create them?  On six days or in the beginning?  In the beginning. 

Is that the same as where Moses said in Exodus 20 verse 11, “for in six days God made the heavens and the earth“?  Is that not the same thing?  Well you would say, ‘It has to be the same thing.’ It’s not.  Moses didn’t say in Exodus 20 verse 11 for God told us in the first chapter of Genesis that in six days He made the heavens and the earth.  He doesn’t say that, these are two different facts.

Genesis 1:1; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Now that “created” is just a simple verb, but it has additions to it.  When they put a little 7 as a suffix to that, it changes the simple word ‘create’ to what in English we call a pluperfect.  It’s the difference between yesterday my wife baked a cake or yesterday my wife had baked cake.  I mean they’re both past tense, but one is called pluperfect.  It is not happening at the time that the statement is being made.

“In the beginning…” at this beginning point, God created the heavens and the earth.  No.  “In the beginning God (already had) created the heavens and the earth.”

Hebrews 4, here again we’re talking about a day, a Sabbath day. It talks about that He wouldn’t let them enter into their rest.

Heb 3:11  … They shall not enter into My rest.
v. 12  Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.
v. 13  But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

Heb 4:1  Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
v. 2  For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
v.3  For we which have believed do enter into rest, as He said, As I have sworn in My wrath, if they shall enter into My rest: although the works were finished from the 'end of the sixth day'.

Is that what it says?

Heb. 4:3 …although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

“In the beginning God (HAD) created the heavens and the earth.”  He already had created them.  Now here is where the Bible and science mesh. People pooh-pooh the Big Bang like it’s the big boogeyman, the big bird or some dumb thing. 

So I’m saying what is the difference if we call it the Big Bang or the God Awesome Blast?  God talks about performing powerful things by the blast of His nostrils (2 Samuel 16:22).  The Bible tells us that He is stretching out, spreading out the heavens like a curtain, if you check Youngs and Concordance.

Psa 104:2  Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: (KJV)

Psa 104:2  Covering himself with light as a garment, Stretching out the heavens as a curtain,  (YLT)

Psa 104:2 You are muffled with light as a garment. Stretching out the heavens like a sheet, (CLV)

Even in the King James, it said He spreadeth.

Job 9:8  Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, (KJV)

You know when you put spread and then ‘eth,’ spreadeth, that’s like the Greek eroist tense, is spreading. 

John 3:16 For God so loves the world.

Not He loved, past tense.  He’s still loving, it’s not come to an end.  It’s not like used to love the world, but now He doesn’t, God still loves the world.  Now they got it right in the rest of the verse.  “For God so loves the world…“ then, for whosoever believed on Him.  No, “whosoever believeth” present progressive.  He so loves those that believes and they should not be perishing, but be having eonian life.

John 3:16 For God so loves the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not be perishing, but be having eonian life.

                                     God's Awesome Blast

So the works were finished from the foundation of the world.  For years I didn’t have a clue what that meant.  How could they be finished from the foundation?

Listen, scientists say that as far as they can understand, the universe stared at a central point, it had a beginning.  Now they didn’t know that 30-40 years ago, they’re saying it now.  Cosmologists, physicists, astronomers, all concede that this universe did indeed have a beginning.  It started at an infinitesimal point from which is spread out, and time and space spread out with matter.  It isn’t like there was this huge space from all eternity and God built a universe inside of it.  The space itself is a creation and scientists now believe that as the universe expands, space expands to receive it.

I don’t know how many, but not too many years ago, this one scientist detected what they call radiation background noise in space, which is the echo left over from the big bang.  Since they know that the heavens are spreading out, then when they’re out here, at sometimes they were back there.  If they were spreading out to here, they must have come from back there.  If they ended up here and they’re spreading, they must have come from this one point. 

Do you know the greatest Cabbalist have said that, for two and three thousand years?  Did you know that Maimonides said that the universe began as a spec the size of a mustard seed… who never had one class in physics, astronomy or cosmology.  One thousand years ago - two thousand years ago they said that.  They believed that is what was meant, it started at a single point no bigger than a mustard seed… the entire universe!   And that’s exactly what advocates of the Big Bang Theory say, exactly what old Jewish Cabbalists were saying thousands of years ago, who really understood the Hebrew of the Old Testament. 

They know, by the laws of physic and quantum mathematics and all of these higher systems of learning.  They know how to project backwards what would happen if you took the universe and start squeezing it back to its source. They can also extrapolate, not perfectly, but to a degree that it makes sense… so they can extrapolate how the universe expanded.  What happened in the first 100 millionth of a second.  What happened the second 100 millionth of a second and the third and the fourth and the first minute, and the first three minutes.  They can do it based on quantum math and physics, they could do it, they can work it out.

I used to hear this little take off on, “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” and then they say, 'but scientists say in the beginning, not God, but in the beginning was the hydrogen atom.'  So in the beginning the hydrogen atom, not God?  So everything came from the hydrogen atom?  But it just didn’t make sense to me.  How could you get all of the other elements from a hydrogen atom?  First of all, hydrogen is the lightest element there is, right.  So it’s the very lightest one there is… how can you get iron, which is very heavy, out of hydrogen?  How do you turn a hydrogen atom into iron?

[Comment from someone: How do you get the universe out of a mustard seed?]  You take out all the air.

But it appears the scriptures and scientists are agreeing on this one.  So in the beginning God had created the heavens and the earth and they were finished from the very foundation.  How so?  I mean, well we have to see what it was He ‘created’ and what He later ‘made’ from what He created.  We’ll see the foolishness of such heretics as this, they have not a clue as to where they’re talking about. 

“In the beginning God had created the heavens and the earth.”  We know from science it’s at a starting point and spread out.  We know from the scriptures it started with God and spread out.  Not only spread out, but it’s still spreading.  Those words are still in the future tense.  God is spreading and science tells us that the universe is today, it is spreading.  Now we know how scientists figured that out, but how did the writers of the scriptures know that?  How could they look up at the starry skies at night and say looks to me like it’s spreading out, at millions of miles an hour?  There is no perception of movement at all, except as the earth twists.

So what God created was, everything that was necessary for what He was going to make.  He did not create the heavens and the earth in six days, as this person tells us it says in Exodus.  It does not. 

In Genesis it says, “in the beginning God created,“ the word is bara and it means to bring in something new, something really new.  In Exodus 20, it says “for in six days God made…”  First of all, even the translators knew not to put create.  They put “created” in Genesis 1:1, but not in Exodus 20:11.  Why didn’t they put, for in six days God created the heavens and the earth?  Because He didn’t do that in six days.  Then what did He do in six days?  He “made” the heavens and the earth.  What’s the difference?  All the difference in the world. 

In Genesis 1:1, He brought into existence everything that exists in the universe.  From day one through day six He formed all of that into everything as we now see it in the universe.  Two totally different operations.  Totally, totally different, they are not synonymous. 

The word bara (created) and the word asah (made) are two different words and they mean two different things.  In the beginning He created it all, it was all there.  But it wasn’t until certain things transpired before He began His work of asah.

We reach something very interesting.

Gen 2:3  And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested (just means He stopped) from all His work which God created and (to or for) made.

Now that is a horrible translation there.  The “created” and “made” are okay, but not the word “and.”  There is no word “and” in the Hebrew there.  …which God created that’s bara, and the word “made” is asah.  God blessed all which He created, it should be ‘to’ or ‘for.’  That word should always be translated to or for, not ‘and.’  All that God created to make or if you wanted to say that He created for making.  You would never learn that in a million years reading the King James Bible.

He did two things in Chapter one.  He created the universe and then ‘for’ six days, not for in six days. That word ‘in’ is not in Exodus 20:11, for in six days.  No, for six days, period.  Not for in six days.  For six days then He did something else.  What did He do?  He made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that in them is.

Exo 20:11  For six days the LORD made heaven and the earth and the sea and all that in them is…

Are you seeing it?  In a sense, in Genesis 1:1 He made all the raw materials of the heavens and the earth.  In the six creation periods He fashioned it - molded it - built it.  Verses 1 and 2 have absolutely nothing to do with that happens in verses 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and so on.


Now scientists will tell you, I mean I haven’t read that many books… The main books on this that I’ve read are Dr. Schroeder’s, who is an applied physicists, has a PhD and he’s a theologian. So he tries to explain some of these more difficult scientific matters in layman’s language.

When in the Big Bang, according to scientists there was for so long this explosion spread out, but it was a considerable time before there was light. Because it was so dense… I mean you pack one hundred billion galaxies with one hundred billion stars into a grapefruit - mustard seed. It was in a since an exploding black hole. There was no light. Scientists will say there was no light… light could not escape and there were no heavy metals. There was no iron or tin or led or gold or silver, it was the hydrogen atom. So not only do you condense the whole universe down to the size of a grapefruit or a mustard seed, you condense the whole universe down to hydrogen. This is mind boggling.

But scientists will tell you not only was everything that exists in the universe, in that exploding central point, not only was it all in there, it was infinitesimally timed to the trillionth of a mega second. It had to be perfectly timed. The timing had to be flawless beyond imagination or it wouldn’t have worked. We wouldn’t have what we have today.

Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form (or more like formless, not that it didn’t have any form at all, it was formless) and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Now I’m not completely sold on the idea yet, that this is totally speaking about water covering the earth, although it certainly did. But I think it has a larger meaning. Remember that old song, Bridge Over Troubled Waters? In a sense I think that is what this is talking about. This is the beginning of the creation and its troubled waters. You get the idea that something is not right here.

Some will say, ‘it should read and the earth became without form and void.’ Well, actually yes it did in a sense ‘became,’ but not at this point.  Again, the Hebrew here is pluperfect in English. It would more accurately be translated, “and the earth,” and is correct, the word ‘and’ is in there. “And the earth” is one word in Hebrew, it’s erets. There is the word earth and then a sign for ‘and,’ and a sign for ‘the.’ So that’s all in there. It isn’t just the word there, only earth. No, it’s “and the earth.” It’s in there, and the earth was…

Now the only way you can translate that “was,” is if you translated and the earth was - already. It was already void (and vacant) and darkness was upon the face of the earth. But a better translation would be, “and the earth had existed.” Pluperfect English, past tense, had existed. The earth was already this way or had existed in this condition.

Notice what God says next.

Gen 1:3  And God said, Let there be light:

Let there be light. What do scientists tell us happened after the big bang? It took awhile before there was light. In the beginning He had created the heavens and the earth, but there was no light. Three verses later He tells us in the third verse “let there be light,“ and it should read, “and there became light.”

So you see how this idea of a big bang is not that stupid and atheistic and evolutionary nonsense and all of that. Millions of scientists work with the laws of physics and quantum math and all of these things, cosmology and astronomy. All of their knowledge of all of the laws of physics fit into the model that the heavens and the earth had a beginning from a central point that exploded out very rapidly. It’s the only thing that fits, nothing else fits. There is no other theory that fits except this thing that they’ve come up with, the Big Bang. You could call it the big spreading out and it would sound more scriptural. The fact of the matter is, it is scriptural.  Christ calls it the spreading out, scientists call it the Big Bang, which is just another term for spreading out rapidly and powerfully from a central beginning.

So, why does this person say, “well these can’t be longer periods of time than 24-hours.”  Because he said, “the short answer is we have a qualifier, “and there was evening and there was morning.“ It was day and night, that’s got to be a literal solar 24-hour day.”  But is that what evening and morning means?

I told you years and years ago I knew there was a much deeper meaning to that evening and morning. I just didn’t want to take this guy on at the time and I didn’t want to get into it because I know it was a big study.  I’ve spent a whole year on this. I mean I wrote some other articles and did some stuff, but mostly I was working with this. I’ve got a lot more material that I’m not giving you here today, I don’t know if I ever will, but I have it up in my noodle for whatever purpose.

So, do you understand now about that last verse, everything that God had created to make? He created all that, for what? To make this. So He did not make the heavens and the earth in six literal days, like it would say in the King James. But “for six days” He made it. “For six days He made - asah. He even did some creating during that period of time. I’ll be getting into that.

You know, it’s interesting. There are three things in Genesis that God created. Genesis 1, three things only.  What three things did God create in the first chapter of Genesis? Man (1).  Heaven and earth (2). The word created is used one more time in that first chapter. This is the only thing in the first chapter of Genesis that is called great. Whale (3). 

Gen 1:21  And God created great (bara, this is new) whales.

This is something quite new. Man and female was quite new, that was different from any of the other animals or anything, it was new. He “created” them. This is a new thing coming into being. The other thing He created, not only did He create it, but He created “great”… Nadine. What are the Nadine? I’ll be getting into that.

He (emailer) says, That the phase of the evening and the morning is repeated six times in the creation account. Were it not used then we would be justified in assuming that these could be longer periods of time.

No. Since it is used, we have a pretty sound reason for why they are longer periods of time. He says if they, were not used then we might think that these were literal solar days of 24-hour duration. No, just the opposite. 

Evening and morning has absolutely nothing to do with the length of the time period that is being discussed.  Has nothing to do with the length of the time. Evening and morning have to do with a condition. The evening is a condition that comes about at the end of a day. Morning is a condition that comes about at the end of a night.  So don’t be coming up with definitions of stuff that don’t exist. Evening is as it begins to get dark, going from daylight to darkness. That transition period is the evening. As it goes from dark to becoming light, that division there between darkness and light, that is called morning. It doesn’t last for three hours or six hours or twelve hours, like a day and a night do.


Alright, let’s cover some more things about day. Day is used to represent many things other than, even the daylight part of a 24-hour solar cycle. Day is used to represent the word ’time’ 67 times in the Old Testament. It just means time.

Genesis 4:3: And in the process of time (yom) it came to pass. Cane brought forth…

In the process of yom, days. It’s the word day.  Day and days 2,291 times always comes from the word yom, it’s pronounced like home, not yum. So in the process of time. If you say in the process of days it came to pass, well you would understand it. But time fits better. 

In Deuteronomy 10:10 it speaks about the time.

Deu 10:10  And I stayed in the mount, according to the first time (yom), forty days and forty nights;

Where it talks about forever or for the eon many times, Isaiah 30.

Isa 30:8  Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time (yom) to come forever and ever:

It’s yom, day. Day can be used many ways.

1Kings 1:1  Now king David was old and stricken in years (yom)…

David was old and stricken in years. The word is yom. He was stricken in yom.

Gen 41:1  And it came to pass at the end of two full years (yom)…

And after the end of two yoms, years. The word is yoms.

Finally Amos 4.

Amos 4:4  Come to Bethel, and transgress; at Gilgal multiply transgression; and bring your sacrifices every morning, and your tithes after three years (yom):

Your tithes after three yoms. But it’s definitely speaking about three years, not days, not 24-hours cycle. But after three years you bring in this other tithe. 

Numerous times in the Old Testament yom is translated age. 

Gen 24:1  And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age (yom):

Stricken in age, old age.

Gen 47:28  And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: so the whole age (yom) of Jacob was a hundred forty and seven years.

The whole age of Jacob. It’s yom. The yom of Jacob.

It’s used to mean the word ago or always or season.

Joshua 24:7  …and ye dwelt in the wilderness a long season (yom).

They dwelt in the wilderness a long season, a long yom.

This word is used all kinds of ways that never ever insinuates 24-hours.

In Chronicles it’s translated to the word ‘chronicles’ 37 times in the Old Testament. It’s translated ‘continually’ or ‘continuance’ and ‘ever’ or ‘evermore,’ that’s King James talk.

So yom is not for a 24-hour period. It stands for time in general, days, weeks, months, years, eons, ages.

Another interesting verse is Genesis 1.

Gen 1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day (yom) from the night;

How about that.  Is a day and a night, a day? No, God divided them. They’re two different things. He divided the day from the night, how can they be the same thing? So when He says, “and the evening and the morning were day one,” that could be millions or billions of years. There is no time limit set on that whatsoever. None.


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