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Author Topic: I'm new  (Read 8030 times)

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I'm new
« on: March 19, 2009, 03:46:11 AM »

I'm new too.....and still a 'baby-convert' since Jan this year. Still trying to get my bearings right in this forum. I live on a small island in the Pacific and came across this site from my radical bro-in-law,who lives in NZ....thanks to the tithing article!! Since i don't get internet at home, I've had to download the LoF series and read it at home. The readings fueled my appetite to know more.

I logged in the weekend to be saddened by Ray's condition. I emailed him directly on Sunday and bang, got a 'appreciative thank-you' reply from him on Monday. Wow.....that has made my week/month. I screamed so loudly that i could hear the rats (in the roof) scurrying away. I wanted Ray to know that his diligent biblical research has impacted someone enormously....even on a tiny island so far far away from him.

Ray, my heart and prayers are with you & your family. Yes, i'm keeping the faith that only God can heal you.

God bless you, my teacher!


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Re: I'm new
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 11:58:29 AM »

Hi Ocean,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)

We are all hopeful that Ray may yet be healed.  But because of his site we have this fellowship forum that is a great blessing.  I hope you will join in the discussions as it is very helpful to have people to share these things with.

We have 3 main boards for posting, 'General' for discussions of BT topics and Scriptures.  'Off Topic' more of a fun board, but there is informative stuff too.  'Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship' this is where most of the personal stuff goes.  Here are some links below to other stuff that you might like to check out.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Videos,8227.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Ray's 2008 Audios,8256.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 12:45:24 PM »

Hi Ocean,

Welcome to the forum!


Dave in Tenn

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Re: I'm new
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 03:45:39 PM »

God bless you.  I hope you will continue to learn and grow.  It's so cool that God is calling out people everywhere. 
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Marky Mark

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Re: I'm new
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 05:00:34 PM »

Welcome to the forum Ocean,enjoy the fellowship and your tiny island in the sun 8).



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2009, 06:49:48 PM »

Thank you all [kat,iris,dave, mark]for the warm welcome....i feel so blessed aready.

I've had a good exposure to teachings from Methodist, SDA, LMS and Pentecostal. At best, it has left me unfufilled and at worst-confused :o. That coupled with the 'fiery darts' ;) of marriage and relocating to another Pacific island where these mainstream churches are 'gods' left me frustrated. I tried so hard to understand their brand of christianity....many times praying that God will give me a new heart towards them but it grew worse. I've had 2-3 alter-calls....blaming myself for having a 'evil' heart and wanting redepmtion but nothing changed.

I reached my cross-roads in life in 2005 (34 yrs old) when i almost lost my only son/child to some mysterious illness. At about teh same time, my husband had left for Australia for 5 months training (no doubt God orchestrated)....i felt so ALONE...totally drained emotionally and physically. After 5 long nights of watching my son deteriorate, i had to rush to my office to apply for more leave. I vividly recall typing smth on the computer when i just fell off my chair and cried out. It was a cry from deep within my soul...looking out my office-window, to the sky, i muttered smth like 'Lord, change me but pls don't take my only boy from me, the same way you took my dad away'. Till that point, i was never a religious person but i believe that was my spritual conversion. WIthin 2 days, my son recovered FULLY and doctors were amazed with the ALL CLEAR test results.

SInce then, i've been on an unquenchable thirst to know God more. At about the same (2005), i enroled to do my Masters degree online from Australia. As of today, i've stalled with my Masters study but i've become a student of my divine-Master....its been an awesome journey....just me and Him. I even call him 'papa'....and we chat throughout the day. I did a solo-journey of the entire bible in Sept.07 to April as much as i've heard those verses before, somehow it had a whole new meaning to me. Not only that, but God has miraculously dealt with areas that i know i could NEVER have changed on my own-my pride, self-centredness (career focus), unforgiveness/anger, critical and judgemental of others. He has given me the power to deal with it.....and what better way than to use close family members to wrought out the 'impurities' from you ;) I still cannot quote scriptures off-hand but there are some passages that sticks to me like glue. I like the one that says smth to this effect, 'by the same measure of mercy & grace that was extended to you, you are commanded to do the same to others'. God reached down and picked me up in 2005 when i least deserved it so i give that to others freely....even when i feel they don't deserve it.

I'm far from being perfect. Believe it or not but i've never been much of a smoker. But since 2006, i've prayed about this annoying bad-habit....its been an on-off journey. When i started reading the LoF series, the smoke/coffee kept me awake till the wee hours. ???

Being an avid reader, i have read widely....BT is like 'home-coming' for me since Jan.this year. Now the Pentecostal church that i used to attend are all wondering why i havent been back since Dec last year. At times i wonder whether its my tithing they miss  ;D or me  :'(.

Ok, i better stop here....sorry i got carried away. I look forward to having some reflective discussions from Ray's writings.

Blessing Always.


Marky Mark

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Re: I'm new
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2009, 07:12:37 PM »

Ocean,is not our Father a loving, wonderful, and awe inspiring Father that has no limits or boundaries.How amazing that the Father is moving about the earth in such a way to bring all of His children into Spiritual Truths.
God Bless you and may our heavenly Father keep you in His Blessings ;D



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2009, 07:34:48 PM »

Hi Ocean,

Welcome to the forum, there is more than enough space for you here. We assemble together
online daily or hourly as able, clear out the junk and load up with The Word, no waving.

george. ;D



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2009, 09:40:59 PM »

Hi Ocean, Welcome to the forum! Loved your testimony. I too, like you was in dire need of some help from God. I was in need of some answers from all the confusion while in Babylon. The Lord sparred me from death by a deadly blood infection. He also, sprared me from death and brought me into his light. Now, it just seems you cannot get enough of him. He brought me into Ray's website to open my eyes. It still amazes me how I read all the scriptures before , and could not see the truth.

Very Happy to have you join.

In His Love,


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Re: I'm new
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2009, 10:12:43 PM »

Hey Ocean,

Welcome to the forum.



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2009, 02:26:38 AM »

hi ocean,
i am alittle late in getting back online. i have been out of pocket for a couple of days. i was really blown away that you live in fiji. what an awesome corner of the world you live in. what truly amazes me is how our Father is building His family via the bible-truths website. and we all come here from so many different places. i was inspired very much by your story. i was happy to hear that your son was healed and recovered from his sickness. i love your avatar name. i have a kitty cat named yoshi ocean. ok, i better go. welcome home.

austin, tx


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Re: I'm new
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2009, 08:16:37 PM »

Thanks Claudia, Suzie, Marlene & George for dropping in. It makes logging in like chatting to family. I was born and raised in Fiji but moved to another Pac. island- Samoa- in 2000.

From all that i've read in BT, i've come to realize that moving to Samoa was no doubt, divinely orchestrated. God had to take me out of my 'comfort zone' and put me in 'egypt' to humble me. Being the youngest (of 3), i had always thought that others were the problem and not me. I grew up with a low-self esteem and have always fought my way through life. I have always been ostracised in my family (not from my parents) as the 'black' one. It made me more determined and my heart calloused to anyone except for my son.

I'm still awe-struct at how only God could have turned my 'scars' into 'stars'. But He had to touch me at my most vulnerable point to get my attention. I so believe that 'the goodness of God will bring you to repent' and that 'He dwells not in a building made by man'. I also believe that 'no one can come to Jesus except the Father draws/drags him/her'. No wonder my alter-call attempts has failed me in the 'free while' theology!! I'm have a more positive outlook when it comes to trials and it and through it, God has been my anchor to maintain my sanity. Can relate to what Paul said to 'consider it joy' when we are smacked with allows God to work on our behalf and be content when things don't work out as we hoped. It is the only way to stretch our faith, for in and through our tears that our best interest are in His sovereign hands. Not the 'say-it -and-claim-it' theology that churches preach here.

Thanks again for all your warm welcoming words. Will try to log in as much as my work can allow it.

Blessings Always,


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Re: I'm new
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2009, 08:18:45 PM »

Welcome to the forum Ocean and hope to hear more from you.  :)



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2009, 02:08:27 AM »

You were born in Fiji.... that does explain why your handle is OCEAN?  :)

Solomon Island is just next to Fiji, right?
I worked at S.I. for almost a year.

Anywayz, welcome to B-T bro!



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2009, 12:59:52 AM »

Hi Mike,

Yes, SI is north-west of Fiji! Part of the 'Melanesian brotherhood' ;D Wow, finally someone has been to my corner of the global village!! H/ever, my 'canoe' drifted to Polynesia in 2000 and have settled here since.

Oops, sorry're talking to a sister here ;)....thanks all the same :D




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Re: I'm new
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2009, 04:44:34 PM »

 Now I'll welcome you here Ocean.
 I see you're a new beleiver and that's wonderful. 
 Terry { meee }  ;)


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Re: I'm new
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2009, 11:35:49 PM »

Thanks Terry,

Yeah, i feel like a tonne of weight lifted with Ray's writings....have always felt something was grossly amiss with maintream Christianity. Ray is gifted with putting the REAL good news across so simply yet with much scholastic depth.

Still RE-reading the LoF series...keeps getting clearer with every read. Its the only thing that knocks me off to a DEEP sleep so that i don't feel the mosquitoes at night ;D



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Re: I'm new
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2009, 02:57:04 PM »

Welcome Ocean,
Your testimony was a wonderful breath of fresh air. Our GOD does use some unusual ways to bring about our searching for HIS truths. I pray that you will continue in this forum and in Ray's teachings. Your "out of Babylon" experience is so very much like many in this forum. Mainstream Christianity is not the answer but I do think you will find, as many others have found, the Bible-Truths web site and this forum to be the real truth. Again, welcome and GOD bless.
In Him,


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Re: I'm new
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2009, 08:12:43 PM »

Thanks Phil 3:10,

Your kind words means alot to me. May we all 'sharpen' one another as we soak in God's goodness and His awesome LOVE for ALL humanity.

Blessings Always,
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