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Author Topic: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.  (Read 11700 times)

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Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« on: March 19, 2009, 03:23:08 PM »

Hi, this is my first contribution. I, as a woman, realise that in these times the men are taking the hardest knock. And in my country just as hard as anywhere else.
We have a Scottish bloke Angus Buchan who started the Mighty men movement from 500 men to 67000 men in 2008. This Easter they are expecting 200 000 to show up.
I am not going to give a whole lot of info. If it interests you google Mighty Men. And watch the video. My nephew went last year and he said the sound of 67000 men snoring was not only awesome but very scary.

Marky Mark

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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 05:46:19 PM »

Jassy hello,

  From a quick google search it seems Angus Buchan is firmly rooted in babylon and the money making which always entrenches this type of carnival. 

All Praise&Glory to the Father, always...  :)



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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 06:02:32 PM »

Hi Jassy


......and the same can be said of you and I and Angus who has faith like Potatoes! (For those who may not know, Faith like Potatoes is the Title of a Video that has been produced by Angus Buchan)

Does Christendom understand in their "obscured" hearts that it is God sending them to deceive the world and to blaspheme His Name through their evil doctrines? No.

And just where do you suppose that God's chosen elect come from? Why out of Babylon, of course!....God is causing everything.http://bible-truths. com/lake15D.html

Grace be with you

« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 06:15:00 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2009, 05:51:08 AM »

Jassy hello,

  From a quick google search it seems Angus Buchan is firmly rooted in babylon and the money making which always entrenches this type of carnival. 

All Praise&Glory to the Father, always...  :)


Hi Mark

I am surprised at your conclusion. I would never have posted an article that promoted man and his agenda. I only share that what uplifts,
Angus is a farmer who has a heart for men. Not a slick TBN evangelist with permed hair and a Armani suit.
These days every form of media is designed to bring a man down. To usurp his natural role as head of the household, breadwinner,father and husband.

Here we have a plain old farmer bringing men together to praise God in South Africa. Thousands of men who make an oath before God to become the man that God originally wanted them to be. Know them by their fruits ,, that what Christ said.
If this was a scam for moneymaking, I can only say that Angus is very bad at it.
The 150 rand that is asked for the weekend is peanuts in our money. And the farmers who make their land available are foregoing planting crops to allow this too happen.

Dont look for faults, google again and look at the event. If we are going to live a victorious life on this earth we have to get up and do something as a God fearing nation. The men here are doing something. Times are as bad here as everywhere else, jobs are dissapearing  There is political instability and the cost of living is sky high. Thats the reality. but the truth is our nation is turning to  God for the answers.

God bless


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2009, 07:37:37 AM »

Hi Jassy en welkom!!!

I wanted to reply to this post last night but decided to let it slide ;)

I know Mr Angus Buchan quite well (from my days of being a TBN and Radio Pulpit fanatic), i actually think he's a nice oak, however I have to agree with Mark- he's no different to any other babylonian teacher/preacher when it comes to doctrine and christendom tradition! A lot of his gatherings have been known to be "evangelical" and trying to save men from being braai'd eternally! :-[ :-[

I also have to add that I fail to believe that gathering a couple thousands men who make oaths to God will change the course of God's plan- sure we need to strive to be better people, but to me this is just an appearance of godliness but denying the power thereof.. I would not trust any man who believes and teaches(by implication) that God is a failure :o with my spiritual matters of the heart :-\!! i understand though that it's just the blind leading the blind(of whom i was until recently, amongst)

"Thousands of men who make an oath before God to become the man that God originally wanted them to be."  They have not thwarted the plan of God with who they appear to be now, they are precisely where they were meant to be at this point, but all that will eventually change :)- this is another topic on its own.

With Love,


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2009, 01:34:04 PM »

Thanks for the reply Mattie. Though I do not fully agree with you I do understand where you and Mark are coming from. I just posted it as a bit of good news.
Once you have become exposed to a truth you cannot easily ignore when you hear the wrong message being preached or lies being bandied about on the news. I have learnt to look for the good or I will go nuts.

Angus also believes what he preaches. And even if he has got it wrong in some respects it does not make this conference bad. God is in it. He turns it to good.

I must tell you I am bone tired. Mentally spiritually and physically. going for a weeks holiday to the coast. The oaks from SA know where Ramsgate is on the south coast.
Its mighty fine to communicate and read what souls from all over the world have to say, but its just as cool to have my fellow south africans online.

God bless you all




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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2009, 04:05:40 PM »

I am from the US but would like to add to this Jassy.

This is not exactly about the man Amos..... He probably is a very nice bloke ( I hope that is the right word) He really genuinely believes what he does. We all did when we were there

What we are warning about is  the doctrines that he believes and teaches others.  We cannot ignore these... because we know now that they blaspheme our maker.

Teaching makes him a hireling shepard. What he feed them is what they become. Here at BT we know that everyone is where they should be UNTIL the father and THE TRUE SHEPARD opens their eyes and ears and they follow Him.

One problem with something like this group meeting is that it smacks of the Tower of Babylon a  manmade attempt to build something. It uses "macho" emotion to do this.

Jassy you are really correct when you say our men need this...that is so true. men have been given a very hard role as a head of the family. Most are not up to it because of what society has taught them over the eons. Most men in the world prefer to numb their minds with sex, suds or sports. Those in Christianity have been confused too, they do not have spiritual eyes to weight the physical aspects of living verses the spiritual.

Now getting to the practical, you mentioned the amount of 150 rand not being much. Well here is the math.

150 South African Rand(s) = 15.6151 US Dollar(s)

 200,000 men = 3,123,000 US dollars ...over  3 million US dollars

Add to this all the consessions (hats t shirts junkets)  and the food vendors and all of the other things that they will also sell there, you are talking big time money. 

This kind of money does not make him out as a small time farmer. it sure beats raising cotton or cattle or beans.  Just like the congress and other people, the money is never accountable to anyone and is used at the discretion of the group who is organizing this event.

Yes Jassy we have to look for the good in all,  We are commanded to do so. We have to see Amos as what he will become and not as he is.  I do not think any one here is judging Amos but we are certainly not going to blindly bite on to the hook that he is throwing into the waters matter how tasty the bait looks.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 06:56:59 PM by Beloved »

Marky Mark

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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2009, 04:51:44 PM »

Thanks for the reply Mattie. Though I do not fully agree with you I do understand where you and Mark are coming from. I just posted it as a bit of good news.
Once you have become exposed to a truth you cannot easily ignore when you hear the wrong message being preached or lies being bandied about on the news. I have learnt to look for the good or I will go nuts.

Angus also believes what he preaches. And even if he has got it wrong in some respects it does not make this conference bad. God is in it. He turns it to good.

I must tell you I am bone tired. Mentally spiritually and physically. going for a weeks holiday to the coast. The oaks from SA know where Ramsgate is on the south coast.
Its mighty fine to communicate and read what souls from all over the world have to say, but its just as cool to have my fellow south africans online.

God bless you all


Though I do not fully agree with you I do understand where you and Mark are coming from.
Angus also believes what he preaches. And even if he has got it wrong in some respects it does not make this conference bad. God is in it. He turns it to good.

Joan, Please read this email,Brother Ray can explain the church more eloquently then I could.,7233.0.html

 Dear Mr Smith,
> I have been strongly advised to read some of your papers. Before doing
> so, in order to establish your Christian presence in your community
> would you please provide me with the name and address of the local church.
> Yours in Christ
> Robert

    Dear Robert:  Unless you are interested in the Truths of God, I don't think you should bother to read the material on my site. It is straight from the Scriptures, and for that reason, it is most offensive to most Christians.

    There is no "local church."  I do not belong to any local church or institutionalized denomination of men. No such group would ever tolerate anyone teaching the Truths of God. I am not here to parrot the "damnable heresies" (I Pet. 2:1) of some "local church."

    My site is not for religious hobbyists. On this site you will learn the plan and purpose of God, which involves changing one's life completely and living godly and righteously according to the teachings of Jesus. Not many people are interested in changing or living godly lives. If you want "religion," go to church--ANY church. If you are interested in the Truths of God, start with the first article at the top of our home page: "YOU FOOLS! YOU HYPOCRITES! YOU SNAKES"--Meet the Jesus that most hate.

    Did Jesus "establish His Christian presence in His community?"  Wait....His community....wasn't it His "community" that CRUCIFIED HIM?  Wasn't it the religious leaders of God's Church and Temple that CRUCIFIED HIM?  Are you wanting to find such a religious man as that?  One who is "established in his community?"  One whom everyone "speaks well of?" I assure you that you are at the wrong web site. Read my first article.

    God be with you,


Peace and Understanding...Mark


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2009, 09:34:01 AM »

HI again.

I never thought so much interest and comeback would result from my little post.

Before I post anything else let me tell you where I am coming from. The motivation of joining this forum was not because I was seeking answers or disagree with Ray. On the contrary I agree with what he is saying, I mean its all scriptural. He answered questions I have been asking of the Lord for years now.
I joined to uplift and be uplifted by fellow children of God.

I am non denominational and attend a little plot church within walking distance of my home. A church which I had prayed for because I like to fellowship and sing with others. I am solitary by nature and these little get togethers on a sunday bring me a lot of joy.
The fact that its an afrikaans church, not my home language, bothers me not at all.
Also the fact that they are extremely conservative, alcohol, smoking, dancing, makeup ect are taboo, does not faze me in the slightest.
I let them know who I was from the very beginning.
I smoke(a horrendous smelly habit which I try to keep to a minimum) I enjoy a beer on occasion and my vocabulary tends towards the colourfull side if stressed out or provoked.
I wear jeans and t shirts to church because that is the only wardrobe I have. Despite all this, they have welcomed me with open arms and never once made me feel like an outsider.
The fact that Hell fire and brimstone is preached does not upset me. I was accepted for who I am and I will exstend them the same courtesy.

Concerning the Mighty Man Conference I will only address the money aspect and then let the whole thing lie.  The 150 rand fee is for a camping site,shower facilitys  and two meals a day. If you dont want to pay that fee you can join the conference over the weekend free of charge.

Yes, there are hat and tshirt stalls set up by enterprising privateers. My nephew did not bring cash so he never got a cap and he looked like an angry lobster by the end of the weekend.You Have to bring your own drinks which the chaps do in Greytown.
If Greytown shopowners and the hat and t shirt salesmen benefited from 67000 men descending on them last year then good for them. If the farmers coin it because 200 000  manly men pitch up this year then good for them as well,
Who cares if they benefit?
My line of work brings me into contact with men mostly. The happy relaxed faces of the five or six men that I know who went was enough for me.
Even if they just got away from the little woman and kids for a while was a tonic. Men need to be with only men sometimes. They can let their guard down without the help of alcohol or television. Apparently the communal shower facilitys brought laughs enough.


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2009, 10:13:46 AM »

If anyone is led to worship or believe differently, what is that to me? God has everyone where HE wants according to the council of His Will.

We should be able to let this discussion rest now.


Roy Coates

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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2009, 09:27:35 PM »

Still worth our prayer. May God have His will and His way with the mighty men of Africa and with us all. Peace


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2009, 02:38:37 PM »

Still worth our prayer. May God have His will and His way with the mighty men of Africa and with us all. Peace

hi roy

Coates was my maiden name. Nice to see that others are out there. I am from irish, scottish ,english and french decendents.  No need to say I have no beef with anybody. I can tell a broad variety of jokes without repercussions......

judith collier

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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2009, 05:31:03 PM »

Jassy, hang in here, you have a lovely spirit.Judy

Roy Coates

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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2009, 08:25:27 PM »

I meant that with all sincerity. I in no way intended it to be a joke. Sorry if it came off like a broad joke
Still worth our prayer. May God have His will and His way with the mighty men of Africa and with us all. Peace

hi roy

Coates was my maiden name. Nice to see that others are out there. I am from irish, scottish ,english and french decendents.  No need to say I have no beef with anybody. I can tell a broad variety of jokes without repercussions......


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2009, 12:46:10 PM »

I meant that with all sincerity. I in no way intended it to be a joke. Sorry if it came off like a broad joke

No way did I think you were making a joke roy. It was a lovely thing you said. Please excuse my weird humour.  I just meant I can gently make fun of irish, english scottish or french people without them taking exception. I can cry blood ties. In the same vein people with long skinny toes and stutters are at my mercy cause my toes are like a spider monkeys and when I get excited I sometimes sound like a sub machine gun.
Internet forums hide a lot of flaws ;D


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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2009, 04:15:04 PM »

I agree Jassy Joan!  And also with Judy--you do have a lovely way about you.  Glad you're here and look forward to hearing more from you.

I have a really quirky sense of humor that doesn't "post" well, but the folks here don't seem to mind.   ;)

Love in Christ,

Roy Coates

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Re: Mighty Men South Africa A message of hope.
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2009, 03:19:48 PM »

 ;D I feel silly now. Went right over my head
Praise God
Peace, Roy
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