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Author Topic: Sermon on the Mount  (Read 4336 times)

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Sermon on the Mount
« on: April 10, 2009, 10:52:46 PM »

I was reading Rays paper The Sermon on the Mount is for You, and I started to think on how we here at BT show so much love for each other, I mean we come here and pour our heart out to each other about all the trials in our daily lives and there’s always someone that reaches out with a helping hand and a kind word of encouragement or a Scripture, all the years in the World Church I never knew this kind of Love, I mean where can one go and learn such wonderful truths, certainly not in the world Church, and so when I was reading the text  below I realized  I didn’t have a clue what this meant until God brought me here to Bible truths, oh I still get angry but I’m learning to forgive and not hold a grudge because that is like cancer for me spiritually, and that we truly are different and a Peculiar people and we here at BT are truly Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and it doesn't get better than that at least for now.
From the Sermon on the Mount is for You

"ARE you indignant, and NOT SINNING?" (Concordant Literal New Testament). 
Now that translation makes sense and is Scriptural. It needs to be stated as a question.
"Indignation, anger, and wrath" are almost synonymous, and are often used interchangeably by many translations.
And so the question is, "Can one be angry, wrathful, or indignant toward a brother without actually sinning?" The answer is NO. Notice how this verse continues:
"Are you indignant, and not sinning? Do not let the sun be sinking on your vexation [wrath], NOR [ah, yes, let's not neglect this final part...] ...nor yet be giving place to the Adversary [devil]" (Eph. 4:26-27).
Jesus himself showed anger toward the hypocrites, but not toward His brothers. "...whosoever is angry with his BROTHER." Jesus got angry, "And when He [Jesus] had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts" (Mark 3:5). Remember that Jesus, "the LAMB of God" will return to this earth in WRATH (Rev. 6:16), but... ...BUT, "God has not appointed US [His Elect] to wrath" (I Thes. 5:9). 
Jesus is NOT angry with His brothers. Neither can we be angry with our brothers. But just who are Jesus' brothers and our brothers? Answer:
"For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is My brother, and My sister, and mother" (Mark 3:35).
Being angry with a true brother or sister who is doing the will of God, is little different than being angry with God Himself. And if we do it, we will be in danger of the Judgment. Or as some render it, "the Judge or Judges." Jesus is our singular Judge,
and we will be the multiple judges that "judge the world & angels" (I Cor. 6:2-3), by these very same principles.

When i read this again i felt great Joy for i can look back from where i came and see how God is working in my life.
I’m not really good with words so what I’m trying to say is when I was in the world church I didn’t have this kind love I didn’t know how to forgive not really forgive, I was also racist but since I’ve been here God has delivered me of that also, Praise God.
Well i just wanted to share some of my testimony with you because you are all I have that I can really talk to that understands.
God Bless
Terry Miller


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Re: Sermon on the Mount
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2009, 11:14:23 PM »

You are right there are many things we don't understand until we learn the scriptures in the truth! We surely all have trouble with getting angry, it's just about the easiest emotion to conjure up!! ;D It doesn't take us long to realize that God is not finished with us yet! It is great to have such a family here. No one is perfect, but we are all a work in progress! :D

Change is hard, but God is doing in us what we could never do for ourselves. Racist tendencies are sometimes inherited and God alone takes that away! Thank God you are letting Him work it out! It is freedom for sure being brought out of some of these things that really are against the character of God!
We are all in the same boat here! That's why we need each other! :D
Kathy :)


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Re: Sermon on the Mount
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2009, 11:50:11 PM »

Terry, You are so right there is so much Love to be found here. There are so many clicks in churches. I have never been a part of that. It just has never been anything that I liked. Did not like it in High School  or anytime. But, I have always felt pity on the peculiar person. I guess maybe to some I was different. I do not know why, but God has given me the ability to love greatly even while lost in Babylon. But, I was always sensitive to anyone who hurt me. That, can be a bad thing. Being to sensitive. It does not make it easy to forgive people who hurt you. It really hurts you when it is people you do love. Well, we know that can hurt the worst. Well, now I know, I have to forgive them like Jesus does. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. I was having a hard time with that before coming in here. That, Beast likes to show up every now and then and have a pity party. I hate that in me!

When,  I first came in here I was so worried about people in Babylon. I was still carnal. Few people let me know it in here. At, first I was hurt and then I got thinking they were trying to help me. I did not have to worry about anyone. Especially, after finding out there is no Hell. Everyone, would be judged and corrected . Now, if anyone sees something carnal in me who is more understanding of Gods word. I am grateful. Let me tell you Babylon teachers would not care about you they would be divided. They are right you are wrong and never give you a scriputre to support them. Now, I see a just God and not some evil tyrant. I see the God of Love. Just think Gods feelings could really be hurt by those who believe such a vile thing about him. I was so Happy to find out the truth. I had just been delivered from a sin I hated. I was very eager to except what Ray teaches. I wanted that Love of God.

I guess, I have always tried to not hurt others, but we can get hurt when it is not the intentions of the person. Sometimes what seems to hurt can be for our own good when it comes to truths of God. So, yes God will change us with his truths and his Love. So, we often need to get over ourselves.

I would say Sermon on the Mount is for us. It is the way we should live our life. Its God's Life.

In His Love,


judith collier

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Re: Sermon on the Mount
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2009, 05:58:50 AM »

Marlene, I actually think I get grace from reading your posts. You are such a pleasant person. I learn so much from you. Judy


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Re: Sermon on the Mount
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2009, 07:51:58 AM »

One can not be indignant and not sin. Why?

Because the moment WE are indignant against another for whatever reason, then the very indignation WE may feel can be the very witness AGAINST US, manifesting as evidence that we have forgotten,  God and HIS ways.  quote :,3709.0.html
God makes vessels of honor and dishonor.  He makes vessels of dishonor and then has mercy on the other vessels.  Some He hardens and some He has mercy on.  He has had mercy on everybody in this room. (For-room...Forum!)  :D

When Jesus expressed anger, it was not like we feel anger and being victimised unjustly or persecuted unfairly. Jesus was not carnal minded. The Righteous Holy Anger of God that will come upon the world is not carnal human minded anger but a white hot Holy Spirit of God righteous Holy Anger that will set the crooked paths straight through the wrath of the consuming correcting Spirit of God when He returns to Judge the wicked. Then  the world will learn the righteousness of God.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 07:54:03 AM by Arcturus »


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Re: Sermon on the Mount
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2009, 12:21:16 PM »

Hi arc

Just thinking ,what is this "white hot holy spirit of God righteous anger"

thanks,  Walt


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Re: Sermon on the Mount
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2009, 12:53:02 PM »

Hi Walt

The white hot Holy Spirit of God's righteous anger is Judgement describing the chastening, correcting flogging that God's children receive in Judgement now on the House of God, and the wrath of God's indignation that the wicked unrepentant shall experience in the White Throne Judgement. :)

Does chastisement burn? Yes. How hot? Very hot. Literally hot. No. Literally white? No

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