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Author Topic: OPPOSING & EXALTING  (Read 7710 times)

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« on: May 02, 2009, 02:55:17 PM »

At LOF Part 14

Ray sarcastically draws attention to the power of those who are being led to the deception of having a free will as he asks then answers to the question quote:

And just how powerful is this "god" that sits on the throne of all unconverted men? It is so powerful that those who presume to possess this will of the mind that is absolutely "FREE" from any and all causality, can either bring about their own salvation or choose to reject their own salvation, AND NO POWER IN HEAVEN OR EARTH CAN THWART THEM. THEY can thwart God’s purpose, but GOD cannot thwart their purpose. That my friends is "…OPPOSING and EXALTING oneself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that such an one as God sits in the temple of God [which temple our bodies are] showing oneself that he IS a god"

Opposing and exalting appear to be related.

Paul REFUTED, which is not opposing but refuting is with EVIDENCE exposing the errors and idols of the people with sound teaching. Ray does the same. The evidence we have throughout Rays writing is supported with the EVIDENCE of the WORD OF GOD. This Authority is without defence or excuse though many hear not and see not at this time.

I tuned into Paula White who was interviewing a young man who had lost his leg. Before the accident he had been a successful mountain climber. In the hospital he reached out for a (making merchandise of Gods word) booklet where he read quote What does God have to do to get your attention.

He swallowed the emotional sympathetic platitude of this blasphemous statement. Excuse me. What does GOD have to do.....GOD, He has to do something to get our attention because God fails everytime.

The half truth is that yes God did cause this young mans accident but do you think the interview on global television lighted on that fact even a little bit. NO. Of course not! That was just a side disposable issue. The real issue was that the  person in the accident decided to give God an audience because now God had his attention. The attention then shifted to how the carnal, mortal mind chose CHOSE to concede to God and that everyone should make this CHOICE. That everyone can CHOOSE.

The result. God rewarded the young man with restoration and renewed faith.

The renewal of the young mans faith is his faith and false teaching, testimony and belief in FREE WILL.

As Ray brilliantly writes under the direct causation of God Almighty, "…OPPOSING and EXALTING oneself above all that is called God, that is the force, the nature, the deception, the arrogance, the danger and the anger of those who exalt themselves above our Sovereign God.

For what ever path of pain you have each endured, for where ever our Shepherd is taking you, it is HE who has written your circumstances and it is He who give us the Peace of His Spirit.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 02:59:06 PM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 04:19:57 PM »

As Ray brilliantly writes under the direct causation of God Almighty, "…OPPOSING and EXALTING oneself above all that is called God, that is the force, the nature, the deception, the arrogance, the danger and the anger of those who exalt themselves above our Sovereign God.

Wow.  That is heavy stuff.  Great post Arc!  Lots to chew on.


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« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 10:33:28 PM »

These Powerful Scriptures make it easy for those who has been given eyes to see, but to those still blind which is most of the world. This is foolishness or not meant for us but only for the peolple when it was written. Most of the world is waiting for the man of sin to appear in Jerusalem in the yet to be, rebuilt temple. The delusion is so strong that unless GOD opens eyes, the almighty free will is free to believe this delusion.

2Thes 2: 1-17 (ESV)
1  Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers,
2  not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.
3  Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
4  who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
5  Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?
6  And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time.
7  For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.
8  And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.
9  The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,
10  and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11  Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,
12  in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13  But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.
14  To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15  So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.
16  Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace,
17  comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.

george :).



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« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2009, 07:21:11 AM »

Thanks aqr for the Scripture.

God has caused men and women to believe that they are able to be obedient to His laws. As Ray states at quote

Despite God's plethora of testimonies to the contrary, theologians and philosophers alike have taught mankind that they are indeed ABLE TO CHOOSE and, ABLE TO DO and to carry out the choice, because they have the "free will" within them to do so. What they have within them is a "beast"......

God knows exactly what He is doing. We all have the beast within, the man of sin, that only God and His Spirit can correct and set right after we have experienced and been shown that we are as all human beings are, the man of sin that quote:

We can not even know we do such a thing until God shows us. Only God can reveal to us who and what we really are. All the name calling accusations are just trinkets of opinions of man until God in His Almighty Spirit shows us what we look like. For our righteousness is as filthy rags.

We have all to repent of exactly the same thing. Carnality is multifaceted but it is the same thing which ever way you look at it. It is self appointed Godliness and self glorification pinned to the root of free will and self aggrandisement.

Who can not be overcome when shown what the error of our ways really is and when revealed by the Almighty God?

The Day of the Lord surely comes.



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« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 03:01:48 PM »

Your posts always get my attention and cause me to think with a much more keen thought process. I have always felt that the end times would not come until that 'son of perdition' exists among mankind. Romans Chapter 8 is my favorite chapter in the Bible and I think the entire chapter, especially verses 20 and 21 point out our vanity, bondage and corruption. We are all carnal but verse 39 is my comfort.
"Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature. shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD, which is found in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. All mankind, and the works of all, with GOD'S approval, is just as filthy rags. It is all of GOD!! How thankful I am that it is not of man.


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« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 04:40:24 AM »

It is all of GOD!! How thankful I am that it is not of man.

YES! AMEN to that Phil3:10

…..Jesus "did NO SIN," and we ALL sin. There is the giant difference. We have to KEEP WALKING in His steps until we STOP SINNING. But the point to be made here is, that we must and WILL "follow His steps.".
LOF part 13

And Who will MAKE us, CAUSE us, to “follow His steps”? Man? NO. God? YES! God will Make us Stand after God causes us to fall seven times.

Until our house is ruined and fallen we can not experience  Godly grief  that pains us into repentance. We first experience worldly grief of which there is a vast difference. As with Peter it was AFTER Satan had sifted, tested and come against him only THEN did God pain Peter into Godly repentance. God converted, retrieved, healed, restored and THEN appointed Peter to strengthen his brethren.

God has not yet converted, healed or restored everyone in the world. The Day of the Lord surly comes.

……we must ALL ‘stand on the sand of the sea.’

Some who experience standing on the sand of the sea are in daily Judgement on the House of God now. The broad way accommodating the many others who have not yet fallen, who have not yet left their first love or have not yet been corrected in their beliefs to come out of and away from Babylon, these shall number the dead that the sea delivers up to White Throne Judgement in the Day of the Lord.

Habakkuk said Hab 3 : 17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, either shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no heard in the stalls; YET I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD…..

We know that Habakkuk was not talking about crops. We know that The Word God speaks is Spirit. God’s symbols and analogies refers to us, to peoples, nations, systems and carnality that God shall not cause to blossom, that God shall not cause to produce virtue, that God shall not cause to succeed in being Godly, that God shall cause to fail to produce Godliness and that God shall cause to be cut off. 

God has revealed His Design, Presence and HIS Purpose that culminates in HIM  Who is going to be the restorer, the healer, the abundant ceaseless supply of HIS Life, AFTER the experience of death that we must all experience either daily as did Paul or finally on the Day of the Lord.

We all have to fail at playing God. God will make sure EVERYONE does fail! For this we can thank, appreciate and revere GOD for His Design that  ……we must ALL ‘stand on the sand of the sea.’

We don’t have to worry that the son of destruction exists among humankind. We know he does. Until such time as God delivers us from this bondage either today-daily or on THE Day-finally we can rest assured that it IS all of God as it was, is and shall be!




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« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 02:05:31 PM »

Wow, this is exactly what I needed. I was thinking about those things last night. Right, before coming into Ray's website, God sure did knock my feet out from under me. Thinking, I had done something God could not forgive me for and  failing him so badly.  I found out that, I could not deliver myself . I could not even try. He had me  between a rock and a hard place so to speak.

But, he delivered me from myself. He showed me that I thought, he could not do anything with me, so I though he had no choice but to send me to the fabled hell. When, I came in here I could hardly stand myself and the thought of Hell I wanted to die if I was going to live like this day in and out. But, then I would think of Hell and was afraid of that too. I had no where to turn but to God. Then, I went to hating hell. Then, I went to thinking God do I have all your truths. Now, I see all of it was a pure act of God. Now, I look back at all my life and I see his hand in it all. I had to have a life of sin. I had to go into Babylon. I had to start to wonder if I had the truth. It was all his plan. Wow, for sure this was all of God! It had absoultely nothing to do with me. Because, I was sinking deep into the sand, and he pulled me out. He had a plan and it has nothing to do with Hell. My false spiritual came tumbling down. I had nothing to do with it. God, took a bad choice that had a cause to bring me down and to my knees and trust on him and not myself.

God used Ray to show  me truths of God, that I had never heard in Babylon. God has taught me one day at a time.  The other day my Mother asked me , is that all you think about is God. Yeop. pretty much. I mean he is on my mind more then he ever was while in Babylon. I depend on him to help me everyday, not just when I am having a bad day or need something. Now, its like the song I need thee every hour.

Arc, God used this article  and want you posted for me this day. I am sure for many others also.

In His Love,


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« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2009, 12:20:48 AM »

Jacobb, I was reading Ray's article how hard is getting saved. He mentions that when we go through life  we will look back on our life. It will all make sense. God takes every tiny detail and shows us how he was working in us all along. It just amazes a person. The trust it builds in us is awesome. Man thinks God has no alternative then to punish his lost children in hell.  But, it was up to God when he would take the believe of a Hell from me.

Its wonderful to know all of our life was important, to God. There is something beyond our imagination waiting for us if we endure.

All I can think is All Glory Be To God!

In His Love,


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« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2009, 04:13:19 PM »

Arc and all,
How wondereful that it is all of GOD! Our growth is when when have GOD and HIS SON in our minds at all times. HE is so great. we are nothing. The wonderful part is that HE will make something great of us. Praise HIS HOLY NAME.


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« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2009, 05:42:32 PM »

When you think about it for a minute; what is it really all the opposing and exalting of fleas really does. Try heading into a 50 to 60 mile headwind and spit straight into it in anger or frustration. Depending on the amount of spittle, determines you immediate state of dampness. Does any of it affect the windstorm ???????.

I think not:

Job 38: 1-12 (GNB)
1  Then out of the storm the LORD spoke to Job.
2  Who are you to question my wisdom with your ignorant, empty words?
3  Now stand up straight and answer the questions I ask you.
4  Were you there when I made the world? If you know so much, tell me about it.
5  Who decided how large it would be? Who stretched the measuring line over it? Do you know all the answers?
6  What holds up the pillars that support the earth? Who laid the cornerstone of the world?
7  In the dawn of that day the stars sang together, and the heavenly beings shouted for joy.
8  Who closed the gates to hold back the sea when it burst from the womb of the earth?
9  It was I who covered the sea with clouds and wrapped it in darkness.
10  I marked a boundary for the sea and kept it behind bolted gates.
11  I told it, "So far and no farther! Here your powerful waves must stop."
12  Job, have you ever in all your life commanded a day to dawn?

george. :)


judith collier

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« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2009, 06:38:58 PM »

Thanks to all who posted!! I have been at it again, trying to run the show. Will I never cease?  I guess it will be in God's good timing but right now I cannot stand myself. And that's GOOD, I need to be chastied! I am disrespectful(what's new) Too much to do and I freak out and you better not be in my path when I do. I think I am like Peter and Paul, thank God I never had the oppotunity to be a teacher! Some prayers would be nice coming from all of you. Only I don't know what to pray for. Maybe that EVERYTHING comes from God. I know it intellectually but can't get it down into a part of me. Judy


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« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2009, 08:07:07 PM »

Judy, I had taken the beaten of my life time when I came in here. I was so ready to believe God. I found myself with out a morsel of Hope. I had let myself down and most of all God who has protected all my life. Protected me from myself. It is a beating I will never forget.  God will bring you to your end in his time. By the way you could be heading there. I was hating myself big time. I still remember it so well and can't stand myself. 

In His Love,


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« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2009, 02:10:34 AM »

Thanks to all who posted!! I have been at it again, trying to run the show. Will I never cease?  I guess it will be in God's good timing but right now I cannot stand myself. And that's GOOD, I need to be chastied! I am disrespectful(what's new) Too much to do and I freak out and you better not be in my path when I do. I think I am like Peter and Paul, thank God I never had the oppotunity to be a teacher! Some prayers would be nice coming from all of you. Only I don't know what to pray for. Maybe that EVERYTHING comes from God. I know it intellectually but can't get it down into a part of me. Judy

i will include you in my prayers tonight. i will ask Abba Father to work through His Spirit to give you peace in your mind and be your strength to help you stand strong in your faith knowing that He has the patience which you seek. take heart and remember that even though you don't know what to pray for, His Spirit will intercede on your behalf.


judith collier

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« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2009, 03:40:58 AM »

Thanks Claudia and Marlene. Judy


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« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2009, 02:13:23 PM »

Hang in there. GOD loves you as all in this forum do. The big difference is HE loves you with an everlasting love and HIS love is unconditional. HE has you where HE wants you right now and HIS plan is perfect.  All of us are real good at beating up on ourselves and our shortcomings overcome our good points. However, we all need to learn that all is of GOD and HIS mercy endures forever.
We are only frail humans, HE is the CREATOR and as George so wonderfully stated in his post concerning Job 38:1-12 our GOD is everything.


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« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2009, 04:42:33 PM »

Thanks to all who posted!! I have been at it again, trying to run the show. Will I never cease?  I guess it will be in God's good timing but right now I cannot stand myself. And that's GOOD, I need to be chastied! I am disrespectful(what's new) Too much to do and I freak out and you better not be in my path when I do. I think I am like Peter and Paul, thank God I never had the oppotunity to be a teacher! Some prayers would be nice coming from all of you. Only I don't know what to pray for. Maybe that EVERYTHING comes from God. I know it intellectually but can't get it down into a part of me. Judy


Oh Oh, That old man (woman) of sin trying for dominance again. The Scriptures teach us that we will always have that battle going on until That Day. This is the second time quoting these same Scriptures in this thread.

Here is exactly how that battle will end:

2Th 2: 3-12 (Weymouth NT)
3  Let no one in any way deceive you, for that day cannot come without the coming of the apostasy first, and the appearing of the man of sin, the son of perdition, who sets himself against,

4  and exalts himself above, every so-called 'god' or object of worship, and goes the length of taking his seat in the very temple of God, giving it out that he himself is God.

That is who causes us all kinds of trouble (our resistant beastly nature).

5  Do you not remember that while I was still with you I used to tell you all this?

6  And now you know what restrains him, in order that his true character may be revealed at his appointed time.

When we really see our true nature, we will be figuratevly and sometimes literally floored.

7  For lawlessness is already at work in secret; but only until the man who is now exercising a restraining influence is removed,

8  and then the Lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will sweep away with the tempest of His anger, and utterly overwhelm by the awful splendour of His Coming.

9  The appearing of the Lawless one will be attended by various miracles and tokens and delusive marvels--for so Satan works--

10  and by every kind of wicked deception for those who are on the way to perdition because they did not welcome into their hearts the love of the truth, so that they might be saved.

11  And for this reason God sends them a misleading influence that they may believe the lie;

12  in order that all may come under judgement who have refused to believe the truth and have taken pleasure in unrighteousness.

This verse i think more clearly says what comes out of the midst of us, when the Restrainer is taken away.
2Th 2:7 (English Majority Text V)
7  For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will continue until one comes out of the midst.

george ;D.

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