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Author Topic: Who? Judge The World  (Read 4391 times)

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Who? Judge The World
« on: May 01, 2009, 03:40:57 PM »

We hear a lot about bedrock of Christianity and Love from those in Christendom. What is true though is that under the rock they have a large sandpit. These LOF Series by Ray; are some of the most profound lessons we are to learn from Scripture.

1. Judgment in The LOF is to Make Right, that which is wrong by design and choice.

2. Judgment in The LOF is Not Eternal Torture, but a Cleansing Process.

3. Judgment in The LOF is where training Ends, and Work Starts For The Manifested Children Of GOD.

It is urgent that Now, Today, we who have been given eyes to see, and ears to hear pay attention and stop fooling around.

Neh 4:20 (GNB)
If you hear the bugle, gather around me. Our God will fight for us."

Heb 3: 7-8 (GNB)
7  So then, as the Holy Spirit says, "If you hear God's voice today,
8  do not be stubborn, as your ancestors were when they rebelled against God, as they were that day in the desert when they put him to the test.

Heb 3:15 (GNB)
This is what the scripture says: "If you hear God's voice today, do not be stubborn, as your ancestors were when they rebelled against God."

Heb 4:7 (GNB)
This is shown by the fact that God sets another day, which is called "Today." Many years later he spoke of it through David in the scripture already quoted: "If you hear God's voice today, do not be stubborn."




"And as it is appointed unto men ONCE TO DIE, but after this THE JUDGMENT" (Heb. 9:27).

So all creation spoken of in Rom. 8 will ultimately die. And "after" death comes "judgment." Who is in charge of this judgment and when will it take place?

"Because He [God] has appointed A DAY, in which He will judge the world [how?] IN RIGHTEOUSNESS [eternal torture is NOT righteousness] by THAT MAN Whom He has ordained [‘For the Father judges no man, but has committed ALL judgment unto the Son,’ John 5:22]; whereof He has given ASSURANCE unto ALL MEN [Gee, could this ‘assurance to ALL men … in the WORLD" be the same as the ‘hope for all creatures in ALL CREATION’ that we just read about in Rom. 8:20? And just how can there be hope and assurance for all these lost, unrepentant, unbelievers of the world? Read on…], in that He has raised Him [Jesus] from the dead" (Acts 17:31).

Notice the reason given that THE WHOLE WORLD, or the WHOLE INHABITED EARTH as some translations have it, is given "assurance." It is because Jesus Christ ROSE FROM THE DEAD! Paul plainly tells us that if Christ has not been raised from the dead, then even WE are still in our sins:

"And if Christ be NOT raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep [died] in Christ ARE PERISHED" (I Cor. 15:17-18).

And so it is because of Christ’s resurrection that we have HOPE and ASSURANCE for a future life with GOD! And now you also have Scriptural proof that the ENTIRE CREATION which was SUBJECTED TO VANITY and CORRUPTION, NOT WILLINGLY, has "HOPE" in the same risen Christ. And the whole inhabited earth, in that day of judgment, ALSO has full ASSURANCE because Jesus Christ was raised from the dead! Do you even begin to comprehend what you are now reading in God’s Word? God’s day of judgment is a time of "hope" and "assurance."

We read that all judgment has been given unto the Son, Jesus Christ. But Jesus is not the only Judge in that day. Here is where the manifested Sons and Daughters of God come into their most important role in the salvation of all mankind, all creation, and the entirety of the creation in both the heavens and the earth:


The called and chosen were born to be Judges:

"Or are you not aware that the saints [the manifested Sons and Daughters of God] shall JUDGE THE WORLD? And if the world shall be judged by YOU, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" (I Cor. 6:2).

"And I saw thrones and they sat upon them, and JUDGMENT was given unto them [the saints, the manifested Sons of God]…" (Rev. 20:4).

Every man will be judged and the Saints will do the judging:

"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it: and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were JUDGED EVERY MAN according to their works" (Rev. 20:13).

george. :)



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Re: Who? Judge The World
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 06:10:23 PM »

George,  God had me make a copy of God Judges The World in a Pond a few days ago. I just could not get this off my mind. I marked all the verses in my Bible. I have gone over them  and over. Thursday I had an appointment with my Choirpractor ane some how we got to talking about God. I started telling him some things about no Hell. He told me he always thought it was a place for the demons and devils. He never thought anyone would be sent there unless God saw a need. But, then he said, he thought about his children and then it made you think that all of this is in Gods hands. Then he told me that everyday he is shown he is just filthy as rags. We, talked about how some people are so self-righteous. So, I shared some other thoughts with him. He said, "It looks as if to me you are seeing some deep things of God." He also, told me he had not gone there as yet.  But, really some of his thinking is getting there.

He has been very kind to me for several years . He has given me things and made his charges less for me. I have a life of chronic pain as man are aware of.

Also, he asked me to right down the website. I go back next Thursday so maybe he will say something.

But, little does he know there are the Depths of Satan and the Depths Of God. But, his saying that I seem to be seeing the Depths of God was interesting.

I just was talking to him and it all come out about life and death. I just pray God opens his eyes, if it is his will.

I told him it would be better to read Rays website because everything is backed with scriptures.

I believe, the reason God had me reading over and over God Judges The World In A Pond is because he wanted me to take all this serious. If, he chooses us we have to learn now how to be like him. That, is the only way he would ever choose us to Judge with him.  I had some horrible pain this week and still have some. But, God has always used my down time in pain to talk to me and eased the pain so I could study this secion of Rays articles.

I use to tell my family, that I would never want to be a judge. I often have felt sorry for some who had murdered , been in prison and different things. I mean sometimes a persons family life can affect them this way. Not saying it makes it right. But, I know that we will understand if chosen what makes them the way they are and how to apply judgement. It will all be in safety of  the Son and the Chosen Elect. I guess having some bad things done to me and my  family, I have come to hate what they have done, but have mercy on the person.

God never ceases to amaze me how he has used this article in my life this week.
I take anything God shows me dead serious now.

In His Love,


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Re: Who? Judge The World
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 07:48:08 PM »

A friend of mine claims himself a “true atheist” having reasoned out all things to the “end of logic” and reconciled that there is no God, or Christ.  He’s a very intelligent person actually and wishes time from me to argue the improbability of intelligent design as we used to spend hours at a time discussing the subject back and forth.  Since reading Ray’s material my method of argument has changed considerably, in other words, there is no argument from my side.  He doesn’t care for this new method.  Its one thing to be ready with an answer but it’s another to argue to fill the void or boost an ego. 

Nonetheless your post, George, makes me think of how so many on that “day of judgment” will discover the frailty of argument and worldly intellect as it becomes transparent and useless.    If emotions can well-up high I can’t imagine another day that emotional and intellectual break-down will occur.   Gladness within humility will replace self-importance.

“God’s day of judgment is a time of "hope" and "assurance."

Blessed assurance, indeed.

Good post George.



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Re: Who? Judge The World
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2009, 06:50:33 PM »

Marlene & Gary,

I believe, the reason God had me reading over and over God Judges The World In A Pond is because he wanted me to take all this serious. If, he chooses us we have to learn now how to be like him. That, is the only way he would ever choose us to Judge with him.  I had some horrible pain this week and still have some. But, God has always used my down time in pain to talk to me and eased the pain so I could study this secion of Rays articles.

I use to tell my family, that I would never want to be a judge. I often have felt sorry for some who had murdered , been in prison and different things. I mean sometimes a persons family life can affect them this way. Not saying it makes it right. But, I know that we will understand if chosen what makes them the way they are and how to apply judgement. It will all be in safety of  the Son and the Chosen Elect. I guess having some bad things done to me and my  family, I have come to hate what they have done, but have mercy on the person.

God never ceases to amaze me how he has used this article in my life this week.
I take anything God shows me dead serious now

[Now you can begin to understand all the preparation that is going into perfecting those who must be totally humble before being given such Great Gifts and Incredible power to deliver them. Yes our GOD Is indeed The MOST HIGH, and Jesus Christ our Redeemer and King do know a thing or two about refining precious metals for THEIR Work.

Eph 2: 4-10 (MKJV)
4  But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love with which He loved us
5  (even when we were dead in sins) has made us alive together with Christ (by grace you are saved),
6  and has raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus,
7  so that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
8  For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,
:9  not of works, lest anyone should boast.
10  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.

A friend of mine claims himself a “true atheist” having reasoned out all things to the “end of logic” and reconciled that there is no God, or Christ.  He’s a very intelligent person actually and wishes time from me to argue the improbability of intelligent design as we used to spend hours at a time discussing the subject back and forth.  Since reading Ray’s material my method of argument has changed considerably, in other words, there is no argument from my side.  He doesn’t care for this new method.  Its one thing to be ready with an answer but it’s another to argue to fill the void or boost an ego. 

Here is the answer best suited to those who deny The GOD That Upholds Everything By Himself. It is a wonderful thing that GOD is not like carnal humans and HIS Love Transcends ALL..

Psa 14: 1-7 (KJV)
1  The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
2  The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.
3  They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
4  Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD.
5  There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous.
6  Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor (humble), because the LORD is his refuge.
7  Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

george. :)

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