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Author Topic: Ray Smiths Teachings Part 1  (Read 5414 times)

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Ray Smiths Teachings Part 1
« on: May 11, 2009, 04:14:51 AM »

More and more of us are giving notice and reference to Rays teachings when posting in the Forum. This is very positive. By contrast I recall there was no one answering questions by referring and quoting Rays teachings when I first joined  the Forum. In those years there was so much dross, floss and candy going on in the Forum. Then Kat produced a list of email replies from Ray that targeted subjects commonly brought to the Forum for discussion.  Then more and more of Rays Bible studies came up in transcript  for those students, like myself and others who could not physically attend the meetings. The transcript availability of the progressive teachings shared by Ray and the compilation of subject references to email responses by Ray has been a major and most progressive development and blessing that has carried with it, a radically positive change and challenge in how the Forum  is being equipped to more appropriately communicate and address topics raised by those drawn to experience the Mind of Christ and His Spirit of Truth. This definition has been inspired by God through the invisible work and dedication of  those whose names seldom come to the fore. Their work and loyalty is for God not for man or our applause.  These are the real soldiers and allies to the teachings inspired through Ray Smith and I see them to be of great calibre, Spirit and Purpose in the Plan of Christ.

In the first year I was active in the Forum, I noticed that the hostility towards anything I posted that did not have backing from Ray, became a fruitless snare of contention. It likewise, became glaringly inadequate to answer a question by simply advising a person to go and read Rays teachings. The pressure soon built up to be specific and I believe this is how God caused us all to pay more attention and to advance in our insights into more comprehensive understanding of what God has shown us through Ray. You can not be nourished by a meal by tearing the picture of it out of a magazine and then eating it. You have to come to the table and step up to the plate. Part of this process requires that you learn to differentiate between your ABC’s.  It is like learning a new language. You have to first separate one sound into words and then learn their meanings. It is a slow process that is necessary.

 Ray himself at one time encouraged us to aspire to a deeper application of the Truths he shares, We have to apply not ignore what we are learning. by integrating what we learn into our own words whilst being able to direct others to the teachings which is no less than an early and first step.  I recall Ray writing that the Kingdom of God has first to come within us. Many of us have shared a little of what we have learnt  in our own words or we have been inspired by experiencing occasions that  God orchestrates for us outside the Forum  where we are asked to explain something we have accepted and learnt and now believe that was first made accessible to us here in BT. We are encouraged in the Scriptures to study to become  ready willing and able to explain in our own words that should not contradict or obscure the teachings or Word of God  This is not something anyone of us can achieve through study as it is entirely of God's Spirit that anything Godly can ever be made manifest.



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Re: Ray Smiths Teachings Part 1
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 10:22:56 AM »

Hi Arcturus,

After reading your quote it stirred my memory back to September, 2006 (when you joined) as my recollection of that time period differed with your statement (recollection). I listed some of the topics/threads that referenced Ray's articles during this period.   

More and more of us are giving notice and reference to Rays teachings when posting in the Forum. This is very positive. By contrast I recall there was no one answering questions by referring and quoting Rays teachings when I first joined  the Forum.,945.0.html (Topic started June 2, 2006 last post Sept. 23, 2006),1752.0.html,1755.0.html,1784.0.html,1801.0.html,1802.0.html,1815.0.html,1816.0.html,1823.0.html,1832.0.html,1833.0.html,1848.0.html,1853.0.html,1875.0.html,1880.0.html,1881.0.html,1901.0.html,1904.0.html,1921.0.html,1950.0.html,1970.0.html,1981.0.html,1982.0.html,1984.0.html,1986.0.html,1994.0.html,1995.0.html,2009.0.html

Yes, there were some threads that relied on speculation and feelings but there were also many threads (or answers) based on the articles and emails.





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Re: Ray Smiths Teachings Part 1
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2009, 08:47:09 AM »

It is EXCELLENT to have a Ray Smith reference to topics that have been answered IN THE FORUM  by his writings. This should encourage everyone which by default of my inaccurate statement, has come forward.

Joe, I agree that it would have been clearer to write that by looking back and by contrast with today, I can appreciate that there appears to me to be more and more, not less and less, persons who are referring to Rays teachings in answering topics raised in the Forum. Yet, had I stated this, non of us would have had the joy of seeing the long list of links showing Rays Smiths teachings coming into dialogue in the Forum.

I can apologise for the oversight and assure everyone that it was certainly not intended to harm anyone or overlook anyone.

The list of links posted by Joe is an inspiration! This for me shows the Spirit and Mind of Christ at work among the brethren.



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Re: Ray Smiths Teachings Part 1
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2009, 12:14:05 PM »

Hi Deborah,

Thanks for your response, there are times that we do veer all over the place and it can seem like there isn't much direction, but for the most part we really do tend to stay within the intended purpose of the Forum.

There actually are some treasures buried in the archives here!




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Re: Ray Smiths Teachings Part 1
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2009, 04:48:42 PM »

There actually are some treasures buried in the archives here! I too recall Joe. Such that I have been deeply influenced by that have blessed me profusely, have been substantial to my present enthusiasm and appreciation.

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