=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on June 05, 2011, 03:23:37 PM

Title: 23 minutes in Hell
Post by: Craig on June 05, 2011, 03:23:37 PM
When we receive such unbelievably inane e-mails as this, you know that we must
be doing something right!

I don't know what book you have been reading, but the one I've been reading talks about Hell numerous
times BOTH literally and figuratively. It's called an analogy. You're writing trying to convince people he is
a false prophet when you're the one doing that exact thing. You're not following the bible at all,yet trying
to detour people from it and making every true Christian seem bad. No you're not helping. Hell is real,
you are fake, and quit leading people down the wrong path. The bible doesn't teach bullying or making
fun of others, why don't you try it. Bill wiese is a great speaker and if he messes up now and then oh well,
he's human. He uses scripture to back up his claims too. Why don't you go back to reading some more,
seems like you need it. This website is a mockery of the Christian faith.