=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on July 12, 2007, 12:14:11 PM

Title: Suicide
Post by: Craig on July 12, 2007, 12:14:11 PM
What does the Bible;  what do you say about suicide?
Do people that take their own life spend their eternity in hell / Heaven ?

Dear Dixie:  Get read for a REVELATION!   Whenever someone takes their own life as in suicide, they DIE!  They don't spend an eternity ANYWHERE.  They are DEAD.  Now then, there is coming a resurrection of the DEAD (dead people, not dead bodies), both the just and the unjust (Acts 24:15).  Those in the resurrection of the just, receive eonian/age-abiding life with Jesus reigning on the earth (Rev. 5:10).  When the reign of Jesus is completed (I Cor. 15:24-26), we continue to live because God has given us not eternal life, but rather IMMORTALITY (which means 'death-less-ness' I Cor. 15:53). Those who come up in the resurrection of the unjust (which will include those who committed suicide), will be Judged. In this Judgment, they will repent, and learn to live godly and righteous lives and they too will receive immortality (Isa. 26:9, etc.). You will need to read my Lake of Fire series to fill in all the hundreds of details of this Judgment/Lake of Fire.

God be with you,


PS   If you comprehend even 10% of what I have said in the above paragraph, you will have more profound theological truth than if you had gone four years to Seminary.