=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on April 12, 2006, 01:29:49 PM

Title: You are Deceived
Post by: Craig on April 12, 2006, 01:29:49 PM
You think you are helping people with your site.  You have been deceived and now you are deceiving others.
There is a hell and it was not created for man, but for fallen angels.  However, those who reject Christ will go there.   And if you read Revelation 20:14, it states that death AND hell will be cast into the Lake of Fire.  So if hell doesn't exist, how can it be cast anywhere?
You are not being led by God, you are being deceived by Satan.  Not only that, you are adding things to God's word.  You might take heed to Revelation 22:18-19.
There are so many things that you are wrong about, I don't even have the time or want to waste the energy on.  Just remember that you will have to answer to God for your actions and words.