=> General Discussions => Topic started by: lambert on March 18, 2006, 09:58:08 PM

Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: lambert on March 18, 2006, 09:58:08 PM
I'm just curious on how each of you feel and handle situations where you know there is false teaching about God's word.

When my spiritual eyes were first opened, I found some anger at first. There are times in study that I came to grips with it and I do have a feeling that I understand, just as Pharoh was needed to show God's power, those around me have a purpose in God's plan.

1Cor1:  27 but the foolish things of the world did God choose, that the wise He may put to shame; and the weak things of the world did God choose that He may put to shame the strong;

Luk12: 51 `Think ye that peace I came to give in the earth? no, I say to you, but rather division;

I still find it hard sometimes to watch the false teaching, to know that people aren't finding the true peace the bible has to offer.

So I'm just curious. How do you feel and how do you handle these situations?

So how do I handle, first I do have to control my carnal anger as it's still there and something I have to do deal with.

John14: 27 `Peace I leave to you; my peace I give to you, not according as the world doth give do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid;

And I usually keep quiet to keep peace. But I listen for the spirit to move and whether I should speak boldly about what I have been shown. At first I think I acted with out the spirit and found it was wrong. So now I try to find patience and wait on the Lord.

John15: 4 remain in me, and I in you, as the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself, if it may not remain in the vine, so neither ye, if ye may not remain in me.
5 `I am the vine, ye the branches; he who is remaining in me, and I in him, this one doth bear much fruit, because apart from me ye are not able to do anything;

So back to my question and your answer if you will share.
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: orion77 on March 18, 2006, 10:37:21 PM
Lambert, this is one of the biggest struggles we all face.  The most important thing is to stay in His word.  From my past experiences, when I was new to the truth, if you are not firmly planted in His word, they will eat you alive with their rhetoric, begin to accuse you of all kinds of lies, kick you out of their church, think you are possessed with a devil, and by the look on their faces cant wait till you are thrown into hell.

I've learned to answer straight up and boldly when they come up and ask me, then I will share with them.  Even then, be ready, because they do not have a love for the truth in them.  Its an impossibility for one to believe in hell and turn around in same sentence and say God is love.  Oil and water do not mix.  Even through all of this we must still forgive our brothers, for we know the day will come when they will come to the knowledge of the truth.  God is no respector of persons, so just because we know now does not make us any better than them.  This is what keeps my fleshly desires from smacking the living daylights out of them.  The day shall come when they will have to suffer as we do now.  Just be patient and continue in the love that you know to be true.

God bless.

Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: SandyFla on March 23, 2006, 04:54:20 PM
I responded in a Sunday School class one time when they were talking about free will. The discussion included the Apostle Paul. I asked how much of Paul's free will was in play when God "zapped" him and forced him to repent, as God TOLD him what he was going to do, rather than begged him. (Christians, of course, turn God into a helpless beggar.)

A former preacher's wife said, "Well, he COULD HAVE said no."

So I replied, "If you were in Paul's situation--being blinded by a flash of light and hearing God's voice--would YOU have said no?"

She admitted that she probably would've done the same as Paul.

"So, what choice did he really have?" I asked.

No response.

Later, the S.S. teacher said I opened a can of worms because he started thinking about Jonah, whom God put into a "whale" until he agreed to do as God commanded.

I seriously doubt I changed anyone's minds, as they are soooo steeped in the free will fable, but at least I gave them something to think about!
Title: Hell
Post by: jerry cabral on March 23, 2006, 05:36:08 PM
How does one deal with the liar that whispers in ours ear constantly, for he knows us more than we know our self.  Persuctuin comes from within.
To say their is No Hell is call our Lord the Son of Most High a liar, or that He went no where for three days or the belly of the fish was a vacation.  Well if we cant see it its not there.  What would you consider the absent of Love, two second is more than enough.  If our Lord know what Hell was I guess there is which it could be call by many names, but since we dwell in Babylon and dont understand does not mean it does not exist.  How can we say God is Love,  He throw His own child who know no sin in the fire for us and through that fire My King showed his continually love and trust in the Father. Hard for a adolensent to understand if they have a hard time with the word Father.  Try the word Son.  The anwser are in your own heart as is the Kindom of God.  There is One Truth.  Jesus is Lord and Son of The Most High.  The Most High is the Creator of All and the Father of Our Lord.  If you love Him, listen to Him as our Father told us to on the Mountian with Paul and John.   Not the Beatles but I could be wrong.
Listen to everybody, disernment come from the Lord.  And who am I to chose the vessle My Lord uses.  To truly Love my Brother is to Truly Love My Lord.

Peace be with you.
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: orion77 on March 23, 2006, 06:34:50 PM
People who believe eternal torment in hellfire....


1) To them God is not love.  How could He be if you believe this.

2) To them God is not merciful.  How could He be, because none of us on our own deserve to be forgiven.  It's only through the sacrifice of Jesus and nothing in our ownselves.

3) To them God is not soverign.  How could He be, if it is up to us and we choose where we go.

4) To them they do not belive in the power and mission of Jesus.  How can they believe when they think that Jesus will not complete the purpose God the Father gave Him.

5) They do not believe that Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world.  

6) They do not believe in RIGHTEOUS judgement.  How can they when they portray Gods character as 1000 times worse than Hitler ever thought.

7) They do not love their neighbor.  How can they when they are casting many of their neighbors to hell.  This is not love.

Now, people who believe in hell will never come out and admit these above thoughts.  Nevertheless if they are truly honest in their belief, they would have to admit it.  Through the traditions of man and the mistranslation of a couple of words these people have become blind to the truth that is in Jesus.  HE IS NOT A CONDEMNER, HE IS A SAVIOUR.

I would rather be associated with sinners than self righteous so-called christians.  They throughout history have been responsible for the torure and deaths of many our brothers and sisters.  Hypocrisy and religion go hand in hand.  Only the TRUTH will set you free.  Gods love is the greatest.

Please don't get the wrong idea that I am angry or hate people who portray God in this way, for I am not.  They are still my brothers and sisters, albeit deceived.  If it were not for that wrong belief, I don't think I ever would of questioned their doctrine.  They one day will see and experience the love of God.  Gods ways are past finding out.  We either believe in the love of God or don't.  Yeah or nay.

In brotherly love,

Title: I believe
Post by: jerry cabral on March 24, 2006, 12:01:23 AM
I believe in hell and know their is an abyss.  And I know God is Love.
  I know he is merciful and long-suffering as a Father is.

  Using the term Them or they, bad sign.  I do like your statement number 5.  Would like to know your thoughts other than scripture.
  Not understanding Hell, eternal darkness, the abyss does not mean they dont exsist and for who.  Seems you have already comdemded them who believe in His words.  My Lord says believe and im saved but Im not one to take My Father forgranted.  Wherever I end up I am My Lords.  He is large and incharge and if one doesnt want to believe there is a hell I would think thats cool if one would believe in the One Truth and for the Lord being incharge I ask for him to gaurd my heart for inlies the Kingdom of God.  The love of God is now.  The reasons for wickedness and for the poor are in the Holy Scripture and the New Testemant and when shown to the Holy One He Rejoiced.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for   me.  Psalms 139.    For me either hate satan or love My Lord, think about heaven or hell.  Well I chose to love My Lord, and heaven and hell I dont worry about Id rather enjoy the Kingdom of God Now.  Heaven will be there.  Just As the abyss.  Why do I know that.  My Lord said so.

Peace Be with You.
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: orion77 on March 24, 2006, 01:27:33 AM
No, Jerry I do not condemn anyone.  How can I when God has sent His son to save sinners, of which we all are.  Do you read Rays and Mikes sites?  Please not only read what they have to say, but search the scriptures they quote.  It is an amazing journey, with buried treasure hidden within.

God loved us as sinners, that is why He sent His son.  How can I, who has been forgiven deny God the right to save other sinners.

Gods truths are not lying in a field for anyone to find.  They must be searched for and when they are found, believe me God will reward you.

He is the great "I am", it is all about Him and His love for us.  

God bless,

Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: zander on March 24, 2006, 02:18:49 PM
There is no hell in the way the Christian world sees it.  Hell just means grave.  So Christ was not lying when he said grave (Christ never spoke in KJV English), rather the translators and the catholic church borrowed pagan ideas from Egypt to make it sound like its a burning abyss....suprise, suprise...

....Its not!
Title: Re: I believe
Post by: eutychus on March 24, 2006, 03:00:59 PM
Quote from: jerry cabral
I believe in hell and know their is an abyss.  And I know God is Love.
  I know he is merciful and long-suffering as a Father is.

  Using the term Them or they, bad sign.  I do like your statement number 5.  Would like to know your thoughts other than scripture.
  Not understanding Hell, eternal darkness, the abyss does not mean they dont exsist and for who.  Seems you have already comdemded them who believe in His words.  My Lord says believe and im saved but Im not one to take My Father forgranted.  Wherever I end up I am My Lords.  He is large and incharge and if one doesnt want to believe there is a hell I would think thats cool if one would believe in the One Truth and for the Lord being incharge I ask for him to gaurd my heart for inlies the Kingdom of God.  The love of God is now.  The reasons for wickedness and for the poor are in the Holy Scripture and the New Testemant and when shown to the Holy One He Rejoiced.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for   me.  Psalms 139.    For me either hate satan or love My Lord, think about heaven or hell.  Well I chose to love My Lord, and heaven and hell I dont worry about Id rather enjoy the Kingdom of God Now.  Heaven will be there.  Just As the abyss.  Why do I know that.  My Lord said so.

Peace Be with You.

greetings jerry.

hey if there is a hell as you see it , guess what!

Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

this is obviously not hell being cast into its self.

so where does that leave us??

Title: doctrine
Post by: jennie on March 24, 2006, 03:11:57 PM
If a novice can give an opinion.... Through out the years I have seen passion in people who have just come to the Lord, been saved , if you will. I have also seen passion in those who believe strongly in Ray's site and messages. I have seen passion in different denominations but the common thing amongst all seems to be, " I'm right!". I am not saying this to be unkind or disrespectful to anyone of any denomination , affiliation and so on. I use the word passion because it seems to fit more than anger, righteousness or whatever. The mindset of " If you don't believe everything the way I do", is a huge turn off to non-Christians, those seeking and searching. Pray for God's guidance, speak softly and carefully or you run the risk of someone turning completely away and never being willing to hear what you have to say. Please don't think I disagree with the passion people have in their beliefs. If you don't have passion you don't have much at all. I wish we would love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ but maybe that only happens completely in the next life.
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: love_magnified on March 24, 2006, 03:55:34 PM
I'm just curious on how each of you feel and handle situations where you know there is false teaching about God's word.

When my spiritual eyes were first opened, I found some anger at first. There are times in study that I came to grips with it and I do have a feeling that I understand, just as Pharoh was needed to show God's power, those around me have a purpose in God's plan.

Yep, I had anger too. My anger was rooted in the fact that I suddenly realized that God was being hoarded by some people, and others were being made to think that they were going to burn forever. I was very angry about that. But I was also joyful and relieved to know the truth. I have found that when people promote false doctrine, I am more and more patient. I cannot force anyone to believe the truth. I can just speak my mind and God will either open their eyes or not.
Title: passion
Post by: jennie on March 24, 2006, 04:01:29 PM
Hey Bobby, You hold on to that passion you have as you grow and learn. That love of God and faith will have tremendous impacts on many lives! You have certainly made an impact on my life even though I've never seen you!!!!
Title: passion
Post by: jennie on March 24, 2006, 09:27:15 PM
Bobby there are none of us deserving of the great gift that God gave us and gives us every day. The joy you show in your writings is so evident and I know that you are going to do great things for God because of that love that shows through. Jennie
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: eutychus on March 24, 2006, 09:37:33 PM
bobby has a zeal that is refreshing!!

Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: rvhill on March 24, 2006, 09:39:14 PM
Quote from: eutychus
bobby has a zeal that is refreshing!!


Conviction is what made Paul an apostle. He had it and the other 11 didn't
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: eutychus on March 24, 2006, 09:47:22 PM
Quote from: rvhill
Quote from: eutychus
bobby has a zeal that is refreshing!!


Conviction is what made Paul an apostle. He had it and the other 11 didn't

they had it just in a different way!!!

peter loved paul!!

kinda know what you mean though...i think

1Cr 12:21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.

Luk 22:62 And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.

the other 11 , to me they are heros!!
truly elect, call by Christ by the will of the POWER, ie FATHER
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: rvhill on March 25, 2006, 12:46:30 AM
Quote from: eutychus
Quote from: rvhill
Quote from: eutychus
bobby has a zeal that is refreshing!!


Conviction is what made Paul an apostle. He had it and the other 11 didn't

they had it just in a different way!!!

peter loved paul!!

kinda know what you mean though...i think

1Cr 12:21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.

Luk 22:62 And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.

the other 11 , to me they are heros!!
truly elect, call by Christ by the will of the POWER, ie FATHER

I am not trying to belittle the other 11 just stating what I see. They all had their strengths. Paul  was chosen, because he had more Conviction then the rest. Not to say he had more faith, or was better person then the other 11. Conviction was Saul chief defining characteristic in life.  He kill Christians with absolute Conviction, and he brought the Gospels to the Gentiles, with absolute Conviction. You must understand each of the 12 Apostles represent one of the 12 aspects human nature. Paul was Conviction, Peter was a know it all, Tomas was a skeptic, and so on and so forth.
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: Chris R on March 25, 2006, 09:25:58 AM
Quote from: SandyFla
I responded in a Sunday School class one time when they were talking about free will. The discussion included the Apostle Paul. I asked how much of Paul's free will was in play when God "zapped" him and forced him to repent, as God TOLD him what he was going to do, rather than begged him. (Christians, of course, turn God into a helpless beggar.)

A former preacher's wife said, "Well, he COULD HAVE said no."

So I replied, "If you were in Paul's situation--being blinded by a flash of light and hearing God's voice--would YOU have said no?"

She admitted that she probably would've done the same as Paul.

"So, what choice did he really have?" I asked.

No response.

Later, the S.S. teacher said I opened a can of worms because he started thinking about Jonah, whom God put into a "whale" until he agreed to do as God commanded.

I seriously doubt I changed anyone's minds, as they are soooo steeped in the free will fable, but at least I gave them something to think about!

Hi i'm not quite understanding your note?

Did God know what Paul would do? of course, It was however Paul who volunteered for this commission, knowing what great things he would suffer,

Let's both take a look.

 Act 9:6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord [said] unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.  

Sounds to me that Paul volunteered, albeit rather quickly.

Chris R
Title: how do you handle false teaching situations
Post by: orion77 on March 25, 2006, 10:54:16 AM
Amen to that, bobby.  I'll second that.  Cant put it in better words.  Tis truth.  :D  8)  :lol:
