=> Email to Ray => Topic started by: Craig on November 12, 2006, 10:38:25 AM

Title: Generation
Post by: Craig on November 12, 2006, 10:38:25 AM
Matthew Chapter 1 say's there are 42 Generations in the time line between Abraham and Jesus and Luke chapter 3 verse 23-34 say's there are 56 generations. Matthew chapter 1 say's that Joseph's father's name is Jacob in verse 16. And Luke chapter 3 verse 23 say's it's Heli. Even if he goes by more then one name it does not explain the disagreement of the generations in the books.

Dear Reader:
One explanation is that it was proper in that culture to name first the woman's husband as part of HER genealogy. Matthew's account starts with Abraham and comes forward to Joseph (Jesus' legal genealogy), whereas Luke (writing to Gentiles) starts with Joseph who is not the "son" of Heli, but the "son-in-LAW," his "son according to the law." And then takes up the genealogy of Heli the literal Father of Mary and goes backward all the way back to Adam.
There are other explanations too, but I don't have time to go into them in an email.
God be with you,