=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: Ninny on July 21, 2009, 09:37:44 PM

Title: And Yet Another...
Post by: Ninny on July 21, 2009, 09:37:44 PM
This is a sad afternoon for me...My brother-in-law Robert who I asked prayer for several weeks ago has just been told by his doctors that his cancer is both lungs and his throat..there is no surgery just radiation and chemo which is just as bad as the disease itself. Please pray for my sister, Mary she had part of her lung removed with cancer last Dec. I told them only God decides when we live or die..just please pray for comfort for my family..Robert is also my husband's uncle...
Thank you all my sweet pray-ers...
Kathy :-* :'(
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Roy Coates on July 21, 2009, 10:04:54 PM
You got it, peace
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: aqrinc on July 21, 2009, 10:46:24 PM

Hi Ninny,

Prayers have been sent for Robert and Mary.


Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Marlene on July 22, 2009, 01:15:35 AM
I will pray for Robert and Mary.

In His Love,
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: 9440geoff on July 22, 2009, 07:32:08 AM
Praying for Robert and Mary, that God will give them His peace.
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: OBrenda on July 22, 2009, 10:10:11 AM
Wow...that is Sad News!
I will add you in my prayers for them!
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Ninny on July 22, 2009, 11:57:12 AM
Thanks so much guys! You just don't know how much you mean to me!!
Kathy :-*
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: G. Driggs on July 22, 2009, 03:42:27 PM
Add my prayers to everyone else'.

Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Akira329 on July 23, 2009, 01:37:30 AM
You, Robert and Mary are in my thoughts! :)

Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Ellie on July 23, 2009, 08:09:22 AM
Praying that you will all be comforted
                     Peace to you all.....Ellie....
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: smeacham on July 23, 2009, 08:18:45 PM
My Heavenly Father,

Please be there for Robert in what appears to be his final days, and you are with my step-father in his similar situation.  We all die, Father, there's nothing unusual about that.  But some ways can seem so scary, not only to those who are dying now, but to us as we watch and suffer along with them.

I praise You for You have defeated death and the grave.  They have no power over us.  Because of the great things You have done, we will live again!  All that we've gone through in this life will be worth while!  What a perfect, glorious, thing!  My heart cries out  "Ohhhhhh, Your Mercy.  Ohhhhhh, Your Grace!"  Father, let your presence shine in this place!

Hosea 13:14 says
I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes.

I praise You and thank You, Lord, and ask that you enable Robert, Mary, Kathy, and us all to do the same.  Let us see You, Lord, not this life that passes like puff of smoke and an illusion.


P.S. I don't know where that came from.  It just came out that way, and I wrote what came.
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Ninny on July 24, 2009, 09:53:14 AM
Steve that came from God's heart through yours! Thank you for those words..I am a person of words some people know this because I sometimes sit here and the words just come..My heart is sensitive to people suffering and I don't always know why...sometimes people's suffering crushes in on me like a flood. God just gives me comfort through words.. when I write the words the comfort comes to me!!

I talked to Robert last night and I told him not to give up hope that God has the final say...I also told my sister that God is in control..they understand this, I think. They told me that the doctor told him yesterday that he is very healthy other than the sick is that?? He told them that the cancer in his lungs is the same that is in his throat and it started there and not in his they will do the chemo and radiation on his throat first and when that is done they will begin radiation on his lungs he told them he should be able to fight a good fight...we will see...God is in least one good thing for them is..and even though I do not go to church any more...when I called them they were getting ready to go to church, they've been going to a little church where people are praying for them..I can find no fault with that!!

There is much comfort in knowing that someone is praying for you..I know this from experience!
Kathy :D :-*
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: OBrenda on July 24, 2009, 10:34:28 AM
When I grow up....I want to be able to pray like Steve & Claudia!
What an amazing Gift they have!
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: smeacham on July 24, 2009, 12:29:46 PM
I don't want to hi-jack this thread, but just 2 hours after my reply, I got the call that Terry, my step-dad, had died.  All I can do is look up and shake my head at God in amazement.

Doesn't His Majesty strike terror in your heart?

Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: bunnylife on July 24, 2009, 01:07:48 PM
Ninny, prayers for Robert and Mary are sent to the Father. I know both of them are in the best hands ever... Father God. I too had a sister with lung cancer. However, I seen God's work through her life as she fought and never gave up hope in God until the very end. Personally, I felt the peace beyond comprehension and it surrounded my family. Being in the church of Christendom at that time, they believe it is God's will always to heal never to be sick. God had me to continue in prayer and then open my eyes to His will and not mine. Ninny, we know the what is impossible with man is possible with Daddy God. We have this wonderful hope knowing that God can intervene anytime. We also know He is the God that gives and takes away and His name is to be glorified in all. May the peace of God be with all of you during this time and comfort you.

In His Love,
Bunni  :)
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Ninny on July 24, 2009, 05:41:38 PM
You see my sweet brother, Steve, God gave you the words that as they comforted me they comforted you, too! Our Father is so kind to us!! I am so thankful that I have learned from Ray and everyone here that God truly is in control and nothing bewilders Him, surprises Him, or catches Him off guard!!!   :D \o/
Kathy :'( :-*
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: cjwood on July 26, 2009, 12:44:33 AM
I don't want to hi-jack this thread, but just 2 hours after my reply, I got the call that Terry, my step-dad, had died.  All I can do is look up and shake my head at God in amazement.

Doesn't His Majesty strike terror in your heart?


i offer you my shoulder of support as you suffer the experience of your step-dad's passing. i know that you have been shown that ALL is of God.  i ask Him at this very moment that He surround you and infuse you with His Mercy and Grace.


p.s.  i am so very thankful that our Father caused you to come back to this forum.
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Marlene on July 26, 2009, 02:31:00 AM
I will keep you all in my prayers Steve as you all face this loss in your life. But, the wonderful part is we all know the Good News. You will all meet again. There will be no pain or tears.

In His Love,
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: judith collier on July 26, 2009, 05:42:55 AM
Steve, I am so sorry. I pray you will find much comfort in God's love shown here, judy
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: OBrenda on July 27, 2009, 10:11:18 PM
Steve, I don't know what to say.  :'(
I fear I will experience this soon myself. (father)

Gentle hugs,
Title: Re: And Yet Another...
Post by: Ninny on July 28, 2009, 12:19:27 AM
Brenda, prayers for you! Love you!
Kathy :'( :-*