=> General Discussions => Topic started by: gallenwalsh on December 14, 2009, 12:02:36 AM

Title: how many ressurections?
Post by: gallenwalsh on December 14, 2009, 12:02:36 AM
The first Resurrection I assume will  be the elect. Reading in Rev. it states the second Resurrection will be after the thousand years are up. Am i assuming correctly that the people left remaining on the earth at the time of the changing of the elect are the ones that will be dealt with by Christ and the elect ?  Does the bible say when the rest of humanity will be dealt with? Does any one know if Christs return will be literal or in the minds of the elect > I would think it would be pretty dramatic seeing as how the elect will be changed in the twinkling of any eye to immortal. Any thoughts and comments welcome.
Title: Re: how many ressurections?
Post by: mharrell08 on December 14, 2009, 12:21:19 AM
The first Resurrection I assume will  be the elect. Reading in Rev. it states the second Resurrection will be after the thousand years are up. Am i assuming correctly that the people left remaining on the earth at the time of the changing of the elect are the ones that will be dealt with by Christ and the elect ?  Does the bible say when the rest of humanity will be dealt with? Does any one know if Christs return will be literal or in the minds of the elect > I would think it would be pretty dramatic seeing as how the elect will be changed in the twinkling of any eye to immortal. Any thoughts and comments welcome.

Rev 20:5  But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

Hello Gallenwalsh,

The section in italics is considered spurious, or added after the manuscripts were completed. You can find more information regarding spurious passages here:,6638.0.html

The '1000 year reign' of Christ & His Elect is symbolic of the period of time when the world is being judged. Anyone who is not of the Elect will be in the resurrection of the unjust and judged in the Great White Throne Judgment.  The judging of the world will certainly be dramatic, to say the least.

You can find more information in the categorized email page (,3108.0.html), under 'Resurrection'.

Hope this helps,
