=> Off Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Samson on December 16, 2009, 11:17:05 AM

Title: The Blind Side
Post by: Samson on December 16, 2009, 11:17:05 AM
Hi BT Forum,

                  If you haven't already seen it, I highly recommend as a heartwarming and inspiring Movie treat, The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock and Tim Mcgraw. With all the negativity presented to us on a regular basis from different directions, here is an example of a Woman and her Family that does something good for an underpriveleged individual, it really helps to illustrate what cause/effect can do to ones Life.
See and listen to Trailer below: " I couldn't stop crying at various stages of the Movie, but was inspired by the Love this Woman showed.

                    Kind Regards, Samson.
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: frecklegirl417 on December 16, 2009, 05:31:01 PM
This was one of the best movies Samson has taken me too! If you get the chance you should go and see it. It is a great family night movie also. I cried at parts and laughed at parts. I know wait for the DVD.
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: Ninny on December 16, 2009, 08:50:00 PM
Looks like a good movie..but I hate crying at the movies!! That's why I hated Old Yeller!!!   :'(  but maybe I'll see it....thanks for sharing that, guys!!  :)
Kathy ;)
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: Linny on December 17, 2009, 11:35:13 AM
Thanks for sharing that! I had heard it was really good and am hoping to find some time to go see it.
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: Roy Martin on December 17, 2009, 06:05:38 PM
 Just watching the previews at the movies made me cry. :'( I gotta see it in a few days.


Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: OBrenda on December 21, 2009, 09:03:26 AM
I'll put it on my "Must see list".....thanks!

Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: gmik on December 21, 2009, 05:38:22 PM
A.  I hate sports stories
B.  I hate syrupy feel good movies
C.  EVERYBODY says this is so good.

D.  Hubby and I are going this holiday week end. 

Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: gmik on December 31, 2009, 07:50:32 PM
OK it is a great movie!!  I highly recommend it.  It did give me a case of guilt tho...that I am not doing as much as I can to help others...but go see it if you haven't..... :D ;)
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: Linny on January 01, 2010, 01:51:08 AM
It was my BD movie today! LOVED IT! I needed a kleenex all the way through...

I also hear that Avatar has a great message from a BT source. Anyone seen that yet? Samson and Freckle Girl?
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: Ninny on January 01, 2010, 02:06:15 AM
I've seen Avatar!! I loved it I think everyone should see it..It's a great story about compassion and love! Go see it!! I saw it in 3D but I took my teenage niece and nephew and they wanted me to sit up close...not a good idea! I am prone to motion sickness and eeekk!! I had to watch parts with my eyes squinted, closed, or with the 3D glasses off!! I was not willing to spoil it for them by wimping out and moving... :-X I will see it again and in 3D but I will sit FAR back in the theater!!  :D
Kathy ;)
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: frecklegirl417 on January 02, 2010, 02:11:14 AM
 ;D Ninny,

      I saw Avatar just the other day, but not in 3D. At the theater we went to they only offered it not in 3d. It was  great.....
     You should see it not in 3D it would help your motion sickness. Ha! HA!
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: gmik on January 02, 2010, 03:24:27 PM
Well, that is interesting.  My daughter saw it and liked it but she said it was very heavy on the anti-American theme.  Almost like a Michael Moore movie.  Also anti Marine.  Did you feel that at all??  I had decided to not see it, since my son was a Marine for 8 years and I do love my country.  Now, I don't know.  I guess the awesome effects make it all worth it?? Advice please before I spend $$ to go see it.
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: Samson on January 02, 2010, 05:03:39 PM
Well, that is interesting.  My daughter saw it and liked it but she said it was very heavy on the anti-American theme.  Almost like a Roger Moore movie.  Also anti Marine.  Did you feel that at all??  I had decided to not see it, since my son was a Marine for 8 years and I do love my country.  Now, I don't know.  I guess the awesome effects make it all worth it?? Advice please before I spend $$ to go see it.


         I thought it was a great movie, generally I don't look for cryptic type messages in something for entertainment purposes, yet the message perceived by me was what happened to the American Indians or Our Native Americans. The Aggressors, whomever they may be use their military might and take what's not there's to take camouflaging it with some sort of; " We are superior and so is our way of life and we can help these people(aliens in this case)." When in reality it's more a Darwinian: " Only the fittest will survive," or it's our right to take this mineral as a fuel source, because we need it and it's too bad you don't like, but were superior and we deserve it. Well, if you see the movie, you get to see some justice unfold, but only in the movies. ;)

                                       Kind Regards, Samson.
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: gmik on January 03, 2010, 02:59:51 AM
thanks samson....usually I would be able to say "well, I'll just wait for the DVD", but I don't think 3-d translates well to the small screen.
Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: OBrenda on January 04, 2010, 03:07:11 PM
I loved the Movie Gina!!!  Great job of blending Sci-Fi with Fantasy!!!

There is a very shallow portrial of Marines & Capitalism that did not escape me, but not giving to
much of the story away, you can also see the "Bad Guy's" here as we understand "Babylon" and coming out of her.  And a lesson on Christs teaching that we are all one, if we don't mistake the creation for the Creator.

Like Samson, I don't expect entertainment to tell the "ABSOLUTE TRUTH" it's very nature it is a story made from someones imagination!  The shear creativity and endearing characters in this film will overshadow the weak stereotypes in my opinion. This movie is meant to be seen in the Theaters.


Title: Re: The Blind Side
Post by: gmik on January 06, 2010, 10:42:05 PM

 I am planning on seeing based on all your responses.  3 hours is a huge chunk of time...ha