=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: dave on February 08, 2010, 10:41:24 PM

Title: Thankfull
Post by: dave on February 08, 2010, 10:41:24 PM
I want to say thanks and Praise the Name of The Lord to all of the saints who visit and have put forth effort on this site; the moderaters dont have to be referee's and the folks who ask and give forth, 99.9% of the time have taken time to read the Bible. I have gotten much from this site, should I run into a questioned problem, I turn to BibleTruths, no other site that I have sought teachs or trys to explain what is in the Word, and not, (r) enforce it with mans doctrine. Kat has come a long way, Praise the Lord. I'm typing this to say I dont agree with all of Ray's studies, yet and still, should I get into a configuration where I fail to grasp what the Word reads and is trying to teach, I will always look to Bible Truths, Ray, the moderators, and the saints, first,  and those  who offer what The Lord has revealed to them; my reasons for this .. 1) we are all The Fathers creation and vessels to bee filled;  2) I do not consider Ray to be the last word on any subject. I disagree on some things or, I  have not come to the place where it has been illuminated that I can agree. I believe that is the way it should be, until the fullness of time has come. I may have put this in the wrong place and I am sure if that is so, someone will put in the correct place. I pray for Ray, that the Lords's Will be done and that I, for one can stand with His decison. Thank you again.   Dave